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Zhongshi Korean International School
Unit of Work
Subject: Science
Grade: 2nd
Autumn / Spring
Semester: Spring
Lesson Topic
1st / 2nd
Midterm: 1st
Learning Objectives
Spelling words
Book page/Materials
(Students will be able
Plant Parts
to identify and
describe the functions
of the different parts
of a flowering plant –
roots, stem, leaves,
and flowers
to investigate how
water is transported
within plants
to set up simple
practical enquiries
All children can…
 identify the different
parts of a plant and
explain their functions
 record their findings
with simple drawings,
labeled diagrams and
neat tables
 describe how water is
transported in plants
Switched on Science Activity Book page 31
root, stem, flower,
cactus, celery and leaves
Accredited by:
Zhongshi Korean International School
Most children can….
 compare the effects of
different factors on
plant growth
 name the parts of a
flower and explain
what they do
 ask relevant questions
and use different types
of scientific enquiry to
answer them
Some children can…
 compare the effects of
different conditions on
plant growth
 describe some of the
different ways plants
spread their seeds
 suggest
improvements and
raise further questions
about their
(Students will be able
Plant Parts
to identify and
describe the functions
of the different parts
of a flowering plant –
roots, stem, leaves,
and flowers
Switched on Science Activity Book page 31
root, stem, flowers,
cactus, celery and leaves
Accredited by:
Zhongshi Korean International School
to investigate how
water is transported
within plants
to set up simple
practical enquiries
All children can…
 identify the different
parts of a plant and
explain their functions
 record their findings
with simple drawings,
labeled diagrams and
neat tables
 describe how water is
transported in plants
Most children can….
 compare the effects of
different factors on
plant growth
 name the parts of a
flower and explain
what they do
 ask relevant questions
and use different types
of scientific enquiry to
answer them
Some children can…
 compare the effects of
different conditions on
plant growth
 describe some of the
different ways plants
Accredited by:
Zhongshi Korean International School
spread their seeds
suggest improvements
and raise further
questions about their
(Students will be able
Long Live Plants
to explore exactly
what plants need to
live and grow, and
how these
requirements vary
from plant to plant
to ask relevant
questions and use
different types of
scientific enquiry to
answer them
veins, germinate
All children can…
 identify the different
parts of a plant and
explain their functions
 record their findings
with simple drawings,
labeled diagrams and
neat tables
 describe how water is
transported in plants
Most children can….
 compare the effects of
Accredited by:
Zhongshi Korean International School
different factors on
plant growth
 name the parts of a
flower and explain
what they do
 ask relevant questions
and use different types
of scientific enquiry to
answer them
Some children can…
 compare the effects of
different conditions on
plant growth
 describe some of the
different ways plants
spread their seeds
 suggest improvements
and raise further
questions about their
(Students will be able
Flower Power
to explore the
important role that
flowers play in the
life cycles of plants,
from pollination to
seed spreading
to record the findings
using drawings and
labeled diagrams
pollen, pollination,
ovary, sepals, stamen,
carpel, stigma, style,
ovule, petal
Switched on Science Activity Book pages 32-33
Labelling flowers.
Pressing flowers: Wax Paper and flowers
Accredited by:
Zhongshi Korean International School
All children can…
 identify the different
parts of a plant and
explain their functions
 record their findings
with simple drawings,
labeled diagrams and
neat tables
 describe how water is
transported in plants
Most children can….
 compare the effects of
different factors on
plant growth
 name the parts of a
flower and explain
what they do
 ask relevant questions
and use different types
of scientific enquiry to
answer them
Some children can…
 compare the effects of
different conditions on
plant growth
 describe some of the
different ways plants
spread their seeds
 suggest improvements
and raise further
questions about their
Accredited by:
Zhongshi Korean International School
(Students will be able
Flower Power
to explore the
important role that
flowers play in the
life cycles of plants,
from pollination to
seed spreading
to record the findings
using drawings and
labeled diagrams
All children can…
 identify the different
parts of a plant and
explain their functions
 record their findings
with simple drawings,
labeled diagrams and
neat tables
 describe how water is
transported in plants
Most children can….
 compare the effects of
different factors on
plant growth
 name the parts of a
flower and explain
pollen, pollination,
ovary, sepals, stamen,
carpel, stigma, style,
ovule, petal
Switched on Science Activity Book pages 32-33
Labelling flowers.
