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Name ___________________________
Period ___________
Date ________________
Daily life, writing, law and empires 6 blocks
Page One
Due date for this schedule:
Do EQs in order. If you complete the entire EQ within the estimated time, work optionals.
EQ: What was life like in Ur?
​½ block
A. Gather Information:
1. ​Read​ Techbook 3.2 Explore p. 5 “Mesopotamia Woman” Using two colors, ​highlight
women’s roles and women’s rights in Mesopotamia. ​List​ ​bulleted notes from highlighting in
notebook under a heading.
2. View ​ ​“The Development of the Sumerian City State” (3:38). ​Define​: city state. Then, ​list ​jobs
in Sumer.
B. Vocabulary​: ​Define​ patriarchal.
EQ: How did writing develop?
​1+ block
A. Vocabulary​:
1. Use a dictionary to ​define ​pictograph.
2. View ​“Development of Writing in Mesopotamia” (2:00) and “ The Role of Scribes” (2:00)
3. Define ​stylus. ​Locate ​ the definition of scribe from the geography EQ. Add to it an
explanation of how scribes were needed to help farmers.
B. Free Write: ​ ​Make ​ a pictograph in your notebook to illustrate what you did yesterday after
school. ​Ask ​a classmate to “read” it. ​Write ​the advantages and disadvantages to using pictographs.
C. ​Gathering Information:
1. ​Read ​Techbook 3.3 Explore p. 1 The Development of Language. ​Complete​ 1
2. Vocabulary​ ​Define ​cuneiform, scribe, stylus
D ​Benchmark​: ​Explore ​ ​​ “Writing” and “time.” OR ​Read ​ ​The First
​Cracking the Code. ​Draw ​in notebook showing how one cuneiform sign ​changed in time​.
Name ___________________________
Period ___________
Date ________________
Mesopotamia Schedule Two Page Two
Due date for this
Do EQs in order. If you complete the entire EQ within the estimated time, work optionals.
EQ: What were the laws of the land ?​
A. ​Benchmark ​on Hammurabi
1+ block
​ athering Information:
1. ​Read ​ Techbook 3.3 Explore 6,7, 8 Use the Reverse Outline template to ​take notes​ in
outline form. Write or staple in notebook.
2. ​Read​: “A Selection from the Code of Hammurabi” (on website). ​Make ​a t-chart. ​List ​all the
laws as either “fair” or “unfair.”
C. ​Optional​: ​Read​ Techbook 3.3. Explore p. 6. “King Hammurabi” on the right ​Answer ​the
questions in your notebook.
Quiz on _____: ​geography and vocabulary. Review sheet on Schoolwires.
EQ: What were the contributions of the Ancient Israelites?
​11/2 block
A. ​Gather Information
1. ​Read ​Techbook 8.1 Explore pages 1,2,3,4, 8. Use reverse outlining to ​take notes​. Use the
template if needed.
2. Define​ ​monotheism, Judaism and the Ten Commandments.
3. List​ ​ the reasons why the city of Jerusalem was important.
4. Find ​ the Ten Commandments on Techbook 8.1 Explore p. 4. Look back at your notes about
the Code of Hammurabi. ​Compare ​the Code of Hammurabi to the Ten Commandments.
(Hint: make a 3-column t-chart or a rectangle Venn Diagram.)
B. ​Benchmark ​on Israelites: ​Answer ​the EQ in your notebook using bullets.
Name ___________________________
Period ___________
Date ________________
Mesopotamia Schedule Two Page Three
Due date for this
Do EQs in order. If you complete the entire EQ within the estimated time, work optionals.
EQ: What were the contributions of the Phoenicians?
​½ block
A. Gather Information
1. ​Read ​about writing in Techbook 5.2 Explore pp. 5 +6. Also, see an image by Googling
Phoenician alphabet. ​Answer​: How did the Phoenician alphabet differ from cuneiform
script? Which letters in the Phoenician alphabet seem similar to the letters in our alphabet?
2. Read ​about trade in Phoenicia in Techbook 5.2 Explore pp. 1+2.​ Answer: ​What modern day
country is in the location of Phonica? Why was the sea important to the Phoenicians?
1. Read​ Techbook 5.2 Explore p. 1 “The Galley” to learn about the Phoenician trading boats.
Answer​ the questions in your notebook.
2. Read​ Techbook 5.2 Explore p 2 “A Fabric Died by Nature.” to learn about Phoenician
fashion. ​Answer​ the questions in your notebook
EQ: What is the evidence of the Empires of Mesopotamia?
A. Gathering Information:
1. ​View​ “Time Life Return to Eden” (48:00). ​Complete ​film sheet
​½ block
B.Optional: ​Listen ​to Podcast (on website) on modern-day Assyrians ​OR​ ​Read ​NY Times article
(on website)​ ​Complete ​2 observe/reflect/question
Assessment: You be the Judge Due on ________________________________
Open Book TEST on Mesopotamia Unit on ________________ See review sheet on Schoolwires.
Name ___________________________
Period ___________
Date ________________