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Chapter 2 ICS Questions
Lesson 1 – Civilization in Mesopotamia
1. Why did early farming villages develop around the Fertile Crescent in Mesopotamia?
2. What does the word Mesopotamia mean?
3. What did the farmers invent to protect their land from flooding?
4. What was the most significant invention by the Sumerians that helped the farmers?
5. How did the Sumerians explain floods or good harvests?
6. Identify a few ways that the ziggurats were used in ancient Mesopotamia.
7. What was the role of the government in Sumer?
8. Explain the early city-states.
9. Who was Gilgamesh?
10. What was the cause for a monarchy?
11. Explain the meaning of a monarchy.
12. Explain the significance (importance) of surplus agriculture. (What effect did it have on life in Sumer?)
13. How did social classes develop in Sumer?
14. Explain the importance of the scribe in Sumer.
15. What was the name of the earliest known writing system developed by the Sumerians, and explain its
importance in a civilization.
Lesson 2 – Conquests and Empires
1. What was the major cause of conflict and war among the people in ancient Mesopotamia?
2. What were some of the weapons created as a result of the wars among the people?
3. Who was the first emperor of Mesopotamia?
4. Identify the contributions of Hammurabi.
5. What is the Code of Hammurabi? Give one example of his laws.
6. Why did the Assyrians want more land?
Lesson 3 – Israelites, Phoenicians, Lydians
1. Who was the leader of the Israelites?
2. According to the Bible, how was Moses given the Ten Commandments?
3. Explain the Torah.
4. What three religions were impacted by the Ten Commandments?
5. Explain the significance of Phoenician Purple.
6. The Phoenician alphabet was an important step in the development of many present-day alphabets.
Which Phoenician alphabet most resembles our alphabet? –( look on the chart on p. 87)
7. Explain the term cultural diffusion and give 3 examples from what we have studied so far.
8. Who first coined money?
9. Explain the difference between coined money and the barter system. Which one is the best and why?
10. How did the use of coined money change trade?