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Learning Objective: Students will be able to
describe the contributions of Columbus and
Magellan to the Age of Exploration.
 It was Ferdinand and Isabella who sponsored the
voyages of Christopher Columbus. The Italian-born
Columbus thought that the Indies, or eastern Asia,
lay on the other side of the Atlantic Ocean. He
believed sailing west would be the easiest route to
reach it.
 When Columbus failed to win Portuguese support
for his idea, Ferdinand and Isabella agreed to pay
for the risky voyage
 In August 1492, three ships left Spain under
Columbus’s command. As the weeks went by, some
of the men began to fear they would never see
Spain again. Then, on October 12, a lookout
sighted land. Columbus had landed in the Caribbean
For three months, Columbus and his men explored
nearby islands with the help of native islanders.
Thinking they were in the Indies, the Spanish soon
called all the local people “Indians.
In March 1493, Columbus arrived back in Spain. He
proudly reported that he had reached Asia. Over the
next ten years, he made three more voyages to what
he called the Indies. He died in Spain in 1506, still
insisting that he had sailed to Asia.
Think Pair/Share
Why did Columbus sail west?
A. Because Portugal prevented him sailing east.
B. Because he thought America lay on the other side of
the Atlantic.
C. Because a storm sent his expedition of course.
D. Because he thought eastern Asia lay on the other
side of the Atlantic.
D. Because he thought eastern Asia lay on the other side
of the Atlantic.
Magellan believed he
could sail west to the
Indies. He was looking
for a strait, or
channel, through
South America. In
August 1519, he set
sail with five ships
and about two
hundred and fifty
Magellan looked for the strait all along South
America’s east coast. He finally found it at the
southern tip of the continent. Today, it is called the
Strait of Magellan.
Magellan reached the Pacific Ocean in November
1520. It took another three months to cross the
Continuing west, Magellan visited the Philippines. There
he became involved in a conflict between two local
chiefs. In April 1521, Magellan was killed in the
Magellan’s crew sailed on to the Spice Islands. Three
years after the expedition began, the only ship to
survive the expedition returned to Spain. The 18
sailors on board were the first people to travel
completely around Earth.
Think Pair/Share
True or False
Magellan returned to Spain in 1523 with 18 sailors.
 The early Spanish explorations changed Europeans’
view of the world a great deal. The voyages of
Christopher Columbus revealed the existence of the
 Magellan’s expedition opened up a westward route to
the Indies. It showed that it was possible to sail
completely around the world. Columbus’s voyages
marked the beginning of Spanish settlement in the
West Indies. Spain earned great wealth from its
For the native people of the West Indies, however,
Spanish settlement was extremely detrimental. The
Spanish forced native people to work as slaves in the
mines and on the plantations.
Priests forced many of them to become Christians.
When the Spanish arrived, perhaps one or two million
Taino lived on the islands. Within fifty years, fewer
than five hundred Taino were left. The rest had died
of starvation, overwork, or European diseases.
Since the native populations died, the Spanish brought
millions of enslaved Africans to work in their American
How did Spanish and Portuguese exploration affect people
in Africa?
A. Africans found a new sea route around the world.
B. Africans attended Prince Henry’s navigation school.
C. Africans were enslaved and brought to the Americas.
D. Africans sold spices to Portugal and Spain.
C. Africans were enslaved and brought to the
Learning Objective: Students will be able
to describe the conquest of the native
peoples in the Americas by the Spanish.
 detrimental: something that does harm or
 epidemics: an outbreak of a contagious disease
that spreads quickly and over a wide geographic
 Conquistador: a Spanish conqueror
 After Columbus’s voyages, Spain was eager to
claim even more lands in the New World. To
explore and conquer "New Spain," the Spanish
turned to adventurers called conquistadors, or
conquerors. The conquistadors were allowed to
establish settlements and seize the wealth of
In 1519, Spanish
explorer Hernán Cortés
(er–NAHN koor–TEZ),
with and a band of
fellow conquistadors,
set out to explore
present-day Mexico
and defeated the
Aztec empire.
The Aztec ruler, Moctezuma II, welcomed the Spanish
with great honors. Determined to break the power of
the Aztecs, Cortés took Moctezuma hostage.
