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Day 1(1/8)(A)Introduction
If you got here, you know where to find the homework! The big website is located
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You'll find Practice Quizzes(with answers).
You'll also find Notes.
Chapter Review Answers and Extra Practice Problem Answers are also here.
(Practice Problems have solutions at the back of your text, but you knew that,
Mr R's email address <"[email protected]>;
Check out the sidebar TOPICS to see some photos of various physics toys and
demonstrations. (See Mr R if you want your picture on our website!
(B)1st Semester Physics Review - Projectile Motion(including vectors,Law of
Falling Bodies,The Derivative,acceleration as a change in velocity vs speed),Bed
of Nails,Tearing a telephone book in half
(C)Chapter 10 (We'll start with Energy)
'Easy Definition' of Work: W=Fd (Watch out, a better definition is coming soon!)
units of work [W]=J(joule)=Nm(newton-meter)
Hwk - p.227 #1-4 + 5pt assignment to email [email protected]
Day 2(1/10)-Extending our concept of work...
The force must be in the direction of the displacement. 0J of work is possible.
Friction usually does 'negative work'.
The force of gravity does positive work when an object descends. It does negative
work as the object rises.
*Review Def/Force of Gravity = Weight
(near the surface of the earth, w = mg where we use either g=9.8m/s^2 or
weight(force of gravity) vs mass(inertia,the tendency to resist acceleration),
weight(w) vs apparent weight(w')
Elevator Problems - F=ma (as a magnitude statement)
acceleraton(magnitude vs direction)
Def/ equilibrium
Hooke's Law - F=-kx /SHM = sine waves (trigonometry)
If the force is angled, we'll need to do some vector work!
A better definition of work is...
Practice Quiz on Work
We'll come back to Simple Machines
Hwk-p.229 #6-8 /pp.241-242 #9,19-22,24
Day 3(1/14)-Go over Hwk & Practice Work Quiz
Hooke's Law for Spring Forces
F = -kx /How do we determine the spring constant,[k]=N/m? ex/Spring Lab - hang
a mass of 1kg and... or use a spring scale and meter stick...
ex/If k=20N/m and we stretch a horizontal spring .4m, how much work does the
spring force do?
Graphs of constant forces over distance.
Graph of a spring force over distance.
How do we calculate the work done by a force that varies in strength? (Fancy
calculus definition of work)
SHM demos - spring-mass system,pendulum
period (T=1/f) vs frequency T=6.28(m/k)^.5
each system has a 'natural frequency' depending upon its physical properties.
Hwk-pp.242-243 #23,25,26abcd,33,34
Work Quiz - next class meeting
Day 4(1/15)-Work Quiz
Kinetic Energy (energy of motion)
Def/ K.E. or K = (mv^2)/2
How does work relate to kinetic energy?
Work-Energy Theorem/ net W = Kf - Ki
*Review-Friction(Static vs Kinetic)forces vs coefficients of friction,normal forces
Hwk-p.243 #36,38-41 /p.251 #1,2bcde,3,4
Day 5(1/18)-Return Work Quiz
Potential Energy
(A)Gravitational Ug = mgh
(B)Elastic(spring) Us = (kx^2)/2
Reference Level for GPE or (Ug=0J at the Earth's surface) vs...
Ug vs the change in potential energy (Ug-Ui)
(delta notation: final - initial)
Mechanical Energy, E = K + Ug + Ue
where Ue = elastic potential energy
Does not include heat energy,Q
Roller Coaster Practice Quiz
Work-Energy Thm (practice)
Hwk-p.254 #5-8 /p.267 #3-11
Day 6(1/23)-Roller Coaster Quiz
Heat(Q) /specific heat,C(J/kg-K) /heat of fusion Hf(J/kg) /heat of vaporization
Phase Change Diagram - (p.286) Temperature(Kelvin or Celsius) vs Heat Added
C(ice)=2060 vs C(water)=4180
vs C(water vapor)=2020
Heat of Fusion = 3.34x10^5
Heat of Vaporization = 2.26x10^6
Hwk-pp.261-2 #9-12 /p.268 #14,15,17,38 or 39,
41 or 42,44,45
Day 7(1/25)-Online Bridge Building Contest
Presentation by Carla Moreno(Association of Civil Engineers)
return Roller Coaster Quizzes(re-quiz?)
Momentum (Chapter 9) p=mv (emphasize velocity(vector) rather than speed
Impulse J=Ft (another 'vector' statement)
Impulse Momentum Thm - (net)J = change in momentum (Pf - Pi)
ex/ p.261 ex/ Drop a ball for 1.2sec. What is it's velocity? speed?
