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LC Circuit
There is a characteristic frequency at which the circuit will
oscillate, called the resonance frequency
Section 22.5
LRC Circuits and Resonance
 From Kirchhoff’s Loop Rule,
 VAC = VL + VC + VR
 But the voltages are not all
in phase
 All the current phasors are in
the same direction
 Max current depends of
frequency of source
Section 22.6
LRC Circuits and Resonance
Section 22.6
LRC Circuits and Resonance
 At most frequencies, the source voltage is out of
sync with the natural flow of energy in the circuit
 Natural flow governed by LC portion
 Current in circuit is reduced
 At the resonance frequency, the source voltage and
the natural flow of energy oscillate together
 Synchronization occurs at the resonance frequency of
the LC circuit
Section 22.7
Electromagnetic Waves
 Electricity and magnetism are
 Changing electric field create
magnetic fields
 Changing magnetic fields create
electric fields
 Energy exists in fields
 Fills “empty” space
 Energy density proportional to
square of field
Electromagnetic Waves
 Self-sustaining oscillations involving E and B are possible
 Both fields must be changing with time
 The fields are perpendicular to each other
 The propagation direction of the wave is perpendicular to
both the electric field and the magnetic field
Section 23.1
Electromagnetic Waves
 Electromagnetic waves (or radiation) travel at a
characteristic speed
 The speed of an EM wave is denoted by c
 c0 = 3.00 x 108 m/s
 The value of the speed of an electromagnetic wave is
the same as the speed of light
Light is a visible electromagnetic wave
Section 23.2
Electromagnetic Waves
 EM waves can travel through empty space
 Always travel with speed c0 through empty
 The frequency and wavelength are determined by the
way the wave is produced
 When an EM wave travels through a material
substance, its speed depends on the properties of
the substance
 The speed of the wave is always less than c0
 The speed of the wave depends on the wave’s
Section 23.2
Electromagnetic Waves
 The wave carries energy
 utotal = uelec + umag
uelec 
1 2
 o E 2 and umag 
2 o
 As the wave propagates, the energies per unit
volume oscillate
 The electric and magnetic energies are equal
 Peak electric and magnetic fields are proportional
Section 23.3
 The strength of an EM wave is usually measured in
terms of its intensity
 Intensity is the amount of energy transported per unit
time across a surface of unit area
 Intensity also equals the energy density multiplied by
the speed of the wave
 I = utotal × c = ½ εo c Eo2
 Since E = c B, the intensity is also proportional to the
square of the magnetic field amplitude
Section 23.3
Radiation Pressure
 EM waves carry momentum
 The momentum of the wave is
 When an electromagnetic wave is absorbed by an object, it exerts a
force on the object
 The total force on the object is proportional to its exposed area
 Radiation pressure is the force of the electromagnetic force divided
by the area
 This can also be expressed in terms of the intensity
Pradiation 
A c
Section 23.3
 E and B fields can oscillate in
many directions with the same
direction of propagation
 If all E fields (and all B fields)
oscillate in the same direction,
the EM waves are polarized
 E and B fields are still perpendicular
to each other
 Most light is unpolarized
 Polarized light can be created
using a polarizer
 Defined by polarization axis
Section 23.6
 If the electric field is parallel to the
polarizer’s axis:
 Eout = Ein
 If the electric field is perpendicular to the
polarizer’s axis,
 Eout = 0
 If the electric field makes some angle θ
relative to the polarizer’s axis,
 Eout = Ein cos θ
 This relationship can be expressed in terms
of intensity in the Law of Malus:
 Iout = Iin cos2 θ
 Unpolarized light can be thought of as a
collection of many separate light waves,
each linearly polarized in different and
random directions
 The average outgoing intensity is the
average of all the incident waves:
 Iout = (Iin cos2 θ)ave = ½ Iin
Electromagnetic Spectrum
 Electromagnetic waves are
classified according to their
frequency and wavelength
 The wave equation is true for EM
 The range of all possible
electromagnetic waves is called
the electromagnetic spectrum
Section 23.4
Radio Waves
 Frequencies from a few hertz up to about 109 hertz
 Corresponding wavelengths are from about 108
meters to a few centimeters
 Usually produced by an AC circuit attached to an
 A simple wire can function as an antenna
 Antennas containing multiple conducting elements or
shaped as “dishes” are usually more efficient and
more common
 Radio waves can be detected by an antenna similar
to the one used for generation
 Microwaves have
frequencies between about
109 Hz and 1012 Hz
 Corresponding wavelengths
are from a few cm to a few
tenths of a mm
 Microwave ovens generate
radiation with a frequency
near 2.5 x 109 Hz
 The microwave energy is
transferred to water
molecules in the food,
heating the food
Section 23.4
 Infrared radiation has
frequencies from about 1012
Hz to 4 x 1014 Hz
Wavelengths from a few
tenths of a mm to a few
We sense this radiation as
Blackbody radiation from
objects near room
temperature falls into this
Also useful for monitoring
Section 23.4
Visible Light
 Frequencies from about 4 x1014 Hz to 8 x1014 Hz
 Wavelengths from about 750 nm to 400 nm
 The color of the light varies with the frequency
 Low frequency; high wavelength – red
 High frequency; low wavelength – blue
 The speed of light inside a medium depends on the
frequency of the radiation
 The effect is called dispersion
White light is separated into different colors
Section 23.4
 Ultraviolet (UV) light has frequencies from about 8 x
1014 Hz to 1017 Hz
 Corresponding wavelengths are about 3 nm to 400
 UV radiation stimulates the production of vitamin D
in the body
 Excessive exposures to UV light can cause sunburn,
skin cancer and cataracts
Section 23.4
 Frequencies from about 1017 Hz to about 1020 Hz
 Discovered by Wilhelm Röntgen in 1895
 X-rays are weakly absorbed by skin and other soft
tissue and strongly absorbed by dense material such
as bone, teeth, and metal
 In the 1970’s CT (CAT) scans were developed
Section 23.4
Gamma Rays
 Gamma rays are the highest frequency
electromagnetic waves, with frequencies above 1020
 Wavelengths are less than 10-12 m
 Gamma rays are produced by processes inside
atomic nuclei
 They are produced in nuclear power plants and in
the Sun
 Gamma rays also reach us from outside the solar
Section 23.4