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Unit One: The Restless
Question 1.
The Restless Earth Revision Checklist:
1. Read through your notes and tick off whether you have notes on the topics that have been covered. If not, you
must copy up ASAP.
2. For each topic you must provide a score to reflect how well you think you understand what you’ve covered.
This will help you focus your revision. Provide a score of 1-5.
3. Identify the topics you most need to revise – and do this as a priority!
1 = Don’t understand
3 = Understand some
5 = Understand all
Section of Topic
Tectonic plates: the distribution, and contrasts between continental and oceanic.
Plate margins: destructive, constructive and conservative.
Location & formation: fold mountains, ocean trenches, composite volcanoes and
shield volcanoes.
Case study: the ways in which the range is used – farming, hydroelectric power,
mining, tourism and how people adapt to limited communications, steep relief &
poor soils.
Characteristics: shield, composite and supervolcanoes.
Case study: of a volcanic eruption – the causes, primary & secondary effects,
positive & negative effects, immediate & long term responses.
Management: monitoring and predicting volcanic eruptions.
Characteristics: The characteristics of a supervolcano and the likely effects of an
eruption (social, environmental, economic & global, local, national).
Effects & responses: how the effects of an earthquake, and the responses to an
earthquake vary between more economically and less economically developed
Case study: A case study of an earthquake in a rich part of the world – their specific
causes; primary and secondary effects; immediate and long-term responses – the
need to predict, protect and prepare.
Case study: A case study of an earthquake in a poor part of the world – their
specific causes; primary and secondary effects; immediate and long-term responses
– the need to predict, protect and prepare.
Case study: A case study to show the causes, effects, and responses.
Can you provide definitions for the following key terms?
Inner core, outer core, mantle, convection current, crust, oceanic, continental,
subduct, ocean trench, fold mountain, natural hazard, composite and shield
volcanoes, magma, lava, crater, magma chamber, volcanic bombs, lahar,
pyroclastic flow, tiltmeter, supervolcano, caldera, fissure, geothermal, geyser,
hotspot, subsistence farming, irrigation, terraces, HEP, focus, epicentre,
primary/secondary/surface seismic waves, magnitude, Richter scale, Mercalli
scale, predication, protection, preparation, tsunami, primary effect, secondary
effect, immediate response, long-term response, aid.
Structure of the Earth
The earth consists of four concentric layers; inner core, outer core,
mantle and crust.
The inner core:
 the centre of the earth and is the hottest part
 it is solid iron and nickel with temperatures of up to 6500°C.
 with its immense heat energy, the inner core is like the engine
room of the Earth.
The outer core:
 surrounds the inner core
 it is a liquid layer of iron and nickel
 temperatures around 5,500°C at the boundary with the mantle.
The mantle:
 is the widest section of the earth
 it is made up of semi-molten rock called magma
 it is the convection currents within the magma that cause
continental drift
The crust:
 is the outer layer of the earth.
 it is a thin layer between 0-70km thick.
 there are two different types of crust: the less dense
continental crust and the denser oceanic crust.
Convection currents
Continental drift / plate movement
 is caused by convection currents within the mantle
 the temperature at the boundary of the outer core & the
mantle is about 5,500°C.
 the magma here is heated, becomes less dense and rises
towards the crust.
 as it rises the magma cools, becomes denser & drags the plates
along the surface of the mantle as it sinks. This cycle is
repeated forming a convection cells.
Plates and plate boundaries
The surface of the earth is like a jigsaw made up of plates
There are 2 types of plate:
 Oceanic – new material (igneous), dense
 Continental – older material (igneous, metamorphic and
sedimentary rocks), less dense
The point where two plates meet is called a plate boundary.
Earthquakes and volcanoes are most likely to occur either on or near
plate boundaries.
Types of plate boundary
The earth's plates move in different directions. Plates behave
differently at different plate boundaries:
Plate Boundary
Constructive plate boundaries
Destructive plate boundaries
Constructive plate
boundaries occur when two
plates move away from
each other
American and
Destructive plate
boundaries occur when an
oceanic plate is forced
under (or subducts) a
continental plate
Nazca and
the S.