Impulse-Momentum Thm
Hwk-p.270 #48,50,51,56,58,59,66 /p.204 #2,4,6
/p.217 #4,7,12,23,25
Day 8(1/29)- Collisions
elastic vs semielastic vs inelastic
Conservation of Momentum - (when an isolated system has no 'net external force')
Impulse-Momentum Practice Quiz
Ch 12 Thermal Energy Unit
Class Worksheet - Specific Heat, Heats of Fusion and Vaporization, Change of
Hwk-p.270 54,60,65,68 /p.210 #7,9,11
p.218 #10,15,16,18,19,21
Day 9(1/31)-Conservation of Momentum in
2 Dimensions - Film (Pool)
Center of Mass
Torque and Rotational Equilibrium
Impulse-Momentum Quiz (coming soonish)
Hwk - p.214 #14,15,16 /p.218 #24,27,29,31,32
Day 10(2/4)-Finish practice quiz on Impulse & Momentum
Red Wagon Problem (with rain)
Classwork - practice quiz on Work & Energy
Newton's Cradle
Hwk - pp.219-221 #35,39,43,44,47
Day 11(2/6)-Simple Machines - pulleys, inclined planes,wheel and axle(gear
ratio),levers(fulcrum,effort force vs lift force)
IMA (ideal mechanical advantage) vs MA
Efficiency (percentage) = [MA/IMA] x100 = [W(output)/W(input)] x100
Static Electricity + Coulomb's Law Ch 20
Inverse Square Law
Coulomb's Constant k = 9.0x10^9 (SI units)
charge [q]=C(coulomb)
elementary unit of charge, 1e=1.6x10^-19C
q(proton)=1e vs q(electron)=-1e
particle - mass
electron 9.11x10^-31kg
proton 1.67x10^-27kg
neutron 1.67x10^-27kg (little heavier)
Hwk - p.220-221 #45,48 /p.244 #48,49,51
p.270 #62,63,70,71,72
Momentum Quiz (next class)
Day 12(2/8)- Momentum Quiz
Practice Quiz on Coulomb's Law
Hwk - p.244 #50,52,53,55
p.270 #67,68,69
p.476 #1-5
Work-Energy Quiz (next class)
Day 13(2/12)- Return and go over momentum quiz
Finish up Coulomb's practice quiz
Work-Energy Quiz(postponed to next class)
XC Lunch Film - Resonance
Hwk - p.478 #20,21,25,28,29,32
p.515 #5-7,8a /p.517 #11-13
Day 14(2/14)-Catching up on E&M
ex/p.475 (vectors!) - warning to students who only study the practice quizzes
Current Electricity Chapter 22
Current(I)-rate of charge flow
[I]=C/s=A(ampere or amp)
Voltage or Potential(V)-energy per coulomb
[V]=J/C=V(volt) weird? 2 V's????
Resistance(R)-impedes current
[R]=ohm (capital Greek omega)
Ohm's Law V=IR (usually works)
Water Pump Analogy - pump acts like the battery /giving the water(charge)
GPE(or for one charge,'potential') /the pipes are like the wires(for now, we'll
assume no resistance in the pipes or wires) /the waterwheel(filament in the
lightbulb) converts or uses the energy /and we need a complete circuit for our
pump to keep working.
Series & Parallel Circuits Ch 23
Series (resistors) - Equivalent(or Total) Resistance /Current is the same through
each resistor. /Conventional Current(positive charge flow) vs the actual negative
electron flow direction /Voltage Drops/Rises /Voltage is proportional to each
resistor's value.
Loop Rule
Hwk - p.478 #26,27,30,31,33
p.534 #1-5 /p.537 #6,7 /p.540 #11
Day 15(2/20)-Return and go over Work-Energy Quizzes
Practice Series Circuits Quiz
Parallel(resistors) Circuits - Equivalent Resistance /Voltage is the same across each
resistor. /Current flowing into a junction or point equals the current flowing out.
Point Rule /Think: "Current takes the path of least resistance."
Hwk - p.540 #10,12 /p.551 #22,28,33
Practice Parallel Circuits Quiz
Momentum Makeup Quiz (if there's time at the end of the period)
Day 16(2/22)-Series Circuits Quiz
Cartoon Films on V=IR
Voltmeters & Ammeters
fuses,circuit breakers,ground-fault interrupters
Power is the rate at which work is done or energy is delivered.P = Work/time
Electric Power is the same except most often calculated using: P = VI = (V^2)/R =
60-watt lightbulb?
