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Mr. Berman - Social Studies 9R
Unit #5: Ancient Greece Assignment Sheet
HW #G-1: Geography
Read pages 72-73 (this is the section Minoans Trade in the Mediterranean) and
and the Beginnings of 123-126 in the textbook.
Ancient Greece
1. What did the excavations at Knossos reveal about Minoan culture?
2. What might have caused the collapse of Minoan culture?
3. In what ways did Greece’s location by the sea and its mountainous land
affect its development?
4. What aspects of culture did the Mycenaeans adopt from the Minoans?
5. Other than the explanation offered by the legend, why do you think the
Greeks went to war with Troy?
6. The Dorian period is often called Greece’s Dark Age. Why do you think
this is?
HW #G-2: Athens vs.
HW #G-3: The
Persian Wars and the
Age of Pericles
7. Why do you think the epics of Homer were so important to people
during the Dorian Age?
Read pages 127-131 in the textbook (stop at The Persian Wars). After reading
these pages, complete the comparison chart for Athens and Sparta handed out
in class.
Read pages 131-135 in the textbook. Answer the following questions:
1. Why did the Persian Wars begin?
2. What was the importance of the Battle of Marathon?
3. What did the Spartan soldiers do at the Battle of Thermopylae? Why do
you think they did this?
4. Why was the Battle of Salamis a turning point?
5. What was the Delian League? What was Athens role in this league?
HW #G-4: The
Peloponnesian War
6. Provide three reasons why the rule of Pericles is often considered a
golden age for Athens.
Read pages 137-138 in the textbook (stop at Philosophers Search for Truth),
and the The Melian Dialogue handout distributed in class. Answer the
questions on this handout.
HW #G-5: Greek
Read pages 138-139 in the textbook. Answer the following questions:
1. What two assumptions did Greek philosophers make? Why would
philosophers start questioning traditional beliefs at this particular time
in Athenian history?
2. What were the ideas of Socrates? Why do you think some Athenians
found his ideas so disturbing? What did Athens ultimately do to
3. Describe the ideal society discussed by Plato is his work The Republic.
HW #G-6: Classical
Greek Art and Drama
4. What were the major contributions of Aristotle?
Read pages 135-136 in the textbook. Answer the following questions:
1. What were the goals of Greek architects and sculptors?
2. Describe the characteristics of Greek tragedy and Greek comedy.
3. How does the concept of hubris from Greek tragedy apply to the
Peloponnesian War?
HW #G-7: Alexander
the Great
Read pages 142-145 in the textbook. Answer the following questions:
1. How was Philip II able to conquer Greece?
2. Philip II’s goal was to conquer Persia. Why did Alexander continue his
campaign of conquest after this goal had been achieved?
3. Why do you think Alexander adopted Persian customs and included
Persians in his army?
4. What happened to Alexander’s empire after his death? If Alexander had
lived, do you think he would have been as successful at ruling over this
empire as he was in building it? Explain.
HW #G-8: Hellenistic
5. Do you think that Alexander is worthy of the title “Great?” Explain,
using specific examples.
Read pages 146-149 in the textbook. Answer the following questions:
1. Describe how the growth of Alexander’s empire spread Greek culture?
2. Why did Alexandria stand out as the cultural center of the Hellenistic
3. Describe three significant achievements made by Greek scientists
during this period.
4. How did Epicureanism compare to Stoicism?