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European Powers Stake Their Claims
Mr. Hardy
RMS IB Middle School
The Spanish Expeditions
• 1492 – Christopher Columbus – Italian sailing for
Spain, Columbus was convinced the world was round and he
could reach the East Indies by sailing west.
Landed in present day Bahamas, which he thought were
unknown islands of the East Indies.
Claimed the land he discovered for Spain.
Made three subsequent voyages between 1492 and 1503
which resulted in Spanish claims of land in Caribbean and
Central America.
Opened up New World for Exploration
The Nina, Pinta, & Santa Maria
Vasco Nunez de Balboa
• 1510 founded first
permanent European
settlement on the
mainland of the
Americas in present
day Panama
• 1513 becomes first
European in America
to see the Pacific
Ferdinand Magellan
• 1519 Ferdinand Magellan, a Portuguese sea
captain led several ships from Spain, around
the Southern tip of South America.
• Became the first voyage to circle around
the globe.
• Proved definitely that the world was round.
• Claimed Philippine Islands for Spain giving
Spain and empire in the Pacific.
Magellan’s Voyage Around the World
Hernando De Soto
• 1541 – Hernando De
Soto becomes the first
European to see the
Mississippi River.
The French Expeditions
• 1524 – Giovanni Verrazano
explored the East Coast of
North America.
• First European to sail in to
New York Harbor
The Verrazano Narrows Bridge
In New York City
Jacques Cartier
• 1535 Jacques Cartiermade three voyages for
France between 1535
and 1542
• Discovered and sailed
up the St. Lawrence
• Claimed present day
Canada for France
Samuel de Champlain
• 1603-1608 Explored
Eastern Canada and
Northern New England
as far South as present
day Boston
• Founded the city of
Quebec in 1608
Robert de La Salle
• 1669 – 1687 Led several
French expeditions from the
Great Lakes to the Ohio
River and to the Mississippi.
• First European to travel
down the Mississippi to its
mouth in 1682.
• Established numerous
French forts from Michigan
to Texas solidifying France’s
claim to most of the interior
of the present day United
The English Expeditions
• 1497 – John Cabot (real
name – Zuan Chaboto)
was an Italian who led
an English expedition to
North America.
• First European since
the Vikings to set foot
on the mainland of
North America. (not
Cabot landed in Newfoundland
Sir Francis Drake
• 1577-1580 Drake became
the second person to
lead an expedition to sail
around the world.
• Claimed present day
California for England.
• Most importantly, it
increased English interest
in competing with Spain
in the New World
The Dutch Expedition
• 1609 – Henry Hudson, an
English sea captain working
for the Dutch sailed his ship,
the Half Moon, in to New York
harbor and up the Hudson
River to present day Albany,
• Most importantly, his voyage
gave the Dutch claim to
present day New York, where
they established a colony,
New Amsterdam in 1625.
Classroom Assignment
For this assignment you are going to make a foldable which will include information about
the European explorers we have covered.
1) Select three different colored sheets of paper.
2) Lay the three sheets down on top of each other, leaving about one inch at the top of the
two bottom pages exposed.
3) Now fold all three together about 1/3 the way down the page.
4) Staple the three pages together with two staples in on the back of the folded crease.
5) Turn it over, and you should now have six tabs of alternating colors.
6) Label your top tap European Explorers in the New World.
7) Label the other tabs by country name, in whatever order you choose. You have five tabs,
and five countries, Spain, Portugal, France, England, and Holland.
8) On each tab, write the dates, names, and significant accomplishments of each explorer we
talked about.
9) Neatness and creativity count. Color and illustrate it as you see fit. You will be graded on it.
10) The finished product will be part of your study guide.