Last Chance Lunch Film - Frames of Reference
Hwk - p.547 #13 /p.551 #21,26,32,34,35
p.511 #1,3 /p.515 #8b,9,10
Day 17(2/26)-Go over Series Quizzes
Surprise Parallel Circuits Quiz
More Circuits and Power
Parallel Series Combinations
Light Rack Lab
Hwk - p.512 #2,4 /p.525 #18,19
p.527 #21-31(odd) /p.552 #23,24
Surprise Coulomb Quiz coming soon! (very soon, Robert!)
Day 18(2/28)-Surprise Coulomb's Law Quiz at the end of the period (Review time
in class)
Return Parallel Circuits Quiz
Go over Light Rack Lab - schematics
Electric Fields Chapter 21
E-fields - force per unit charge
Hwk - p.484 #1-4 /p.503 #23,26,27
Day 19(3/4)- Return and go over Coulomb's Law Quiz
E-field - Signpost Analogy
g-fields [g]=N/kg (force per unit mass)
(1)Electric field due to a point charge
(2)E-field lines for a + and - charge
(3)E-field lines for two charges(+) and (-)
(4)E-field lines - two parallel plates(+,-)
Potential vs EPE and GPE (V vs U)
ex/ U=mgh m=3kg,h=2m then U=60J (GPE or U)
potential, V=20J/kg (potential or V)
which is better to label tops of buildings?
W=? for a 5kg mass falling...
Potential Difference between A and B
Va-Vb=Vab so if a charge of 3C falls thru a potential drop of 20V or 20J/C, then...
W=qV (here 3(20)=60J) going from A to B
(Notice Vab=Va-Vb is the opposite of delta-V
which is Vf-Vi=Vb-Va=Vba=-Vab whew!)
Topo maps - Equipotential(contour)lines
Gravity Analogy (works for only + charges)
3D picture and 2D field map
Hwk - Practice Circuits Test
Circuits Test coming soon
Day 20(3/6)- Parallel-Series Combinations
Weird Students Circuits
Switches and short circuits
<skip capacitance for now>
Practice E-field and Potential(V) Quiz
Hwk - pp.502-3 #1-5,12,24,25,28,29
Circuits Test next class
Day 21(3/8)- Magnetic Fields (B-fields)
magnetic domains, materials
magnetic force on a magnet
compass needle as a balanced magnet
Magnetic Field Lines
Right-thumb Wrapping Rule /Ampere's Law
Oersted's experiment
B-Field Demos(tiny compasses,solenoid)
Circuits Test(1st try)
Hwk - p.504 #32-35 /p.560 #2 /p.563 #4-6
2nd Try on Circuits Test (next class)
Day 22(3/12)- Go over Circuits - then test
E-field and Potential(V) practice quiz
F=qvB or F=Ilb (???)
magnetic force of a charged particle
Right-hand Rule
Hwk - p.569 #7,9 /p.574 #11,13
p.575 #1,2,4,6,7,8
E-field & V(potential) Quiz next class
Day 23(3/14)- F=qvB or F=Ilb (???)
magnetic force of a charged particle
Right-hand Rule
E-field & V(potential) Quiz
Hwk - p.569 #8 /p.574 #10,12
p.576 #22,26,28,33,34,37,43,53
Eboard is charging $$$. So this is our message board!
Get current homework assignments here. For past assignments go to our website
Day 24(3/18) - Return and go over E-field and V(potential) Quiz (unless some
make-up quizzes still need to be completed)
Practice Quiz on F=qvB and F=IlB (Right-hand Rule)
Ch 25 Electromagnetic Induction (Faraday's Law)
Induced voltage (EMF) and induced current
Lenz' Law - copper tube vs gravity demo
Electric motors/generators
Transformers (turn ratio? primary vs secondary coils?)