Conservative plate boundaries
Collision plate boundaries
Conservative plate
boundaries occur when two
plates slide past each
Plate and the
Pacific Plate
Collision plate boundaries
occur when two continental
plates move towards each
IndoAustralian and
the Eurasian
What happens at a constructive boundary?
Eg. N. American and Eurasian Plates forming the Mid-Atlantic Ridge
Plate movement
Ocean ridge
Oceanic crust
Seafloor spreading
 the plates are forced apart by convection currents in the
 Magma rises from the mantle, reaches the surface, cools and
solidifies to form new crust made up of igneous rock.
 This process is repeated many times forming mid-ocean ridges
e.g. the Mid-Atlantic Ridge on the boundary of the N. American
& Eurasian plate & shield volcanoes like Surtsey and island arcs
like the Lesser Antilles
 mid-ocean ridge is general term for an underwater mountain
system formed at a constructive plate boundary.
 This type of oceanic ridge is characteristic of seafloor
 The mid-ocean ridges of the world are connected and form a
single global mid-oceanic ridge system that is part of every
What happens at a destructive boundary?
E.g. The Juan de Fuca Plate & the N. American Plate forming the
Cascade Range & Mount St Helen’s, USA
Plate movement
Fold mountains & composite
Continental plate
Oceanic plate
Subduction zone
 the plates move towards each other
 on the surface this forms a trench at the point where the 2
plates meet & fold mountains formed as the sediment on the
sea bed is uplifted
 this uplifted sediment forms fold mountains
 the oceanic plate is denser than the continental plate & is
forced underneath (subducted) the continental plate. The point
at which this happens is called the subduction zone.
 the subducted oceanic plate pulls sea water with it
 as it sinks into the mantle the water turns to steam and this
combines with the melting plate to form explosive magma.
 This magma then rises up through cracks in the continental
crust eventually forming composite volcanoes.
CONTINENTAL SLOPE: The continental slope gradually rises from the
abyssal plains but climbs as much as 45 degrees as it approaches land.
CONTINENTAL SHELF: The continental shelf, the region from the
coastline to the edge of the continental slope, covers about eight percent
of the global seafloor area. The continental shelf is a national asset for
most nations. It is a source of fish, both commercial and sport, and in
some areas, oil and natural gas
ABYSSAL PLAINS: Abyssal plains are found next to the continental
slopes at depths greater than 9 - 10,000 feet. They are areas of near
freezing water temperatures where there is no season or sunlight. The
Abyssal plain is regarded as the true ocean floor. The few marine
inhabitants found in the region survive only because they have adapted to
the hostile environment of bitter cold and immense pressure.
What happens at a conservative boundary?
e.g. Pacific & N. American Plates forming the San Andreas Fault
 the plates move parallel to each other, get stuck, pressure
builds and is suddenly released in earthquakes
 the landscape has a crumpled appearance
 no land is created at a conservative boundary and none is
 volcanoes do not occur along these boundaries
 earthquakes are very common.
What happens at a Collision Plate Boundary?
E.g. The Indo-Australian & the Eurasian plates forming the
 an area of sea separates two continental plates, sediment is
eroded and weathered from the land & settles on the sea floor
in depressions called geosynclines.
 these sediments gradually become compressed into
sedimentary rock.
 the two continental plates move towards each other,
compressing the layers of sedimentary rock on the sea floor
which become crumpled and folded to form fold mountains
 eventually the sedimentary rock appears above sea level as a
range of fold mountains.
Where the rocks are folded upwards, they are called anticlines.
Where the rocks are folded downwards, they are called synclines.
 earthquakes are common at such boundaries
The Andes Fold Mountains
The Andes formed at the
destructive plate boundary
between the Nazca & S.American
The world's longest fold mountain
range running for over 7,000km and
covering 6 countries.
best land can be found on the valley
terraces have been dug into the
valley sides and held up by retaining
walls has been used to bring the
lands on the valley sides into food
most crops are grown in the lower
areas and include soya, maize, rice
and cotton
the main crop of the Andes is the
most farming is subsistence,
Llamas have historically been used
a lot in the Andes, as a form of
transportation and to carry goods.
