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Grammar Warm-Up Directions
Step 1:
Write today's date and copy the sentence exactly as it is written on the board.
Underneath each word, label the parts of speech (type of noun, type of verb,
type of modifier, preposition, conjunction, pronoun, etc)
Be sure to remember:
1. Types of verbs: action verbs (you can do), linking verbs (link or join
words/ideas, helping or auxiliary verbs (help the main verb).
2. Types of modifiers: adjectives (describe nouns), adverbs (describe verbs,
adjectives, adverbs), possessive pronouns (show ownership).
Step 2:
Step 3:
Underneath the parts of speech, label the parts of the sentence (subject,
predicate, direct object, indirect object, predicate nominative, predicate
adjective, etc).
Be sure to remember:
1. Direct objects and indirect objects only go with action verbs, and
they are not always in a sentence. Direct objects answer "what"
with the verb, and indirect objects answer "who/whom" with the
 Ex: I gave my mother flowers.
Flowers is the direct object, and mother is the indirect object.
2. Predicate nominatives and predicate adjectives only go with
linking verbs. A predicate nominative is when the subject is linked
to another noun
 Ex: Jon is a basketball player.
A predicate adjective is when the subject is linked to an adjective.
 Ex: Jon is very nice.
3. You will sometimes find compound subjects, compound
predicates, or multiple subjects/predicates if you have a compound
or complex sentence.
Underneath the parts of the sentence, label the phrases in the sentence.
You will need to search for 3 types of phrases:
1. Prepositional Phrases: A prepositional phrase must start with a
preposition and end with a noun, which is the object of the preposition.
You should have labeled all prepositions during step 1.
 Ex: Alex ran into the school and grabbed his bag.
2. Appositive Phrases: An appositive is a noun that describes another
noun or pronoun that stands for the same person, place or thing.
The appositive will always be located directly behind the noun it
 Ex. We students have decided to plan a dance.
3. Verbal Phrases: A verbal phrase has a word that looks like a verb,
but is not being used as a verb in the sentence. There are 3 types of
verbal phrases.
 Gerunds: Use "ing" verbs as nouns. Ex: Swimming is fun.
 Infinitives: Use "to + verb" as a noun. Ex: To swim is fun.
 Participles: Use "ing" or "ed" verbs as adjectives.
Ex: napping cat, parked car, screaming child
Step 4:
Step 5:
Underneath the phrases, label the clauses in the sentence.
There are 3 parts to this step:
1. Determine the independent and dependent (or subordinate) clauses
of the sentence. An independent clause makes complete sense
alone. A dependent (or subordinate) clause does not make sense by
alone; it must be connected to an independent clause.
Ex. Erica found a secret message in her locker, but threw it away.
2. Determine if the sentence is simple, compound, complex, or
compound/complex. A simple sentence is just one independent
clause. A compound sentence has two independent clauses usually
joined with a comma and a conjunction. A complex sentence has
one independent clause and one dependent clause usually joined by
a comma and a conjunction. A compound/complex sentence has
two independent clauses and one dependent clause.
Ex. Erica found a secret message. - simple
Ex. Erica found a secret message, but she threw it away. - compound
Ex. When Erica found the message, she threw it away. - complex
Ex. When Erica found the message, she threw it away, but she dug
it out of the trashcan later that day. - compound/complex
3. Determine the type of sentence. A declarative sentence is the most
common type of sentence; it is a statement of fact or opinion that ends
with a period. An imperative sentence is a command that does not have a
directly stated subject. An exclamatory sentence expresses strong emotion
or excitement and ends with an exclamation point. An interrogative
sentence is a question that will end with a question mark.
Ex. We need to going shopping today after school. - declarative
Ex. Please come into the classroom and sit down. - imperative
Ex. I am so excited for the fieldtrip! - exclamatory
Ex. When is the assignment due for history? - interrogative
Diagram the sentence. Diagrams differ depending on the sentence.