Hwk - p.577 #29,30,35,38,39,44,49
p. 597 #9 /p.598 #1,10,26,41
Day 25(3/20) - Mass Spectrometer (isotopes, W=qV, velocity selector qvB=qE,
F=m(v^2)/r )
Self-Induction (closing the switch, I vs t graph)
Concave Mirror (2 cases)
Principal Ray Diagram
Image Description (1)upright vs inverted (2)magnified vs smaller (or same size)
(3) real vs virtual
Hwk - p.578 #45,47,49,53 /p.597 #11 /p.600 #41,43 /p.610 #5 /p.621 #1-3,19
F=qvB or F=IlB Quiz on Right-hand Rule (next class)
Day 26(3/22) - Quiz on Right-hand Rule for F=qvB
Popcorn Speaker Demo (speaker vs microphone)
Hand Generator Demo (electric motor vs generator)
Short Wave Light Demo (lightbulb demo)
Chapter 14 Waves (mechanical vs em radiation)
tranverse vs longitudinal (water waves - both)
crest vs trough, amplitude, wavelength, (time)period vs frequency (cps or Hz) f =
Wave Speed = frequency x wavelength
Interference (constructive vs destructive)
relection, refraction, diffraction
Chapter 18 Mirrors
Plane Mirror (virtual image) half a full-length needed
mirror equation 1/d' + 1/d = 1/f (focus vs radius)
magnification ratio m = h'/h = -d'/d
Convex Mirror (virtual image/negative focal length)
Practice Mirror Quiz
Hwk p.344 #2,5,35,37,39 /p.425 #2 /p.427 #6
Day 27(4/2) - Finish Practice Mirror Quiz
Ch 17 Reflection/Refraction
Snell's Law (Refraction)
Index of Refraction(n) vs speed of light(c)
Practice Quiz on Reflection/Refraction
Mirror Demos
Hwk - p.400 #1,3 /p.402 #5a,6 /p.411 #19,50
p.425 #4 /p.427 #7
Study for Mirror Quiz (next class)
Lunch Film AC vs DC
Day 28(4/4) - Mirror Quiz
Critical Angle and Total Internal Reflection
Demos - Fish tank, fiber optics
Finish Reflection/Refractin Quiz
Double Convex Lens - converging or positive (2 cases)
Double Concave Lens - diverging or negative lens
Practice Lens Quiz
Hwk - p.400 #2,4 /p.402 #5b /p.411 #33,51
p.432 #9 /p.435 #12
Day 29(4/8) - Return and go over Mirror Quiz
Requiz on Mirrors (same period!)
Liter Bottle - total internal reflection
Hwk - p.432 #10 /p.435 #13
p.412 #34,37,42,57
Day 30(4/10) - Return 2nd Mirror Quiz
Film on Waves
Binoculars and critical angle
review practice Reflection/Refraction Quiz
finish practice Lens Quiz - negative or diverging or double concave lens
Hwk - p.432 #11 /p.435 #14
p.441 #35,37,39
Study for Reflection/Refraction Quiz (next class)
Day 31(4/12) - Reflection/Refraction Quiz
Color and Dispersion
Thin Film interference /Rainbows /Bubbles
Ch 19 Diffraction
Double-slit interference pattern
y/L = lambda/d where L is screen distance,
d is distance between slits, y is the location of the brightness fringe
Hwk - p.412 #54,55,56 /p.451 #4
Study for Lens Quiz (next class)
Day 32(4/16) - Lens Quiz (end of period)
Single-slit interference (use slit width, w, in place of d)... so y/L = lambda/w
Doppler Effect Notes - including echoes
Hwk - p.458 #16,19 /practice quiz on Doppler Effect
Day 33(4/18) - Return 'Trick' Lens Quiz
Doppler Effect review of basic problems
Sonic Booms, Shock Waves, Mach 1
Take the 'Real' Lens Quiz
Hwk - p.458 #17,20
Doppler Quiz (next,next class)
Day 34(4/22) - Doppler Effect - Echo and Wind
Chapter 28 Bohr Model of the Atom
First some historical background...
J.J.Thomson - discovers the electron (plum pudding model of the atom)
relationship between frequency and energy, E = hf
Planck's constant 6.63x10^(-34) Js (joule-seconds)
Planck - quantized energy (E=nhf), hot body radiation
Einstein - photoelectric effect (higher frequency ultraviolet light causing
Spectral Lines?
Balmer(Swiss mathematician) - formula for the spectral lines of hydrogen
Rutherford - gold foil experiment, discovers the nucleus (nuclear or planetary
model of the atom)
Bohr - quantized energy levels (Bohr model of the hydrogen atom), Bohr radius
prediction (still good!), ionization energy, the first or principal quantum number(n)
vs Quantum Model
Hwk - p.641 #3,4,5
Study for Doppler Quiz
Day 35(4/24)- Doppler Quiz
Practice Quiz - Bohr Model of the Atom
Hwk - p.665 #1-3,5-7
Complete Bohr Model practice quiz