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Arabidopsis as a Model
By: Group 5
Allison, Leah, Mesha, and Hunter
Arabidopsis Advantages
Easy and inexpensive to grow
Able to sufficiently grow in small places
fairly small, only reaching about 25cm
Grows quickly, having a life cycle of about 6-8
• Large variety of ecotypes
Disadvantages of Arabidopsis
• Since the genotypes are so similar, it is hard to
distinguish the phenotypes
unrecognizable mutations
• Pests are attracted to these plants
• Agar can get very contaminated by Fungi
• Genotypes- an exact genetic description
dealing with a single trait or with a larger set
of traits
• Phenotype- observable properties dealing
with genetic and environmental factors
• Mutation- detectable, heritable change in
genetic material which is not a result of
Quick Flower Growth and Production
• Increased photoperiod allows the seeds to
grow and sprout faster
• The best growth comes when the temperature
is between 22-23⁰C
The Purpose of a Flower
• Flowers are reproductive shoots of flowering
plant sporophytes
– Sporophytes: Spore producing plant bodies that
grow by mitotic cell divisions from a fertilizing egg
Components of a Flower
• Stamens: Male reproductive structures of
floral shoots
– Consist of an anther at the tip of a thin filament
• Inside a typical anther are 2-6 pairs of pouches called
pollen sacs
• Pollen grains: spore structures that contain the male
• Gametophytes: structures in which male and female
haploid gametes form
Components of a Flower Cont.
• Carpels: female reproductive parts of floral
– Upper Region: a sticky or hair like stigma
– Lower Region: a chamber in which one or more ovules
form and eggs are fertilized
• Ovule: A structure in which haploid egg-producing female
gametophytes form
• Pollination Vectors: any agents that deliver pollen
grains to structure the house female
Works Cited
• Kipp, E. Heat Stress Effects on Growth and
Development in Three Ecotypes of Varying
Latitude of Arabidopsis. Pace University
Department of Biology and Health Sciences.
• Sadava, David, David Hillis, William K. Purves, H.
C. Heller, and Gordon H. Orians. Life : The Science
of Biology. 8th ed. Boston: W. H. Freeman &
Company, 2006.
• Arabidopsis Lab Manual