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Leakage Modeling and Reduction
Zhen Cao, Zhe Feng
Threshold Voltage Variation
Leakage Power
Leakage Power Estimation
Leakage Power Reduction
Background — CMOS Generations
For each generation
0.7x gate delay
0.7x dimensions
1.4x frequency
1x area (0.7*0.7*2.1)
Background — Scaled CMOS Systems
New generation microprocessors
augmented architecture and circuit techniques
an additional 60% frequency increase (2x for
each generation)
higher energy consumption
higher peak power dissipation
higher power delivery requirement
Background — Supply and threshold
Valtage Scaling
Supply voltage have to scale to limit the energy and
power increase
MOS device threshold voltage have to scale to
sustain the traditional 30% gate delay reduction
Increase in the variation of threshold voltage
the amount of energy reduction depends on the magnitude
of supply voltage scaling [Chandrakasan et al. 1992]
swiching power is proportional to area × ε/distance × Vdd
× Vdd × F
1*1/0.7*2.0* Vdd2 = 1.4x (Vdd = 0.7x)
due to worsening short channel effects
Increase leakage (exponentially)
Threshold Voltage Variation
Leakage Power
Leakage Power Estimation
Leakage Power Reduction
Threshold Voltage Variation (1)
Reduced device channel length
– Given technology generation,
since depletion widths are
predefined, the rate at which
the barrier height increases as
a function of distance from the
source into the channel is
– Channel length is reduced, the
barrier for the majority carriers
to enter the channel also is
– Reduced Vth
Threshold Voltage Variation (2)
Reduced device channel length
– In other words, when the
depletion charge between the
source and drain terminals
become a larger fraction of the
channel length, the Vth
– In short channel transistor, the
barrier height and therefore
the Vth are a strong function of
the Vds
– In short channel devices,
threshold voltage depends on
the Vds
Threshold Voltage Variation (3)
For shorter the channel length, both channel length
and drain voltage reduce this barrier height
two-dimensional effect
channel length variation → threshold voltage variation
Threshold Voltage Variation (4)
Measurements of threshold voltage variations
Threshold Voltage Variation
Leakage Power
Leakage Power Estimation
Leakage Power Reduction
Subthreshold Leakage Power (1)
Subthreshold leakage is the current that flows
between the source and drain of a MOSFET when
the transistor is in the weak-inversion region
picture from
Subthreshold Leakage Power (2)
With technology scaling,
threshold voltage has to be
scaled along with supply
voltage, in order to maintain
Reduction in Vth increases the
subthreshold leakage current
Subthreshold Leakage Power (3)
Switching power vs subthreshod
leakage power
Switching power increases by 1.4X per
Subthreshold leakage power will
increase at a very rapid rate due to its
strong dependence on the Vth
Subthreshold leakage power will be
comparable to the switching power in
the 60–65 nm node
Gate Leakage Power (1)
Scaling gate oxide thickness is important for
controlling threshold voltage tolerances
The gate cannot be considered as an ideally
insulated electrode
The leakage current can flow from the
channel to the gate
Affects the circuit functionality and increases
the standby power consumption
Gate Leakage Power (2)
Alternatives for silicon dioxide
high-permittivity gate dielectric, metal gate, novel device
structures and circuit-based techniques
picture from
Quick Review
Technology 0.7x
Channel length ↓
Channel barrier ↓
Vds ↑
Vt variation
Delay 0.7x
Freq 2.0x
Vdd ↓ due to power
Vt ↓ due to delay
Isub ↑
Threshold Voltage Variation
Leakage Power
Leakage Power Estimation
Leakage Power Reduction
Leakage Power Estimation(1)
To limit the energy and the power increase
Vdd have to continually scale
To sustain the
Delay reduction
Leakage power increases
Subthreshold leakage power
Active leakage power
Standby leakage power
Statistical method
Vt have to continually scale
Leakage Power Estimation(2)—Present
Leakage Current Estimation Techniques
Just provide lower and upper bounds on the leakage
use the expected mean leakage currents per unit width of
PMOS and NMOS devices in a particular chip.
use the worst-case leakage current per unit width of PMOS
and NMOS devices.
Leakage Power Estimation(3)—Present
Leakage Current Estimation Techniques
For the old technology generation
It is a negligible component.
For the new technology generation
As much as half.
Pessimistic or optimistic
What else?
The variation in within-die threshold voltage
Leakage Power Estimation(4)—Leakage Current
Estimation Including Within-die Variation
What changes?
Instead of the mean leakage and the worst-case leakage,
the entire range should be considered.
The within-die threshold voltage or channel length variation
follows a normal distribution.
By performing the weighted sum of devices of different
leakage, we can estimate the total leakage of the chip.
Leakage Power Estimation(5)
(a) existing technique (b) new technique
Threshold Voltage Variation
Leakage Power
Leakage Power Estimation
Leakage Power Reduction
Leakage Power Reduction
Three main approaches
Source Biasing
Direct Vt Manipulation
Power Gating
Threshold Voltage Variation
Leakage Power
Leakage Power Estimation
Leakage Power Reduction
Source Biasing
Direct Vt Manipulation
Power Gating
Source Biasing
Main idea
Bias the source terminal of an “off” transistor to
exponentially reduce the leakage currents.
Threshold Voltage Variation
Leakage Power
Leakage Power Estimation
Leakage Power Reduction
Source Biasing
Direct Vt Manipulation
Power Gating
Direct Vt Manipulation(1)
Main idea
Using low Vt in devices that need high performance.
Using high Vt in devices that need low leakage requirements.
Two kinds
Adjust the Vt’s of transistors within a circuit
Multiple Vt
Variable Vt
Determine which part need high performance, i.e. critical,
especially in the presence of process variation.
Direct Vt Manipulation(2) — Multiple Vt
Popular way
Dual Vt partitioning
In many optimized designs, the effectiveness is reduced.
CAD tools must be developed and integrated into the
design flow to help optimize the partitioning process.
It may not reduce standby leakage currents enough for ultra
low power, high performance applications.
Direct Vt Manipulation(3) — Multiple Vt
Noncritical gates which are converted to be high Vt devices can
become critical gates as follows
process variation
Other leakage reduction techniques are important.
Direct Vt Manipulation(4) — Variable Vt
Main idea
Rely on biasing the body terminal of the device to
dynamically adjust the Vt.
By applying maximum reverse biasing during the
standby mode, the threshold voltage is shifted
higher and subthreshold leakage current reduced.
Direct Vt Manipulation(5) — Variable Vt
Reverse body bias does not scale well in nanoscale
CMOS while forward body bias controls the channel
better and therefore modulates the threshold voltage
Direct Vt Manipulation(6) — Variable Vt
There exists an optimal forward bias
Applying forward body bias in operation mode to achieve the
target frequency of operation and withdrawing forward body bias in
standby mode reduces leakage power is more effective.
Threshold Voltage Variation
Leakage Power
Leakage Power Estimation
Leakage Power Reduction
Source Biasing
Direct Vt Manipulation
Power Gating
Power Gating(1)
Main idea
It is a dual Vt technique that is extremely effective
at reducing standby leakage currents at the
expense of performance penalty.
Power Gating(2)
Important issue
Determine the proper sizing of the gating
Minimize silicon area overhead
Increase design complexity