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_____ is a trait may develop
quickly – example: antibiotic
Physiological Adaptation
Any body structure that is reduced
in function is known as a _______
Vestigial structure
______ is the splitting of 1 species
into 2 or more
Similarities in structure and
arrangement—likeness indicates a
genetic relationship through a
common ancestor is known as ______
Homologous structures
Which type of genetic drift is
caused by catastrophic events like
a natural disaster or habitat loss?
Bottleneck effect
What is the random effect that can
occur when a small population settles
in an area separated from the rest of
the population and interbreeds,
producing unique allelic variations?
Founders effect
A brown mouse blends in with his
surroundings. This is an example
of ________
List a vestigial structure in
Wisdom teeth
Ear muscles
Change in allele frequencies in a
gene pool due to chance is known
as _______
Genetic Drift
Two organisms live in close proximity,
but rarely interact due to living in
different habitats. This is known as
__________ isolation.
The environment acted directly on
organisms to produce hereditary
change in relation to need, use or
disuse is known as _____________
Acquired Traits
_____ is the process in which a
large population declines in
number, then rebounds
Bottleneck effect
What type of evolution happens in
a shorter amount of time?
Who’s theory was based on the idea
that the environment acted directly
on organisms to produce hereditary
change in relation to need, use or
When one organism looks like a
dangerous organism, this is a
structural adaptation called_____.
___________ is a change in the gene
pool of a population in response to
various stimuli exhibited by a species
It is impossible for a monkey and a
lion to reproduce. This is known
as____ isolation.
Which type of evolution requires
__________ may arise over many
generations (Ex: mimicry and
Structural adaptations
Two species are separated by an
ocean. This is referred to
as_________ isolation.
_________ is evolutionary change
below the level of species, and refers
to changes in the frequency within a
population or a species of its alleles
What is the name of the ship
where Darwin did his studies for
his evolution theory?
HMS Beagle
Two species of frogs live in close
proximity, but reproduce at different
times of the year. This is known as
___________ isolation.
__________ is any evolutionary
change at or above the level of
What organism did Darwin use to
base a lot of his evolutionary
Two species of birds, meadowlarks,
have overlapping ranges and are
similar in appearance, but their songs
separate them. This is known
as_________ isolation.
If a lion and a tiger mate, their
offspring is a liger. The liger is sterile
and cannot reproduce. This is known
as________ isolation.
Any trait that aids the chances of
survival and reproduction
of an organism is known as