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Student Number:
Lesson 2:
Subject/Verb Agreement
Subject/Verb Agreement
A subject and its verb must agree in number and in person. As such, singular subjects always
need singular verbs; in like fashion, plural subjects will always receive plural verbs.
The boys sing. (plural subject and verb)
The boy sings. (singular subject and verb)
I do most of the work, while he does as little as possible. (verb ending changes to
accommodate person).
Two or more subjects joined by and usually take a plural verb. An exception to this occurs when
the subjects combine in meaning to make one thing. In such an instance, a singular verb is
The words and the music (two things) have been forgotten. (plural verb)
Bread and water (one diet) does not provide sufficient nutrition. (singular verb)
A subject comprising singular elements joined by or, neither...nor, either...or, or not only…but
also takes a singular verb.
Peter, Paul, or Mary (one person) is responsible.
Either a tax rebate or a reduction in the cost per item (one action) is necessary.
Neither Jim nor Joe (one person) has any idea where the car is parked.
In a sentence similar to the one above, if one element is singular and the other is plural, the verb
agrees with the nearest element.
Either a tax rebate or reductions in the cost per item are necessary. (are agrees with reductions)
Neither the cupcakes nor the hot cocoa satisfies their hunger. (satisfies agrees with cocoa)
Modifiers or other words appearing between the subject and the verb have no impact upon the
number of the subject and the verb.
The shimmer of the gold and silver hood ornaments and wheel covers is always a crowdpleaser. (is agrees with shimmer)
The cookies I left in the jar on the kitchen counter are missing. (are agrees with cookies)
An indefinite pronoun requires a verb that agrees with the commonly accepted number of the
pronoun. Pronouns always taking a singular verb are: each, either, neither, one, other, another,
anyone, someone, everyone, somebody, anybody, everybody, nobody, anything, something,
everything, nothing, and much. Pronouns that always taking a plural verb are: both, few, many,
others, and several. (An exception occurs when the pronoun many is used in a manner such as:
Many a patriot has come to the aid of his party.) There are a few pronouns that at times take the
singular form while at other times take the plural form: all, any, some, enough, none, and more.
The verb required by these pronouns depends upon the context in which it is used:
 Some of the movie was entertaining. (Some is singular here because movie is singular.)
 Some of the athletes were talented. (Some is plural here because athletes is plural.)
A relative pronoun takes its number from its antecedent.
“Shifty” is the only one, of the many pets I have had, that has been able to make friends
everywhere. (The antecedent of that is one.)
Charlie is one of those extraordinary felines who make incredible “mousers.” (The
antecedent of who is the plural felines.)
In sentences that are introduced by the expletive there, the subject follows the verb.
There is a fox or two rabbits in the garden daily. (Is agrees with the nearer coordinate, fox.)
There were many reasons for the weather change. (Were agrees with reasons.)
A linking verb agrees with its subject, not with the subject complement.
A foreman’s major concern is negligent employees. (Is agrees with the singular subject,
concern; not with the plural subject compliment, employees.)
Negligent employees are the foreman’s major concern. (Are agrees with the plural subject,
employees; not with the singular subject compliment, concern.)
Fractional expressions such as half of, a part of, a percentage of, a majority of, etc., are
sometimes singular and sometimes plural, depending on the context in which they is used. Sums
and products of mathematical processes are expressed as singular nouns and require singular
A large percentage of the student body is voting against him. (Student body is a single subject.)
Two-fifths of the troops were lost in the battle. (The reference is to troops, a plural noun.)
Two-fifths of the factory was damaged by the storm. (The reference is to factory, a singular
Three and one is four. (Singular, since it is the singular result of a mathematical formula.)
This concludes the reading assignment portion of the PT on subject/verb agreement. Now that
you’ve had an opportunity to review subjects and verbs and their relationships to one another,
it’s time for you to take it to the next level! The following series of questions will reveal
whether you have achieved the desired level of expertise with subject/verb agreement or if you
need further study in this area. As explained in the introduction, the correct answer and rationale
for each question is located at the back for your ready reference. Consult the answer bank only
after you have completed all questions. If you miss a question, read the provided rationale and
go back over the corresponding section of the reading assignment if necessary. Do your best to
thoroughly understand this material. If anything is not clear to you, ask your instructor for
assistance. Good luck!
