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The Crusades and Papacy of
the Middle Ages
Notes from James Meadows
Reasons for Launching the
• The advance of Islam was stopped by
Charles Martel (734) at Tours, France.
• Pope Urban II called (November, 1095) for all
the faithful to a vast crusade.
– He announced that Palestine had fallen to
– They needed to go to the rescue of the holy
shrines of Palestine.
– They needed to have Christianity in the East to
consider and protect those who had not already
fallen and regain those who had.
– They needed to roll back Moslem power.
The Crusades
• Gregory VII followed Urban II.
• He boosted the spirit of the Crusades.
• His purpose was to bring Eastern
Christianity under Rome, a desire for
• The Crusades were launched in 1099 and
lasted about 400 years.
Fruits of the Crusades
• Did not permit for the conversion of Moslems
because it heightened hatred for Christians.
• Middle 13th Century there was a change of
policy toward Islam.
– Thomas Aquinas said, “The sword ought only to
be used in defensive war.”
– Aquinas also said Moslems ought to be taught.
– Honorius IV joined Aquinas in teaching the
Moslems and established schools (University of
Paris) that encouraged learning Arabic.
Fruits of the Crusades
• The Council of Venia asked that several
universities be established to prepare
missionaries by teaching them Oriental
• Literature against the Moslems began to
appear all over Europe.
• Establishment of two orders during this
– Dominican – Dominica
– Francisisn - Francisis
Conditions in the Early 11th Century
• Ungodliness, wickedness prevailed in the
– Climaxed in 1046 when 2 popes were deposed
and another forced to give up the throne.
• Emperor Henry III, of Germany, was a
religious man.
– He saw the papacy was rotten and decided to do
something about it.
– He went to Rome and stopped at Sutri, a little
town on the way.
– There were three popes at this time – Gregory
VI, Benedictine IX and Sylvester III.
The Era of Hildebrand
• Henry III called a Synod at Sutri.
– Gregory VI presided.
– Benedictine IX and Sylvester III were
– Another meeting was held at Rome and
Gregory VI was asked to resign.
• Clement III elected next pope, reigned 9
• Benedictine IX got control again and
stayed until July 16, 1048, then went to
The Era of Hildebrand
• Damasus II was elected and lived 23 days.
• A Frenchman called Bruno, bishop of Tours,
selected December, 1048.
– Was under the influence of monastery of Cluny.
– Went to Rome to officially accept title.
– Hildebrand told him to accept the title from the
church in Rome, not Henry III.
– Bruno consecrated in Feb., 1049, with the title
Leo IX.
– He made Hildebrand his advisor and an
Era of Hildebrand
• Five popes ruled from 1049 to 1073.
• Heldebrand became pope April 22, 1073.
– He ruled 12 years.
– Claimed by some to be most brilliant.
– Came to the throne with the idea of reform
– Started making changes first by making a law
against Simony (the buying or selling of
church office)
– His view of the church and state is the most
The Era of Hildebrand
• Henry IV did not like to be told what to do.
• Gregory wanted a fuss with someone and
Henry was the man.
• Gregory VII excommunicated Henry IV
and Rudolph got the throne.
• Gregory died May 25, 1085 at Salerno.
Introduction to the Age of
Innocent III (1198-1216)
• The most important era in the study of the
Middle Ages.
• Schaff calls it, “The golden age of the
Medieval Era.”
• Catholicism and Innocent III enjoyed both
temporal and spiritual power.
• No other mortal before or since has ever
wielded the powers Innocent III had.
• He is a perfect example of Catholicism.
Life of Innocent III
• Born 1160 in Anagni, Italy
• Brilliant, good education, theology and canon
law at University of Paris and Bologna, proficient
in scholastic learning
• Appointed cardinal by Clement III and lived an
obscure life for 8 years
• Devoted himself to life of literature.
• His writings teach all about the world is sinful
• He was elected pope on the day of Coelestin’s
funeral and ascended the papal chair, at the age
of 37, on Feb. 22, 1198.
Innocent III and His Works
• He laid the foundation for papal infallibility,
although it was not enacted until 1870.
• Added the title – Vicar of God
• Over both temporal and spiritual domains
• He summoned and guided the Fourth
Lateran Council (1215)
– Established the Inquisition
– Doctrine of transubstantiation became a
doctrine of official dogma.
Innocent III and His Works
• He set in motion the fourth Crusade.
• The first inkling of rebellion is seen during
his time.
• It seems to have descended from his
– They thought one must submit to the pope in
order to submit to Christ.
Innocent’s Idea of the Papacy
• Thoroughly convinced God established
papacy for good of the church and
salvation of the world
• Felt pope had been entrusted with
dominion over the church and the world
• Felt he had perfect God-given right to
enforce in any way complete submission
to his will.
Innocent’s Ideas of the Papacy
• He used two great powers to enforce his
– Excommunication – One individual impacted
– Interdict – Whole country impacted because
people were deprived of spiritual benefits
• Innocent III borrowed some thoughts from
– Pope rules over souls of men as sun by day
and king rules over bodies of men as moon
– The pope has regal and pontifical authority
Innocent and Politics
• The head of the German Empire, Henry IV, had
married Constance, a Norman princess.
– Through her he laid claim to Sicily, thus he held land
north and south of the pope
• He died Sept. 28, 1197, just before Innocent III
ascended the throne.
• Frederick was made king of Sicily and Innocent
appointed as his guardian after Constance’s
Innocent and Politics
• Otto and Philip tried to get the political
throne, but Innocent III chose Frederick.
– He excommunicated Philip, who was later
killed by Otto.
– Then, he excommunicated Otto.
• Frederick II was crowned over the Holy
Roman Empire in 1212.
– Innocent called in the armies of Philip II of
France and defeated Otto at Bouvines in
Innocent’s Further Actions
• King John was the cruel ruler of England.
– The people drew up the Magna Charta and forced
John to sign it, which was the first significant effort
on the part of the people to gain freedom.
– Innocent took the side of John against the Magna
Charta (Catholics insist they uphold liberty).
• It was during this period that the Fourth
Lateran Council was called and guided by
Innocent (1215).
– To study the means of retaking Palestine
– For the betterment of the church
The Fourth Lateran Council
• Fourth Lateran Council was the largest in the
West until that time
– 412 bishops, 800 abbots and a raft of delegates
– It established the Inquisition and the doctrine of
• Last act by the council was to set the date for
the 4th Crusade (1217).
– Forbade all Christians to have dealings with
Saracens for the next 4 years
– Any person that would participated in or
contribute to would receive eternal bliss and full