Eventually, the huge Aztec army was defeated by the
Spanish explorer Hernan Cortez conquered the…
Inca Empire.
Taino Indians.
Aztec Empire
The New World
C. Aztec Empire
 First, Aztec legend had predicted the arrival of a white-skinned
god. When Cortés appeared, the Aztecs welcomed him because
they thought he might be this god, Quetzalcoatl.
 Second, Cortés was able to make allies of the Aztecs’ enemies.
 Third, their horses, armor, and superior weapons gave the
Spanish an advantage in battle.
 Fourth, the Spanish carried diseases that caused deadly
epidemics among the Aztecs.
 Aztec riches inspired Spanish conquistadors to continue their
search for gold.
In the 1520s, Francisco
Pizarro received permission
from Spain to conquer the
Inca Empire in South
 By the time Pizarro arrived,
however, a civil war had
weakened that empire. In April
1532, the Incan emperor,
Atahualpa (ah–tuh–WAHL–puh),
greeted the Spanish as guests.
Following Cortés’s example,
Pizarro launched a surprise
attack and kidnapped the
 Although the Incas paid a roomful
of gold and silver in ransom, the
Spanish killed Atahualpa. Without
their leader, the Inca Empire
quickly fell apart.
Spanish explorer Francisco Pizzaro conquered the…
Inca Empire.
Taino Indians.
Aztec Empire
The New World
A. Inca Empire
 Besides gold and silver, ships from the Americas brought corn,
potatoes, chocolate, and raw materials to Spain.
 The Spanish conquests had a major impact on the New World.
The Spanish introduced new animals to the Americas, such as
horses, cattle, sheep, and pigs.
 The Spanish also imported slaves from Africa to work on the
plantations in the new world after much of the native populations
had died.
 Spain introduced diseases to the New World that killed many of
the natives, such as smallpox.
 Spain destroyed two advanced civilizations. The Aztecs and
Incas lost much of their culture along with their wealth. Many
became laborers for the Spanish. Millions died from disease.
Sir Francis Drake
Between 1577 and 1580
Francis Drake sailed around
the world. He also claimed
part of what is now
California for England,
English exploration also
contributed to a war
between England and Spain.
As English ships roamed the seas, some captains,
nicknamed "sea dogs," began raiding Spanish ports and
ships to take their gold. The English raids added to
other tensions between England and Spain. In 1588, King
Philip II of Spain sent an armada, or fleet of ships, to
invade England. With 130 heavily armed vessels and about
thirty thousand men, the Spanish Armada seemed an
unbeatable force.
Drake defeated the Spanish Armada in 1588.
Why is this important?
The defeat of the Spanish Armada marked the start of a
shift in power in Europe. By 1630, Spain no longer
dominated the continent. With Spain’s decline, other
countries—particularly England and the Netherlands—
took a more active role in trade and colonization around
the world.
This is important because it led to more European,
especially English, colonies around the world.
Other European Explorations
The Italian sailor
John Cabot made
England’s first
voyage of
discovery. Cabot
believed he could
reach the Indies
by sailing
northwest across
the Atlantic.
In 1497, John Cabot landed in what is now Canada. Believing
he had reached the northeast coast of Asia, he claimed the
region for England.
Another Italian, Giovanni da Verrazano, sailed under the
French flag. In 1524, Verrazano explored the Atlantic coast
from present-day North Carolina to Canada. His voyage gave
France its first claims in the Americas.
Sailing on behalf of the Netherlands, English explorer Henry
Hudson wanted to find a northwest passage through North
America to the Pacific Ocean. Such a water route would allow
ships to sail from Europe to Asia without entering waters
controlled by Spain.
Hudson did not find a northwest passage, but he did explore
what is now called the Hudson River in present-day New York
 As a result of
exploration, more
goods, raw materials,
and precious metals
entered Europe. By the
1700s, European ships
traveled trade routes
that spanned the
Capitalism: an economic system based on investment of
money for profit.
Market economy: an economy in which prices are
determined by the buying and selling decisions of
individuals in the marketplace
Mercantilism: an economic policy by which nations try to
gather wealth by establishing colonies and controlling
All these terms deal with economics, or money.