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Biomes of Europe
A Home on Earth for Jesus
• Biome — a very large area of the earth's
surface that has a particular climate, soil and
• Tundra biome — this coldest biome is located in the arctic region
with long, dark winters and short, cold summers; plants grow close to
the ground and animals have thick fur or other adaptations to shield
them from the cold, long winters
• Coniferous forest/taiga (tee-ga) biome — very cold biome with long,
cold winters and short, rainy and warm summers; plants include
conifers or trees with cones and animals have thick fur to shield them
from the cold, long winters.
• High mountain/alpine biome — cold and windy biome with fewer
trees; not many plants, climbing animals with thick fur, many birds,
and millions of insects.
• Woodland/shrubland biome — biome with short, wet winters and
long dry summers; plants include short shrubs and herbs that are
spread out and able to store water; also includes grazing animals and
small mammals, reptiles and insects
• Grassland biome — dry biome with cold, windy winter; low-growing
plants grass and flowers (but not trees); large herds of grazing
animals and many burrowing animals
• Aquatic biome — part of the hydrosphere of Europe and includes
swamps, marshes, bogs, fens, sloughs, rivers and lakes, seas and
oceans; home to many water plants and animals
• Deciduous forest biome — largest biome in Europe has four seasons
each year; plants include deciduous trees that lose or shed their
leaves in the fall season each year making the soil very fertile, perfect
environment for many kinds of plants and trees
Deciduous Forests