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Thinking About Psychology
The Science of Mind and Behavior 3e
Charles T. Blair-Broeker & Randal M. Ernst
PowerPoint Presentation Slides
by Kent Korek
Germantown High School
Worth Publishers, © 2012
Individual Variation Domain
Psychological Disorders
Module 30
Introduction to Psychological
Module Overview
Defining Disorder
Understanding Disorders
Classifying Disorders
Labeling Disorders
Click on the any of the above hyperlinks to go to that section in the presentation.
Module 30: Introduction to Psychological Disorders
Defining Disorder
Psychological Disorder
• A harmful dysfunction
in which thoughts,
feelings, or behaviors
are maladaptive,
disturbing, and
• An exaggeration of normal, acceptable
• Destructive to oneself or others
• Behavior which does not have a rational
• A behavior which is troublesome to
other people
• A behavior so different from other
people’s behavior that it violates a norm
• Norms are the rules established by a
culture of accepted and expected
• Norms can vary from culture to culture
• A mnemonic device used to remember
the four attributes of a psychological
– Maladaptive
– Unjustifiable
– Disturbing
– Atypical
Module 30: Introduction to Psychological Disorders
Understanding Disorders
Early Views of Mental Illness
• In ancient times, mental illness was
usually explained through a supernatural
model; the person was possessed or a
• During the Middle Ages treatment
methods were inhumane and cruel
Philippe Pinel (1745-1826)
• French physician who worked to reform
the treatment of people with mental
• Encouraged more humane treatment
Module 30: Introduction to Psychological Disorders
Understanding Disorders:
The Medical Model
The Medical Model
• The concept that mental illnesses have
physical causes that can be diagnosed,
treated, and in most cases, cured.
• Psychological disorders can be
diagnosed based on their symptoms and
treated or cured through therapy.
• Psychological disorders are similar to a
physical illness.
Module 30: Introduction to Psychological Disorders
Understanding Disorders:
Bio-Psycho-Social Model
Bio-Psycho-Social Model
• A contemporary perspective that
assumes biological, psychological, and
sociocultural factors combine and
interact to produce psychological
• Studies the influences of nature and
nurture and their interaction
Bio-Psycho-Social Model
• Bio – predisposition or hereditary
susceptibility to a disorder
• Psycho – one’s thoughts and thinking
• Social – expectations and influence of
Bio-Psycho-Social Perspective
Module 30: Introduction to Psychological Disorders
Classifying Disorders
Classifying Mental Disorders
Psychology classifies disorders to:
• Describe the disorder
• Predict the future course of the disorder
• Treat the disorder appropriately
• Provide a springboard for research into the
disorder’s causes
• The American Psychiatric
Association’s Diagnostic
and Statistical Manual of
Mental Disorders, fourth
edition, text revision;
• a widely used system for
classifying psychological
• Lists and describes all
the currently accepted
categories of mental
• DSM -5 scheduled for
release in 2013
• Divides mental disorders into 16 clinical
• Includes the symptoms but not the
causes of each disease
• Has changed significantly since the first
• Axis II – Is a Personality Disorder or
Mental Retardation (Intellectual Disability)
• Axis III – Is a General Medical Condition
such as diabetes, hypertension, or arthritis,
also present?
• Axis IV – Are Psychosocial or
Environmental Problems, such as school or
housing issues, also present?
• Axis V – What is the Global Assessment of
this person’s functioning? (from 0 to 100)
• 91 – 100 Superior function in a wide range of activities, life’s
problems never seem to get out of hand; is sought out by others
because of his or her many positive qualities. No symptoms.
• 51 – 60 Moderate symptoms (for example, flat affect or
occasional panic attack) or moderate difficulty in social,
occupational, or school functioning (for example, few friends or
conflicts with peers or co-workers).
• 0 – Persistent danger of severely hurting self or others (for
example, recurrent violence), persistent inability to maintain
minimal personal hygiene, or serious suicidal act with clear
expectation of death.
Module 30: Introduction to Psychological Disorders
Labeling Disorders
Labeling Stigmas
• Studies show a clear bias against people
diagnosed with mental disorders.
•Thomas Eagleton and George McGovern 1972
The End
Teacher Information
• Types of Files
– This presentation has been saved as a “basic” Powerpoint file. While
this file format placed a few limitations on the presentation, it insured the
file would be compatible with the many versions of Powerpoint teachers
use. To add functionality to the presentation, teachers may want to save
the file for their specific version of Powerpoint.
• Animation
– Once again, to insure compatibility with all versions of Powerpoint, none
of the slides are animated. To increase student interest, it is suggested
teachers animate the slides wherever possible.
• Adding slides to this presentation
– Teachers are encouraged to adapt this presentation to their personal
teaching style. To help keep a sense of continuity, blank slides which
can be copied and pasted to a specific location in the presentation follow
this “Teacher Information” section.
Teacher Information
• Domain Coding
– Just as the textbook is organized around the APA National Standards,
these Powerpoints are coded to those same standards. Included at the
top of almost every slide is a small stripe, color coded to the APA
National Standards.
• Scientific Inquiry Domain
• Biopsychology Domain
• Development and Learning Domain
• Social Context Domain
• Cognition Domain
• Individual Variation Domain
• Applications of Psychological Science Domain
• Key Terms and Definitions in Red
– To emphasize their importance, all key terms from the text and their
definitions are printed in red. To maintain consistency, the definitions on
the Powerpoint slides are identical to those in the textbook.
Teacher Information
• Hyperlink Slides - Immediately after the unit title slide, a page (usually
slide #4 or #5) can be found listing all of the module’s subsections. While in
slide show mode, clicking on any of these hyperlinks will take the user
directly to the beginning of that subsection. This allows teachers quick
access to each subsection.
• Continuity slides - Throughout this presentations there are slides,
usually of graphics or tables, that build on one another. These are included
for three purposes.
• By presenting information in small chunks, students will find it easier to process and
remember the concepts.
• By continually changing slides, students will stay interested in the presentation.
• To facilitate class discussion and critical thinking. Students should be encouraged to
think about “what might come next” in the series of slides.
• Please feel free to contact me at [email protected] with any
questions, concerns, suggestions, etc. regarding these presentations.
Kent Korek
Germantown High School
Germantown, WI 53022
Name of Concept
• Use this slide to add a concept to the
Name of Concept
Use this slide to add a table, chart, clip art, picture, diagram, or video clip. Delete
this box when finished