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Practice Exam 6
Supplemental Instruction
Iowa State University
1. Ecology can literally be translated as:
a. Study of groups
5. Which of the following is not an influence on a
population’s birth rates:
b. Study of communities
a. Generation time
c. Study of house;
b. Number of offspring
d. Study of populations
c. Resting Period
d. Matting Rituals
2. Which of the following is not a way a species
can be limited?
a. Abiotic Factors
6. In the equation :∆N/ ∆ t = B + I - M - E, M stands
b. Biotic Factors
a. Migration
c. Dispersal Ability
b. Mortality
d. Human Expansion Principal
c. Motility
d. Population rate per month
3. Applied Ecology:
a. is the process that organisms go through
7. In reference to survival curves, a type II species
survival curve would:
b. is prevented because of the Human Expansion
a. show a high rate of survival at birth and then show
gradual decline over time
c. is plans and conservation efforts to limit and
repair damage to populations
b. show a low rate of survival at birth and then hold
constant throughout life till death
d. is research on distribution and abundances of
species interactions
c. is only limited by K
d. show a decline that is independent of age and just
has a gradual decline
4. Abiotic factors are all things except:
a. competitors
b. climate
c. disease
d. periodic disturbances
8. Exponential growth is often achieved in real life
a. True
a. False
9. Which of the following is not an example of
Supplemental Instruction
1060 Hixson-Lied Student Success Center  294-6624 
a. Competition
c. Interspecific interactions
b. Parasitism
d. Niche
c. Mutualism
d. Commensalism
14. An organism’s ability to move away from their
origin is:
a. Human Expansion Principal
10. An assemblage of all species in an area that
live close enough to on another to interact is: b. Dispersal Ability
a. Population
c. Migration
b. Biome
d. Biotic Factor
c. Ecosystem
d. Community
15. Solar intensities vary by _________ and are
affected by ___________.
a. altitude, longitude
11. When one animal benefits and the other
animal is harmed or killed in species
interactions is an example of:
b. altitude, latitude
c. latitude, altitude
a. Mutualism
d. longitude, altitude
b. Predation, Herbivory, Parasitism & Disease
c. Commensalism
16. A biotic factor would be all but:
d. Competition
a. competitors
b. predators
12. When both animals benefit in species
interactions is an example of:
c. disease
a. Mutualism
d. soil type
b. Predation, Herbivory, Parasitism & Disease
c. Commensalism
17. Energy is directly passed on through food webs.
d. Competition
a. True
b. False
18. Studying a group of interbreeding individuals of
a species would be studying ________ Ecology.
13. An organism's ecological role in the
a. Organismal
a. Spatial Variation
b. Population
b. Intraspecific interactions
c. Community
d. Ecosystem
23. Working to repair and limit damage to an
environment would fall under which practice:
19. _________ and __________ also affect the
a. Population Ecology
a. Solar intensities, wind currents
b. Basic Ecology
b. Wind currents, ocean currents
c. Applied Ecology
c. Solar Intensities, ocean currents
d. Community Ecology
d. Earth’s rotation around the sun, wind currents
24. Which is not a way a species can be limited:
20. The space of in the world where life exist is a. Mobility
b. Dispersal Ability
a. Ecosystem
c. Biotic Factors
b. Biome
d. Abiotic Factors
c. Biosphere
d. Community
21. Studying individual’s morphology,
physiology and behavior would be studying
25. Studying all species in a particular area,
plants,fungi, and prokaryotes would be the study
a. Organismal
b. Population
a. Organismal
c. Community
b. Population
d. Ecosystem
c. Community
d. Ecosystem
26. Studying biotic and abiotic factors would be
22. Doing research on the distribution and
a. Organismal
abundance of species and who they affect each
other would be the studying:
b. Population
a. Population Ecology
c. Community
b. Basic Ecology
d. Ecosystem
c. Applied Ecology
d. Community Ecology
27. If you lived in a temperate region, you’d have a. Applied Niche
less sun large seasonal change than if you
lived in the tropics, this is because of:
b. Fundamental Niche
a. Longititude
c. Basic Niche
b. Earth’s rotation around the sun
d. Realized Niche
c. Earth’s tilt
d. All of the above
33. When two or more species go after the same
limited resource is an example of:
a. Mutualism
28. An assemblage of various types of organisms
in specific climates is a(n):
b. Predation, Herbivory, Parasitism & Disease
a. Biome
c. Commensalism
b. Biosphere
d. Competition
c. Ecosystem
d. Community
34. _________ refers to something within a species
while _________ refers to something between
different species.
