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The Mathematics of Star
Lecture 11: Extra-Solar
Finding Extra-Solar Planets
The Two-Body Model
A Celestial Cubic
Finding Extra-Solar Planets
Recent discoveries of planets orbiting
stars rely on a type of problem known as
an inverse problem.
In the paper “A Celestial Cubic”, Charles
Groetsch shows how the orbital radius
and mass of an unseen planet circling a
star can be obtained from the star’s
spectral shift data, via the solution of a
cubic equation!
The Two-Body Model
Assume a far-off star of mass M is
orbited by a single planet of mass m<M,
with a circular orbit of radius R.
The star and planet orbit a common
center of mass (c.o.m.).
To an observer on Earth, the star will
appear to wobble.
Think of a hammer thrower spinning around—the
thrower is the star and the hammer is the planet!
The Two-Body Model (cont.)
On earth, we see this wobble as a Doppler shift in the
wavelength of the light from the star.
• As the star moves towards us, the light shifts towards
the blue end of the spectrum.
• As the star moves away from us, the light shifts
towards the red end of the spectrum.
The magnitude of these shifts determine the radial
velocity of the star relative to Earth.
The time between successive peaks in the
wavelength shifts gives the orbital period T of the
star and planet about their center of mass.
The Two-Body Model (cont.)
For our model, we assume the following:
• The star orbits the center of mass in a circle
of radius r with uniform linear speed v.
The Earth lies in the orbital plane of the starplanet system.
The distance D from the Earth to the center of
mass of the star-planet system is much
greater than r (D >> r).
The Two-Body Model (cont.)
Recall from trigonometry that v =  r, where  is the
angular speed.
Also recall that  =/t, where  is the angle in radians
traced out in t seconds by the star as it orbits around
the center of mass.
The Two-Body Model (cont.)
Since v is constant, it follows that  is also
constant, so when t = T,  = 2, and thus
 = 2/T.
Using this fact, we can write the radial
velocity, given by V(t) = d’(t), as follows:
Hence, V is sinusoidal, with amplitude equal
to star’s linear speed v, and period equal to
the star’s period T about the center of mass!
The Two-Body Model (cont.)
Measuring wavelength shifts in the star’s light over
time, a graph for V(t) can be found, from which we
can get values for v and T.
Then, knowing v and T, we can find the orbital radius
r of the star about the center of mass:
Finally, the mass M of the star can be found by direct
observation of the star’s luminosity.
The Celestial Cubic
At this point, we know M, v, T, and r.
We still want to find the radius R of the
planet’s orbit about its star and the mass
m of the planet.
From physics, the centripetal force on
the star rotating around the c.o.m. is
equal to the gravitational force between
the planet and star.
The Celestial Cubic (cont.)
The centripetal force is given by
Parameterizing the star’s orbit about the
center of mass, we find the planet’s
position vector to be:
The Celestial Cubic (cont.)
Differentiating twice, we see that the
acceleration of the star is given by:
so the magnitude of the centripetal force
on the star is
The Celestial Cubic (cont.)
The magnitude of the gravitational force is
where G is the universal gravitation constant
Equating forces, we get
The Celestial Cubic (cont.)
We now have one equation that relates the unknown m and R.
To get another equation, we’ll use the idea of finding the
balance point (center of mass) for a teeter-totter.
Archimedes discovered that the balance point (center of mass)
for a board with masses m1 and m2 at each end satisfies
m1r1=m2r2 (Law of the Lever).
Balance Point
The Celestial Cubic (cont.)
Thinking of the planet and star as masses on a teetertotter, the Law of the Lever implies,
Solving (2) for R and substituting into (1), we find
The Celestial Cubic (cont.)
The Celestial Cubic (cont.)
Dividing (3) by M2, and setting
we find that x and  satisfy the following cubic equation:
Measured wavelength
shifts of light from the
star 51-Pegasi show that
v = 53 m/s,
T = 4.15 days, and
M = 1.99 x 1030 kg.
Use Mathematica to find
r, , x, and m by finding
the roots of (4) directly.
Example-51-Pegasi (cont.)
Repeat, using a fixed-point method to solve the
following equation which is equivalent to (4):
Groetsch argues that equation (4) can be
solved by iteration of (5), via
Try this with Mathematica and compare to the
solution above.
C.W. Groetsch, “A Celestial Cubic”,
Mathematics Magazine, Vol. 74, No. 2, April
2001, pp. 145 - 152.
C.P. McKeague, Trigonometry (2cd ed),
Harcourt Brace, 1988.
J. Stewart, Calculus: Early Transcendentals
(5th ed), Brooks - Cole, 2003.