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Organizing the Elements (Use pages 500-509 in your textbook.)
1. What does it mean that some elements are very reactive? Do all the elements make
compounds? they easily bond with other atoms; no
2. Who recognized a hidden pattern in the elements? What were some of the
observations of properties did Mendeleev make? What is atomic mass?
Mendeelev; mass similar chemical preoperties, bonding; the average mass of an atom fpr
a particular element
3. What did Mendeleev notice when elements were arranged in order of increasing
atomic mass? Does arranging the elements by increasing atomic mass produce a perfect
periodic table? What does the word periodic mean? patterns in the elements; no; regular
repeated pattern
4. When did scientists begin to identify the parts that make up the atom? Where is the
nucleus in an atom? What particles make up the nucleus? What particles are outside the
nucleus? 1900’s; center; protons, neutrons; electrons
5. What is the mass of 1 atomic mass? How much greater is the mass of a proton
compared to an electron? How many mass units are in an atom with 14 protons, 15
neutrons, and 14 electrons? mass of proton; 2000 x’s; 29 amu
6. What are the charges on the 3 parts of the atom? Which part of the atom moves
around the nucleus? proton +, electron -, neutron 0; electron
7. What is the atomic number? Which part of the atom identifies the properties of the
atom? Which part of the atom may vary in number? How is the periodic table organized
today? number of protons; proton; neutron; by atomic number
8. What does the square of each element on the periodic table contain? Why is the
atomic mass for most elements listed as a whole number and a decimal fraction?
symbol, atomic mass, atomic number, name, average of all the different masses of
different weight atoms (isotopes) for a given element
9. What are columns and rows called in the periodic table? Groups are also named
what? What do elements in each group or family share? What happens to the elements
in a period as you move across the row? Why are periods 6 & 7 below the rest of the
table? groups or families, periods; families; similar bonding properties (reactivity); the
properties change; they would distort the tables outline
10. Which part of the atom explains bonding power? Why? Which electrons can be
involved in bonding? What are these electrons called? What are the two ways that
electrons can bond with other atoms? What determines whether an atom gives up, shares,
or accepts electrons? How do valence electrons increase across a period? Which have
the same valence electrons families or periods? electrons; they orbit the nucleus; outer
or valence; share or transfer; position in the periodic table; 1 electron added for each step
across a period; families