The Inca Trail
Alpaca, a relative of the Llama, has
been used to produce some of the
finest cloth known to man, and is
Tourism is a key industry for Peru
in the East you can take part in
Eco-tourism activities in the
Amazon Basin, as found along the
Madre De Dios River near to Puerto
Peru has some fantastic coastline
as well, but the highlight of Peru is
undoubtedly the Inca Trail.
also produced in the Andes
covers 50km of old pathways
linking together old Inca
settlements in the inhospitable
mountains of the Andes.
South America's best known trek
and is one of only 23 World
Heritage Sites
The route takes 4 days and covers
around 45km, and finishes with
sunrise at the "Lost City of the
Incas" at Machu Picchu
the trail is strictly controlled, and
only 200 trekkers are allowed to
start out on the trail every day.
The Andes mountains contain a
wide range of minable materials
There are large deposits of coal, oil
and natural gas, iron ore, gold,
silver, tin, copper, phosphates and
nitrates and Bauxite
The Yanacocha gold mine in Peru is
the largest gold mine in the world an open cast mine and the rocks
containing the gold are blasted with
dynamite. The nearby town of
Cajamarca has grown from 30,000
when the mine started to 240,000
people in 2005.
deep river give the Andes huge
potential as a region to produce
hydroelectric power
narrow valleys cut dam costs
the steep relief increases water
velocities allowing electricity
Snow melt fuels most of the water
provision - but this means that HEP
production can be reduced to small
amounts in winter.
The El Platinal Project is under
construction in Peru & will join the
Yuncan dam
The Alps
High mountain ranges, e.g. Mont
Blanc which is 4810m above sea
Contrasting microclimates on north
facing (ubac) and south facing
(adrete) slopes.
Geologically young (30 – 40 million
years old).
Located in France, Switzerland,
Austria & Slovenia
Most farms located on sunnier
south-facing slopes
Traditional system is Called
Tourism is a key industry
transhumance – cattle taken up into
alpine pastures during summer &
brought back down to the valleys
for the winter
Farmers now use artificial feeds
some livestock often stay in the
All year round – hiking, climbing &
winter sports
For winter tourism (St Moritz & Chamonix)
valleys all year
Flatter land at higher levels easy for
building hotels etc.
Steep slopes above resorts for ski
For summer tourism:
Large glacial lakes on valley floors
Beautiful mountain scenery
Chocolate box villages
Good transport links throughout Europe
High numbers of tourist are damaging the
Forestry on north-facing slopes
Wood has always been the main
building material
Sawmills are located on valley floors
Timber not used for construction
turned into paper, pulp & fuel
Narrow valleys are easy to dam
Hep used to power sawmills & a range
of industries
A textbook volcano
Composite & shield volcanoes
Tall cone with narrow base & steep
Cone with wide base & gentle slopes
Basic lava
Regular eruptions of little violence
Made of alternate layers of lava &
Long periods of dormancy followed
by explosive eruptions
Occur at destructive plate
Mt St Helen’s, USA
Hekla & Surtsey in Iceland
Soufriere hills, Montserrat
Mauna Loa & Kilauea in Hawaii
A Case Study of a volcanic eruption in a richer country
Background info:
Mt St Helen’s is in a range of fold
mountains called the Cascade
Range in Washington State, USA
It is a composite volcano
Key Events:
March 1980 - earthquakes
followed by ash & steam eruption
From March a bulge grew on the
northern flank of the mountain
08.32 on 18th May 1980 an 5.2
earthquake caused a landslide on
NE side of the mountain causing a
lateral blast in the form of a
pyroclastic flow - blast removes
390m summit
Glaciers melted & formed lahars
which swept away trees and rock
choking rivers
2010 -A new magma dome is
Cascades have been formed by a
destructive plate boundary
The Juan de Fuca Plate is being
subducted beneath the North
American Plate
Primary Effects:
Total destruction up to 27km
north of crater
57 dead - had it not been a
Sunday, the number would have
been greater
crops were ruined and livelihoods
of loggers were devastated with