Select the response that MOST CORRECTLY completes each sentence below.
1. Tom is the only one of the flight cadets who __________exceeded all expectations.
a. has
b. have
2. The NCO Academy, as well as the Airman Leadership School and the Air Force Senior NCO
Academy, ________ to recruit new instructors.
a. want
b. wants
3. One of my closest associates __________ an outfielder for the company’s team.
a. is
b. are
4. Not only the teachers but also their principal _____________ been summoned to the main
a. have
b. has
5. Most of the yogurt ______ gone sour. Six pints of it _______ still in the refrigerator.
a. has, are
b. have, is
6. Each and every teacher and pupil in this school ________ for a new building next year.
a. hope
b. hopes
7. The coach and players each ________ for a new arena this season.
a. hope
b. hopes
8. Corned beef and cabbage, although a tasty St. Patrick’s Day dish, ________ not native to
a. is
b. are
9. A large number of voters still _______ votes along traditional party lines.
a. cast
b. casts
10. Six years ___________ a long period to spend as a graduate student.
a. are
b. is
11. Politics _________ always a risky venture.
a. are
b. is
12. For most of us, this country’s economics ________ to be stable.
a. appear
b. appears
13. Either the principal of the school or the superintendent ________ going to have the final say.
a. is
b. are
14. ______ Jill or her brothers driving to the beach Saturday?
a. Is
b. Are
15. Some of the tickets __________ to have been misprinted.
a. appear
b. appears
16. Everyone selected to study at the academy _______ to be willing to sacrifice a lot of free
a. have
b. has
17. One-third of the students ________ opposed to the new policy.
a. is
b. are
18. Forty-five per cent of the student body _______ opposed to the new policy.
a. is
b. are
19. The tornadoes that criss-cross Alabama every year ______ substantial damage.
a. cause
b. causes
20. The trumpet section, together with trombones and baritones, __________ to the band’s big
a. contributes
b. contribute
a. Who refers to the only one, which is singular.
b. The subject here is The NCO Academy, which is singular. The modifying phrase that
comes after as well as modifies the subject but does not compound it as the word and
would do.
a. The subject of this sentence is one, which is singular.
b. With paired conjunctions such as either…or, and not only…but also, the subject closer to
the verb, in this case the singular instructor, determines whether the verb will be singular
or plural.
a. Most is not a countable item, so the verb is singular. You can, however, count the pints
of yogurt, so the subject of the second sentence is plural.
b. The subject of the verb is each and every, which is singular.
a. When each or every comes after the compound subject, a plural verb is needed.
a. Corned beef and cabbage constitutes a single dish, so a singular verb is appropriate.
a. The subject number is a collective noun, but the elements within, the voters, are acting
separately. Therefore, a plural verb is needed.
10. b. The quantity six years is intended as a whole, or one quantity, so a singular verb is
11. b. Politics is one thing in this instance, so we need a singular verb.
12. a. In this case, economics refers to a number of aspects or facts about the country’s financial
status, so we need a plural verb. Economics, if intended to name a course or discipline, is
13. a. When subjects are connected by or, the subject closer to the verb determines the verb’s
14. a. Once again, the subject closer to the verb determines the verb’s number.
15. a. Some is the subject of the sentence. It is plural because the word tickets makes it a
countable indefinite pronoun.
16. b. Everyone is a singular subject.
17. b. The fraction references a plural noun, students. A plural verb is required.
18. a. The fraction references a singular noun, body. A singular verb is required.
19. a. The subject, tornadoes, is a plural noun. Do not be confused by words and phrases
coming between a verb and its subject.
20. a. As in the above example, do not be confused by words and phrases separating a subject
and verb. The subject is section, which is a singular noun.