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Taxonomy and Kingdoms Study Guide
Chapter 14 and 19
Page 300
1. The science of naming and classifying organisms is called ________________________.
2. The Greek philosopher and naturalist Aristotle grouped plants according to their
________________________ similarities.
3. Linnaeus’s two-word system for naming organisms is called ____________________
4. The basic biological unit in the Linnaean system of biological classification is
5. A(n) _____________________ is a taxonomic category containing similar species.
6. The scientific name of the willow tree is _______________________________.
7. The common name of Quercus rubra is the _____________________________.
8. The unique two-part name for a species is called a scientific name. The first word is the
______________ and the second part is the _______________. The first letter of the
Genus name is always ______________ and the first letter of the second part is always
___________________. Scientific names are always underlined or _________________.
9. Determine the correct order of the categories from largest (most general) to smallest (most
specific). Number the largest 1, smallest 8.
_____ phylum
_____ order
_____ class
_____ species
_____ kingdom
_____ genus
_____ family
_____ domain
Page 412
10. There are 3 superkingdoms or domains: Bacteria, Archae, and Eukarya.
Label the following characteristics with the domain they are associated with.
______________ Oldest domain
_________________ contains all eubacteria
______________ Includes animals
_________________ cells have a nucleus
______________ True multicellularity
_________________ contains organelles within cells
______________ Includes methanogens _________________ cell walls of peptidoglycan
I. Match the following words to the correct description.
_____ 1. Autotrophic
_____ 2. Cell membrane
_____ 3. Cell wall
_____ 4. Eukaryotic
_____ 5. Heterotrophic
_____ 6. Multicellular
_____ 7. Photosynthetic
_____ 8. Prokaryotic
_____ 9. Unicellular
A. organisms that lack nuclei &
membrane bound organelles;
bacteria; monerans
B. organisms that have nuclei &
membrane bound organelles
C. rigid structure found outside of the
cell membrane for support and shape
D. structure found surrounding the
cytoplasm of all cells; separates the
contents of the cell from the
environment; helps maintain
homeostasis; is semipermeable
E. composed of only one cell
F. composed of many cells that function
together to maintain the homeostasis
of the organisms
G. organisms that make their own food;
do not eat
H. organisms that make their own food
using chloroplasts which capture light
energy and convert it to chemical
energy using CO2 & H2O; autotrophic
I. organisms that eat other organisms;
can not make their own food in their
cells, tissues, or organs
II. Fill in the chart below about each of the kingdoms. Use the vocabulary terms from above.
Prokaryotic or
Multicellular or
Autotroph or
Examples of
Domain Archae
Domain Bacteria
Domain Eukarya
Domain Eukarya
Domain Eukarya
Domain Eukarya
Page 414
1. Differentiate between the kinds of Archaebacteria. (Methanogens, Thermophiles, Halophiles,
and Non-extreme Archaebacteria)
2. Compare the cell walls of the two domains that include bacteria.
3. Briefly describe the kinds of protists in Kingdom Protista.
4. Briefly discuss the kinds of Fungi.
5. There are four basic kinds of plants, what are they and describe.
6. What is the difference between an invertebrate and a vertebrate in the Animal kingdom?