large areas of trees being
flattened like matchsticks – 15000
acres destroyed
lava flows and ash filling in Spirit
Lake and log jams and ash blocking
the channel of the Toutle River
Secondary Effects:
Ash fell over 3 states causing havoc in
towns like Yakoma, Washington
Ash fall caused poor visibility on
highways causing accidents
Power lines came down causing power
Toutle & Colombia Rivers filled with
ash & debris
Unemployment in the immediate area
rose tenfold in the following weeks
Damage estimated at over £800
Soil will become fertile in time
Short-term Responses:
USGS monitored volcano
11km exclusion zone was set up
around the crater based on
previous eruptions
National Guard helicopters
mobilized for search & rescue
Washington State introduced a
15kmph speed limit & encouraged
people to stay indoors
Long-term Responses:
US government gave $951million in
aid to rebuild the local economy &
compensate people
Roads & bridges rebuilt, rivers
Forest is being replanted & recolonized naturally
The area was given National
Monument status in 1982 and
received $1.4 million for
development - it draws 3 million
tourists / year
Damage to forests & debris from
lahars & pyroclastic flows has
increased the risk of flooding in
the area
A Case Study of a Volcanic Eruption in a poorer country
Background info:
Montserrat is part of the Lesser
Population 11,000 before eruption
First eruption July 1995 - still
Montserrat sits on a destructive
plate boundary
The North & South American
Plates are being subducted under
the Caribbean Plate
Primary Effects:
Secondary Effects:
July 1995 - ash eruption. Now 2/3
island covered in ash
 August 1997 - pyroclastic flows 19 dead, two thirds of houses in
Plymouth destroyed. Forest fires
 Pyroclastic flows & lahars block
valleys & cause flooding
 Many schools destroyed
 Tourism ceased
 Crops destroyed by ash
15 square miles in north of island
considered safe zone
Short-term Responses:
Long-term Responses:
USGS monitored volcano & set up
warning systems
August 1995 - Safe Zone was set
up in the north of the island
UK government sent £17 million in
aid including temporary buildings &
water purification systems
People began to emigrate - by 1997
the population had dropped to 3500
USA & Royal Navy helped with
As most of the southern area was
destroyed any remaining inhabitants
have had to endure harsh living
conditions in the North.
Transport remains a problem for
people travelling to the island as the
port and airport remain closed.
The tourist industry is still
suffering with few visitors except
for cruise ships looking at the
3,000 people have not returned
People moved back - current
population is about 8,000
 UK government funded a 3 year
development programme - schools,
houses, medical facilities,
infrastructure - cost £122.8million
 Vegetation is growing back in south
part of the island
Soufriere Hills has become a tourist
Why do people live near volcanoes?
1. Time - most volcanoes are perfectly safe for long periods in between
eruptions, and those that do erupt more frequently are usually thought
of, by the people who live there, as being predictable - about 500 million
people live
2. Minerals - copper, gold, silver, lead and zinc are associated with rocks
found deep below extinct volcanoes. Hot gasses escaping through vents
also bring minerals to the surface, notably sulphur, which collects around
the vents as it condenses and solidifies. Locals collect the sulphur and sell
3. Geothermal Energy - Countries such as Iceland make extensive use of
geothermal power, with approximately two thirds of Iceland's electricity
coming from steam-powered turbines. It is a clean, sustainable source of
4. Fertile Soils – volcanic rock is mineral rich & weathers into rich soils..
5. Tourism -Around the volcano may be warm bathing lakes, hot springs,
bubbling mud pools and steam vents. Geysers are always popular tourist
attractions, such as Old Faithful in the Yellowstone National Park, USA.
Iceland markets itself as a land of fire and ice, attracting tourists with a
mix of volcanoes and glaciers, often both in the same place.
How are super volcanoes formed?
