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Download Inside the Earth Study Guide The format on tests and quizzes is a
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Inside the Earth Study Guide The format on tests and quizzes is a variety of types of questions such as multiple choice, interpreting diagrams and free response questions. The questions are designed to assess whether you know the meanings of key terms, understand major concepts, and how well you can apply your understanding to solving problems. Study your directed reading handout, readings, class notes, labs, and activities. Diagrams: Diagram of the chemical layers, the physical layers, a plate, and states of matter (the particles in a solid, liquid, and gas). Topics to study: 1. How did the layers of the earth form? 2. What are the 3 chemical layers and how are they different in chemical composition? 3. What is the difference between a solid, liquid and a gas? 4. What do the particles in each look like? 5. What is the difference between a solid and a plastic solid? 6. What are the 5 physical layers and how are they different in their physical properties? 7. Even though it is the hottest in the center of the earth, why is the inner core solid, while the outer core is liquid? 8. Where are the chemical and physical layers located in relation to each other? 9. What are seismic waves and why are they important? 10. What are tectonic plates? Key terms: chemical composition, physical properties, crust, continental crust, oceanic crust, mantle, core, outer core, inner core, lithosphere, asthenosphere, mesosphere, seismic waves, tectonic plate, phase of matter, solid, liquid, gas, plastic solid