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Final Exam Questions from Dr O’Brien’s lectures
1) a) Describe in one or two sentences each for the following :- biochemical
deficiency, genetics, diagnostic tests, complications and treatment of Chronic
Granulomatous Disease of Childhood.
b) How would you determine whether drug induced rat liver toxicity is caused by
pharmacology (drug metabolites) or Kupffer cells?
c) Describe the biochemical sequence of events hypothesized for an idiosyncratic
drug reaction.
2) a) Describe the biochemistry of anticoagulant drug action
b) Describe a biochemical mechanism that explains how NSAIDs prevent colon
carcinogenesis and another biochemical mechanism that explains how NSAIDs
cause GI bleeding.
c) Explain the biochemical mechanism for the therapeutic action and tolerance of
3) a) Explain the chemiosmotic theory for oxidative phosphorylation.
b) Outline how ketone bodies supply energy and what causes ketoacidosis.
c) Supplementing rat or dog diet with carnitine and lipoic acid enables the animals
to perform learning tasks until an older age. Explain the biochemistry involved.
4) a) The diagnosis of a particular porphyria usually leads to the diagnosis of
hereditary hemochromatosis. Explain this and give an explanation of how the
symptoms of this porphyria could be provoked.
b) Describe two biochemical mechanisms by which some drugs could be harmful
to patients with porphyria.
c) What else do you need to add to isolated mitochondria so that they can form
urea from alanine?
5) Cholesterol
a) Follow the journey cholesterol takes after hepatic synthesis to the cells of the
body and back again.
b) Describe six biochemical mechanisms for decreasing plasma cholesterol levels.
c) How do bile acids function and how do they cause cholestasis?
6) .Drug Metabolism
Follow the steps and enzymes involved in:a) drug glucuronidation from glycogen
b) drug sulfation from sulfate and drug methylation from homocysteine
c) drug mercapturic acid formation
7) Henderson - Thyroid:
A) (30% of total points for question). Discuss the cellular and chemical mechanisms by
which thyroid hormones and their precursors are synthesized from iodine in the blood.
(MY estimate on length: 2 paragraphs)
B) 30% of total points for question). Discuss the regulation of thyroid hormones in the
body. Be sure to include in your answer the means by which thyroid hormones are
mobilized from stores in the thyroid gland.
(MY estimate on length: 2 paragraphs)
C) (40% of total points for question). Discuss either one hyper thyroid state, OR one
hypothyroid state discussed in class. For the pathologic state chosen, remember to
describe (A) physical changes which may occur, (B) the mechanism by which these
changes occur and; (C) treatments used for patients with the indicated condition. How do
the treatments you have described promote a euthyroid (normal) state? (MY estimate on
length: 3 paragraphs)
Though your answer should be in essay format, you may find it helpful to augment your
answer with schematic diagrams and/or to create a subsection in point format.
8) Henderson – Neurochemistry:
A) (50% of total points for question) Compare and contrast the mechanism of action of
cocaine versus that of the amphetamines in the central nervous system. Discuss in your
answer the physical symptoms observed in people under the influence of these drugs, and
give probable mechanisms for these effects.
B) (50% of total points for question). Explain in as much detail as possible how
excitatory versus inhibitory neurotransmitters act at a molecular level within the central
nervous system. Your answer should also detail how electrical signals are propagated
within the nervous system.
Though your answer should be in essay format, you may find it helpful to augment your
answer with schematic diagrams.