Super volcanoes erupt infrequently
They emit at least 1,000km3 – 1,ooo times more than Mt St Helen’s
They do not have cones, but are huge basins called calderas
Super volcanoes form over hotspots
Magma rises from the hotspot & uplifting the crust into a dome
Cracks appear on the surface – gas, lava & ash erupt from the magma chamber
As the magma chamber empties the dome collapses forming the caldera
A Case Study
Background info:
Super volcanoes emit at least
1000km2 of material
 Do not have a cone
 Form in a caldera (basin) often
bordered by high ridges
 Super volcanoes do not occur at
plate boundaries but over hot
spots within plates
 Yellowstone National Park is in
the USA
 It erupts about every 630,000
years & is due
Potential Effects:
The destruction of 10,000km2
87,000 dead
15cm of ash would cover
settlements within 1000km
bringing the economy to a
1 in 3 people affected will die
Transport, electricity, water &
agriculture will be affected
Ask would fall on UK five days
Global climate would be affected
- temps would drop between 3 &
5 degrees Celsius
Crops would fail & famine would
Yellowstone National Park is
sitting above a hot spot
It has a magma chamber 80 km
long, 40km wide & 8 km deep
This is currently rising at around
70cm a year below Yellowstone
Geothermal activity is
responsible for geysers such as
Old faithful
Potential Responses:
Emergency planning by US
government based on USGS
UN led relief effort
Migration from countries
affected by famines especially in
poorer parts of the world
Increased regional tensions
possibly leading to war
Managing tectonic hazards – prediction, protection & preparation
It's not possible to prevent earthquakes and volcanic eruptions. However, careful
management of these hazards can minimise the damage that they cause. Prediction is
the most important aspect of this, as this gives people time to evacuate the area and
make preparations for the event.
Predicting & monitoring eruptions
As a volcano becomes active, it gives off a number of warning signs. These warning
signs are picked up by volcanologists (experts who study volcanoes) and the volcano is
The key techniques for monitoring a volcano
Warning signs
Monitoring techniques
Hundreds of small earthquakes are caused as
magma rises up through cracks in the Earth's
Seismometers are used to detect
Temperatures around the volcano rise as activity
Thermal imaging techniques and
satellite cameras can be used to
detect heat around a volcano
When a volcano is close to erupting it starts to
release gases. The higher the sulfur content of
these gases, the closer the volcano is to erupting.
Gas samples may be taken and
chemical sensors used to measure
sulphur levels.
Preparing for an eruption
A detailed plan is needed for dealing with a possible eruption. Everyone who could be
affected needs to know the plan and what they should do if it needs to be put into
action. Planning for a volcanic eruption includes:
Creating an exclusion zone around the volcano.
Being ready and able to evacuate residents.
Having an emergency supply of basic provisions, such as food.
Funds need to be available to deal with the emergency and a good communication
system needs to be in place.
What causes an earthquake?
An earthquake is the shaking and vibration of the Earth's crust due to
movement of the Earth's plates (plate tectonics)
Earthquakes can happen along any type of plate boundary.
Earthquakes occur when tension is released from inside the crust. Plates do not
always move smoothly alongside each other and sometimes get stuck. When this
happens pressure builds up. When this pressure is eventually released, an
earthquake tends to occur.
The point inside the crust where the pressure is released is called the focus.
The point on the Earth's surface above the focus is called the epicentre.
Earthquake energy is released in seismic waves. These waves spread out from
the focus. The waves are felt most strongly at the epicentre, becoming less
strong as they travel further away.
Measurement of earthquakes
The Richter Scale
This measures magnitude
An earthquake's magnitude (power) is measured using an instrument
called a seismometer.
The scale is logarithmic – there is a tenfold increase in power every time
the scale increases by 1
So a scale of 2 is 10 times more powerful than 1 and a scale of 3 is 100
times more powerful than 1
The Mercalli Scale
Measures the effects (damage) of an earthquake using a scale between 1 & 12
It is based on subjective descriptions – good for on the scene analysis of
damage for emergency response
What factors affect the impact of an earthquake?