Pressing flowers: Wax Paper and flowers
Accredited by:
Zhongshi Korean International School
what they do
 ask relevant questions
and use different types
of scientific enquiry to
answer them
Some children can…
 compare the effects of
different conditions on
plant growth
 describe some of the
different ways plants
spread their seeds
 suggest improvements
and raise further
questions about their
(Students will be able
Magnetic Forces
to observe the forces
that magnets produce
to report and present
findings from
All children can…
 explain the difference
between a contact and
a non-contact force
 plan comparative and
fair tests and to
collect accurate
force, magnet, contact,
Switched on Science Activity Book pages 36-38
Magnets: things that attract magnets and
things that repel magnets
Accredited by:
Zhongshi Korean International School
use the results of their
tests to explain some
properties of magnets
name the three metals
that can be made into
a magnet
explain the difference
between a magnetic
and non-magnetic
list ten uses of
Most children can…
 explain what the
poles of a magnet are
and some of their
 describe the Earth’s
magnetic field and
what it does to
 predict what will
happen when like
and unlike poles of a
magnet are brought
Some children can…
 plan and carry out an
investigation to
measure the force of a
Accredited by:
Zhongshi Korean International School
magnet using a force
 name five unusual
uses for magnets
 explain what causes
magnetic fields on the
Earth and on other
(Students will be able
Magnetic Forces
to observe the forces
that magnets produce
to report and present
findings from
All children can…
 explain the difference
force, magnet, contact,
between a contact and
a non-contact force
 plan comparative and
fair tests and to
collect accurate
 use the results of their
tests to explain some
properties of magnets
 name the three metals
that can be made into
a magnet
 explain the difference
Switched on Science Activity Book pages 36-38
Magnets: things that attract magnets and
things that repel magnets
Accredited by:
Zhongshi Korean International School
between a magnetic
and non-magnetic
list ten uses of
Most children can…
 explain what the
poles of a magnet are
and some of their
 describe the Earth’s
magnetic field and
what it does to
 predict what will
happen when like
and unlike poles of a
magnet are brought
Some children can…
 plan and carry out an
investigation to
measure the force of a
magnet using a force
 name five unusual
uses for magnets
 explain what causes
magnetic fields on the
Earth and on other
Accredited by:
Zhongshi Korean International School
(Students will be able
Is it magnetic?
to name some
materials that
magnets can attract
and some they cannot
to list at least ten uses
of magnets in
everyday life
All children can…
 explain the difference
between a contact and
a non-contact force
 plan comparative and
attract, repel, magnetic,
fair tests and to
non-magnetic, iron
collect accurate
 use the results of their
tests to explain some
properties of magnets
 name the three metals
that can be made into
a magnet
 explain the difference
between a magnetic
and non-magnetic
 list ten uses of
Switched on Science Activity Book pages 39-40
Strong Iron Magnets
Most children can…
Accredited by:
Zhongshi Korean International School
explain what the
poles of a magnet are
and some of their
describe the Earth’s
magnetic field and
what it does to
predict what will
happen when like
and unlike poles of a
magnet are brought
Some children can…
 plan and carry out an
investigation to
measure the force of a
magnet using a force
 name five unusual
uses for magnets
 explain what causes
magnetic fields on the
Earth and on other
(Students will be able
Is it magnetic?
to name some
materials that
magnets can attract
Switched on Science Activity Book pages 39-40
attract, repel, magnetic,
non-magnetic, iron
Strong Iron Magnets
Accredited by:
Zhongshi Korean International School
and some they cannot
to list at least ten uses
of magnets in
everyday life
All children can…
 explain the difference
between a contact and
a non-contact force
 plan comparative and
fair tests and to
collect accurate
 use the results of their
tests to explain some
properties of magnets
 name the three metals
that can be made into
a magnet
 explain the difference
between a magnetic
and non-magnetic
 list ten uses of
Most children can…
 explain what the
poles of a magnet are
and some of their
 describe the Earth’s
magnetic field and
Accredited by:
Zhongshi Korean International School
what it does to
predict what will
happen when like
and unlike poles of a
magnet are brought
Some children can…
 plan and carry out an
investigation to
measure the force of a
magnet using a force
 name five unusual
uses for magnets
 explain what causes
magnetic fields on the
Earth and on other
Accredited by: