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Chapter 9
• Unlike animal cells, plant cells have cell walls, which provide structure
and protection
• Most plant cells contain the green pigment chlorophyll.
• Photosynthesis- process where plants use chlorophyll to make food.
• Chlorophyll is found in a cell structure called a chloroplast.
• Most of the space inside many plant cells is taken up by a large,
membrane bound structure called a central vacuole, which regulates
water content
Scientists think plants probably evolved from
green algae in the sea because:
• Plants and green algae have the same types of chlorophyll and
• Fossils of early plants are similar to ancient green algae.
When plants moved to land, they had to adapt to
new conditions.
• More sunlight and carbon dioxide were available.
• Plants developed a cuticle- a waxy protective layer secreted on the
surface of the plant which holds water in and allows plants to live in
drier conditions.
• Cell walls developed cellulose- a chemical compound that provides
structure and support, which allows plants to stand upright.
• Water resistant spores and seeds enabled plants to reproduce on
Plant classification
Vascular plants- use tubelike structures that carry water and
nutrients throughout the plant.
Non-vascular plants- lack tubelike structures and use other
ways to move water and nutrients.
Seedless plants
• Nonvascular plants- very small plants that have rhizoids rather than roots.
• Water is absorbed and distributed directly through cell membranes and
cell walls.
• Grow in damp environments.
• Reproduce by spores rather than seeds.
Examples of non-vascular plants:
Mosses- green, leaf-like growths arranged around a central stalk.
Liverworts- flattened, leaf-like bodies.
Hornworts- have only one chloroplast in each of their cells
pioneer species- organisms that are
the first to grow in new or disturbed areas and
which change environmental conditions
• Moss is usually among the first plants to grow in new
or disturbed areas, such as after a forest fire.
Seedless vascular plants- reproduce by spores, but
have vascular tissue that carries water and nutrients
throughout the plant.
• Can grow bigger and thicker then non-vascular plants.
• Can grow bigger and thicker than nonvascular
• Ferns- largest group of seedless vascular plants.
-have stems, leaves, and roots
-Leaves are called fronds.
-Reproduce by spores found on the back of
their fronds.
Club mosses- needlelike leaves
Horsetails- jointed stems with a hollow center.
Club Mosses
Importance of seedless plants.
1. Fuel- decaying seedless plants are compressed into
peat and eventually coal.
2. Soil conditioners
3. Ferns can be used for weaving material and basketry.
Characteristics of seed plants
-have leaves, stems, roots, and vascular
Reproduce by seeds which contain an
embryo and stored food.
Leaves trap light and make food through
1. Epidermis- a thin layer of cells on the upper and lower surfaces of
the leaves.
-May have a waxy cuticle coating the epidermis.
-Stomata- small openings in the epidermis that allow carbon
dioxide, water, and oxygen to enter and exit the leaf.
-Each stoma is surrounded by two guard cells that open and
close it.
2. Palisade layer- contains chloroplasts, where food is made.
3.Spongy layer- loosely arranged cells and air.
Stems allow the movement of materials
between leaves and roots.
Usually above ground.
Support the branches, leaves and flowers.
May store food.
Two kinds:
Herbaceous stems- soft and green
Woody stems- hard, rigid and woody.
Roots collect water and nutrients from
the ground.
• Roots anchor plants so they don’t blow away.
• May store food or water.
Vascular Tissue
1. Xylem tissue- transports water from the roots throughout the
2. Phloem tissue- moves food from where its made to other parts of
the plant.
3. Cambium tissue- produces new xylem and phloem cells.
GYMNOSPERMS-vascular plants that
produce seeds that are not protected by fruit.
• Oldest trees alive.
• Gymnosperms have no flowers.
• Leaves are often neelelike.
• Four divisions-Conifers, cycads, ginkgoes, and gnetophytes.
• Conifers reproduce by male and female cones.
ANGIOSPERMS- vascular plants that
flower and have fruit that contains seeds.
• Fruit develops from flowers.
• Most fruit contains seeds.
• Two groups:
Monocot- have one cotyledon used for food storage inside their seeds.
Dicot- have two cotyledons inside their seeds.
Different angiosperms have different
life cycles.
•Annual- the plant’s lifecycle is completed
within one year.
•Biennial- the plant’s life cycle is completed
within two years.
•Perennial- takes more than two years to
grow to maturity.
• Monocots have flower parts in multiples of three.
• Leaves are usually more narrow.
• Vascular bundle is parallel veins
• One cotelydon
• Dicots have two cotyledons
• Have veins in vascular bundles in rings
• Branched leaves
• Flower parts in multiples of four or five
Monocots Vs. Dicots
If you are a gardener, why is it important to know
whether your plants are annuals, biennials, or
Human life depends on seed plants.
• Wood for construction and paper products from connifers.
• Angiosperms form the basic diets for most animals, including