Distance from the epicentre
Rock type – resistant rocks provide more solid foundations for buildings
Magnitude - the higher on the Richter scale, the more severe the earthquake is.
Level of development – richer countries are more likely to have the resources and
technology for monitoring, prediction and response.
Population density (rural or urban area). The more densely populated an area, the more
likely there are to be deaths and casualties.
Communication - accessibility for rescue teams.
Time of day - influences whether people are in their homes, at work or travelling.
The time of year and climate will influence survival rates and the rate at which disease
can spread.
NB: As a rule, the poorer the country, the greater the impact of the disaster
A case study of an earthquake in a richer country
Background info:
Physical Causes:
Kobe is an important industrial city
located on Honshu Island, Japan
17TH January 1995 - 05.46am –
many were in bed
7.2 Ricter Scale - 20 seconds
Kobe sits on the Nojima Fault Line
on a destructive plate boundary
between the Philippines & Eurasian
Shallow focus – 20km beneath
Awaji Shima Island in the bay of
7.2 Richter Scale – 20 seconds
05.46am meant many in bed
Human Causes
Buildings built close together –
domino effect
Buildings built before 1981
were not earthquake proof
A Case Study of an Earthquake in a poorer country
Background info:
 Sichuan is in China - an LEDC
 12th May 2008 at 2.28pm
 7.9 Richter Scale - duration
 200 aftershocks - 3 measuring
over 6 Richter scale
 Epicentre near Wenchuan
Primary Effects:
 69,000 dead
 18,000 missing
 374,000 injured
 5 million homeless
 Wenchuan cut off by landslides
 Beichuan - 80% buildings damaged
 Shifang -chemical plants collapsed
killing thousands & spilling toxic
900 schools collapsed
Physical Causes:
 Sichuan sits on a collision Plate
 The Indo-Australian Plate is
colliding with the Eurasian
 Sichuan is a mountainous province &
prone to landslides
Human Causes:
 LEDC – poor quality construction
Limited emergency response services
Secondary Effects:
 Many dams were damaged &
power supplies cut
 Landslides cut roads & blocked
rivers leading to fears of
 5,000 tents flown in on DFID
 5,000 villages cut off daunting task of rebuilding
communities and livelihoods
 1 million left unemployed
Reconstruction costs put at $150
Short-term Responses:
Long-term Responses:
 Heavy rains & mudslides made rescue  Over a million temporary homes
constructed in Sichuan over 3 years
 20 helicopters sent to disaster areas  Chinese government pledged
 50,000 soldiers sent - some troops
£10million to rebuild area
were parachuted in – not emergency
 Banks wrote off debts
search & rescue specialists
 Dams & infrastructure rebuilt
 Shelter, food & water provided
Schools rebuilt on steel pole
 Land flattened for camps - 3million
foundations & lightweight thatch
tents called for
 14th May China asked for
international help by text message
 Red Cross donated £100 million in aid
The Haiti Earthquake 2010
A Case Study of an Earthquake in a poorer country
Background info:
Location: Caribbean nation of
Haiti- 15km (10 miles) south-west
of Port-au-Prince ( capital of Haiti)
Date: Tuesday 12th January 2010
Time: 16.53 (21.53 GMT)
Size: shallow focus earthquake Depth of 13 km.
7.0 on Richter scale. Aftershocks
between 5.0 and 5.9.
Destructive Plate Boundary: N.
American plate is being subducted
below the Caribbean plate
Physical Causes:
 A shallow focus earthquake
 The fault line hadn’t moved for
250 years – people were
Human Causes:
Primary Effects:
The port was destroyed hampering
aid response
Water supplies & power cut
an estimated three million people
were affected by the quake
between 217,000 and 230,000
people died
an estimated 300,000 injured
an estimated 1,000,000 homeless
250,000 residences and 30,000
commercial buildings had collapsed
or were severely damaged.
