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Julius Caesar born in ~ 100B.C., aristocrat (traced linage back to goddess Venus) First Triumvirate—60 B.C. he allied himself with the general Pompey and the politician Crassius (Pompey married Caesar’s only daughter) 59 B.C.- took military command in Gaul and conquered part of Britain Had two epileptic fits (seizures) on campaigns because of his victories—lower classes hailed him a military hero gave bonuses to troops, money to every citizen, and pardoned enemies Senate concerned about his power-orders him back to Rome Julius Caesar Cont. Caesar fought back and defeated Pompey’s forces in 48B.C. 45 B.C. Caesar = dictator for life carried out social reforms to benefit the poor (jobs for unemployed, distrib. free grain) new calendar- solar, 365 days in a year and 1 extra every 4th year renamed a month for him Julius (July) Ptolemy killed Pompey of Egypt (Cleopatra’s brother) and sent his head to Caesar to get Caesar on his side Roman law = “anyone plotting to become king can be killed without trial” A group of senators, led by Brutus and Cassius, stabbed Caesar to death 23 times on March 15, 44B.C. died at the foot of Pompey’s statue Cleopatra Queen of Egypt Her father bribed Rome’s leaders not to invade Egypt The family of Ptolemy ruled Egypt for several hundred years after death of Alexander the Great Cleopatra was the first in her family to learn Egyptian language At age 18 she ruled with her brother Ptolemy (10) She was forced to flee 3 years later Julius Caesar came to decide throne of Egypt She wrapped herself in a rug and had it delivered to Caesar so she could speak with him Caesar liked her boldness so supported her Cleopatra and Julius Caesar began a relationship Cleopatra Had a son Caesarian May have planned to marry but Caesar was murdered Later after Julius Caesar’s death she enchanted Mark Antony He left his wife, married Cleopatra and recognized her 2 sons as his own Mark Antony’s first wife was Octavian’s sister Octavian fought Mark Antony and Cleopatra, he won and Mark and Cleopatra fled back to Egypt Octavian trapped them, Antony committed suicide Cleo pleaded trying to get Caesarian to be king of Egypt Octavian refuses, she commits suicide Octavian then had Caesarian killed The Second Triumvirate-Against those who killed Caesar Defeated Caesar’s assassins in 42 B.C. Octavian, Mark Antony, Lepidus divided the Roman world among themselves Octavian forced Lepidus to retire from political life Antony marries Cleopatra, queen of Egypt Octavian declares war on Antony in Rome’s name 30 B.C. Antony and Cleopatra commit suicide to avoid capture **Octavian became the undisputed ruler of Rome = the beginning of the Roman Empire!!! he names himself Augustus Caesar = “Majestic One” Pax Romana = “Peace of Rome” 31 B.C. 180 A.D. The “Soap Opera” of Julius Caesar