29. An assemblage of all species in an area that a. Interspecific, Intraspecific
live close enough to one another to interact is
b. Intraspecific, Interspecific
a. Biosphere
35. A skunk spraying a predator is an example of:
b. Community
a. Passive Defense
c. Ecosystem
b. Active Defense
d. Biome
c. Mimicry in Prey
30. Two species can live in the same niche
d. Active Attack
a. True
36. Which is something that doesn’t help speciation
and prevent between all species:
b. False
a. Spatial Variation
31. Where an organism would live if there were
no limitations or competition is a(n):
b. Keystone Predators
a. Applied Niche
c. Increases in Resources
b. Fundamental Niche
d. Resource Partition
c. Basic Niche
d. Realized Niche
37. When one or more species benefits without
negatively impacting another species is an
example of:
32. Where an organism lives due to limitation or a. Mutualism
competition is a(n):
b. Predation, Herbivory, Parasitism & Disease
d. Competition, Predations
c. Commensalism
d. Competition
41. Which of the following is not a main part to a
food chain:
a. Decomposers
37. What is the Competitive Exclusion Principle?
b. Producers
a. If there is more than one species in an area at
any given time there will always be competition c. Secondary (and on) Consumers
b. If there are more than ten species in an area
there will be no competition
d. Primary Consumers
c. If there is more that one species going after the
same limited resource eventually only one will 42. A toad having camouflage colored skin is an
continue to survive
example of:
d. It doesn’t matter how many species are going a. Passive Defense
after the same limited resource, this cycle will
continue throughout time.
b. Mimicry in Prey - Batesian Mimicry
c. Mimicry in Prey - Mullerian Mimicry
38. When a harmless species mimics a harmful
d. Active Defense
a. Passive Defense
b. Mimicry in Prey - Batesian Mimicry
c. Mimicry in Prey - Mullerian Mimicry
d. Active Defense
43. When two harmful species mimic each others
appearances is an example of:
39. ___________ and ________ relate to the
trophic structure of a community.
a. Competition, Keystone species
b. Dominant species, Keystone Species
c. Dominant species, Predations
d. Competition, Predations
40. _________ and _________ are the key
processes driving community dynamics.
a. Competition, Keystone species
b. Dominant species, Keystone Species
c. Dominant species, Predations
38. When a harmless species mimics a harmful is:
a. Passive Defense
b. Mimicry in Prey - Batesian Mimicry
c. Mimicry in Prey - Mullerian Mimicry
d. Active Defense
44. The study of life statistics that change populations
size is:
a. Population Ecology
b. Community Ecology
c. Ecology
d. Demography
49. If mortality rates where high for infants but
flattened out after a certain time, which
survivorship curve with this be an example of:
45. A population growing without restrictions or a. Type 1
limitations would in:
b. Type 2
a. Consistent Growth
c. Type 3
b. Increasing Growth
c. Exponential Growth
d. Decreasing Growth
50. When the growth rate is positive it means that
there is:
a. there is an increase in population
46. Which variable represents Carrying Capacity? b. there are more death than birth
a. J
c. there are more deaths than births
b. C
d. the Carrying Capacity has been reach
c. K
d. M
51. Which of the following is not a density dependent
47. The limiting factor that prevents exponential
a. weather
growth is:
a. Limited Resources
b. metabolic waste
b. Carrying Capacity
c. parasites
c. Death Rate
d. disease
d. Birth Rate
52. Which of the following is not a density
independent factor:
48. When the growth rate is negative it means
a. Flood
a. there is an increase in population
b. Earthquake
b. there are more births than deaths
c. Volcanoes
c. there are more deaths than births
d. Predators
d. the Carrying Capacity has been reach
53. All populations grow rapidly till they reach K at
which point in time their growth rate remains
close to zero and the population stays
consistent from then on out..
a. True
b. False
54. If a species rate of decline is independent of
its age is an example of which survivorship
a. Type 1
b. Type 2
c. Type 3
55. If a species rate of decline increases with age
is an example of which survivor ship curve?
a. Type 3
b. Type2
c. Type 1