The epicentre of the earthquake
was 16km south west of Port-AuPrince
Haiti is the poorest country in the
Western Hemisphere
The buildings in Port-Au-Prince and
other areas of Haiti were in very
poor condition in general and were
not designed or constructed to be
earthquake resistant.
3 Million people live in Port au Prince
with the majority living in slum
conditions after rapid urbanisation.
Haiti only has one airport with one
runway. The control tower was badly
damaged in the earthquake. The
port is also unusable due to damage
Secondary Effects:
Communication systems, air, land,
and sea transport facilities,
hospitals, and electrical networks
had been damaged by the
earthquake, which hampered rescue
and aid efforts;
confusion over who was in charge,
air traffic congestion,
Lack of aid & police force caused
Medical treatment was hampered by
lack of power and shortages of
equipment and medical supplies.
A cholera epidemic broke out due to
unclean drinking water in refugee
Short-term Responses:
400,000 water bottles & 300,000
food rations dropped in first 9
Bodies buried in mass graves
Aid supplies flown into the
Dominican Republic and taken
across the border by convoy
Huge international aid response
coordinated by the UN
The UK government has sent eight
mobile medical units along with 36
doctors including orthopaedic
specialists, traumatologists,
anaesthetists, and surgeons. In
addition, 39 trucks with canned
food have been dispatched, along
with 10 mobile kitchens and 110
cooks capable of producing 100,000
meals per day.
Long-term Responses:
Estimated that over 1,000 aid
agencies are involved in the
Unrest as little progress appears to
have been made
The Asian Tsunami 2004
A Case Study of a tsunami in a poorer region
Tsunamis are usually caused by earthquakes. The crust moves and the water
displaced forms the wave
As the waves approaches land the wavelength decreases while the height
Background info:
 26 Dec. 2004
 The highest wave to come
ashore was 25m
 Areas worst affected included
Sri Lanka, Indonesia (especially
Sumatra) & Thailand
Physical Causes:
 USGS recorded 9.1 on Richter
 Destructive plate boundary –
the Indo-Australian is being
subducted below the Eurasian
Human Causes:
Primary Effects:
Over 220,000 died
650,000 were seriously injured
2 million made homeless
1,500 settlements completely
destroyed in Banda Aceh alone
Short-term Responses:
Bodies were buried in mass graves
The army was mobilised
Huge international aid effort began
– water purification tablets, food,
sheeting for tents etc.
Uk’s gov promised £75million
following £100million raised by the
High density of population on
coastal plains
Poor construction of buildings due
to low level of development within
the region
No early warning system
Secondary Effects:
Tourism affected in the region
Coastal fisheries were affected
and took time to recover
Subsistence farmers and small
businesses were wiped out
Long-term Responses:
The Indian Ocean Tsunami warning
system was set up in June 2006
Tsunami response plans now in place
in the region
Managing tectonic hazards – prediction, protection & preparation
It's not possible to prevent earthquakes and volcanic eruptions. However, careful
management of these hazards can minimise the damage that they cause. Prediction
is the most important aspect of this, as this gives people time to evacuate the
area and make preparations for the event.
Predicting and preparing for earthquakes
Earthquakes are not as easy to predict as volcanic eruptions.
Laser beams can be used to detect plate movement.
A seismometer is used to pick up the vibrations in the Earth's crust. An increase in
vibrations may indicate a possible earthquake.
Radon gas escapes from cracks in the Earth's crust. Levels of radon gas can be
monitored - a sudden increase may suggest an earthquake.
The behaviour of wildlife can give clues
Many of the prediction techniques used to monitor earthquakes are not 100% reliable.
Planning and preparing for an earthquake is therefore very important.
People living in earthquake zones need to know what they should do in the event
of training people my involve holding earthquake drills and educating people via
TV or radio.
People may put together emergency kits and store them in their homes. An
emergency kit may include first-aid items, blankets and tinned food.
Earthquake proof buildings have been constructed in many major cities, e.g. The
Transamerica Pyramid in San Francisco. Buildings such as this are designed to
absorb the energy of an earthquake and to withstand the movement of the
Roads and bridges can also be designed to withstand the power of earthquakes.