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 Multiple choice questions on GIT module
Prepared by / Professor Dr / Said Zaghloul
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------Regarding sensory nerve supply of mucosa of mouth, choose one correct statement:
1- Greater palatine nerve supplies the floor of mouth
2- The roof of mouth is supplied by lingual nerve
3- Outer (labial) side of the lower gum is supplied by maxillary nerve
4- Buccal branch of facial nerve supplies mucosa of the cheek
5- Chorda tympani that carry taste sensation is a branch from facial nerve
The nerve that provides the taste fibers to the posterior third of the tongue is the:
1- Facial nerve
2- Hypoglossal nerve
3- Glossopharyngeal nerve
4- Mandibular nerve
5- Maxillary nerve
The muscle responsible for protrusion of the tongue is the:
1- Intrinsic muscles
2- Palatoglossus
3- Styloglossus
4- Genioglossus
5- Hyoglossus
Which of the following muscles is present in the posterior pillar of fauces?
1- Palatoglossus
2- Styloglossus
3- Stylopharyngeus
4- Palatopharyngeus
5- Levator palati
Regarding the mouth, the following statements are true, except:
1- The mouth proper lies in front the teeth and gums
2- The vestibule communicates with mouth proper behind 3rd molar tooth
3- The parotid duct opens in the vestibule of mouth opposite upper 2nd molar tooth
4- The roof of mouth proper is formed by hard and soft palate
5- Submandibular duct opens at the side of frenulum of the tongue
As regard sensory nerve supply of the mouth, choose one correct statement:
1- Lesser palatine nerves supply the floor of mouth
2- Chorda tympani which carries taste is a branch from glossopharyngeal nerve
3- The roof of mouth receives sensory nerve supply from maxillary nerve
4- The Buccal branch of facial nerve supplies the mucosa of the check
5- Lingual nerve supplies mucosa of inner surface of lower lip
Which of the following muscles produce retraction and elevation of the tongue?
1- Genioglossus of both sides
2- Styloglossus and hyoglossus
3- Hyoglossus and Genioglossus
4- Intrinsic muscles of the tongue
5- Styloglossus and palatoglossus
The tongue is connected by its muscles to the following structures, except:
1- Hyoid bone
2- Mandible
3- Styloid process
4- Mastoid process
5- Soft palate
Regarding blood supply & lymph drainage of the tongue, the following are true, except:
1- The lingual artery supplies most of the tongue
2- Posterior part is supplied by ascending pharyngeal & tonsillar branch of facial arteries
3- Veins of the tongue drain into external jugular vein.
4- Lymphatics from the tip of the tongue drains into submental lymph nodes
5- Lymphatics from the posterior third of the tongue drains into jugulomohyoid nodes
Lesion of the lingual nerve can lead to the following, except:
1- Loss of sensation of the lingual side of the lower gums
2- Loss of general sensation of the floor of the mouth
3- Loss of taste sensation from anterior 2/3rds of the tongue
4- Loss of general sensation from the posterior 1/3rd of the tongue.
5- Loss of secretions from the submandibular and sublingual salivary glands
As regard mouth and tongue, choose the correct statement:
1- The lingual nerve carries general sensation from anterior 2/3rd of tongue
2- The submandibular duct opens in the floor of mouth by several openings
3- To stop bleeding from the tongue, press the tongue anterior to laceration
4- Injury of the hypoglossal nerve leads to deviation of tongue to same side of lesion
5- Chorda tympani carries taste sensation from posterior 1/3rd of tongue
Regarding the palate, choose one correct statement:
1- Bony palate is formed by palatine & zygomatic bones
2- Tensor veli palatini muscle is supplied by pharyngeal plexus (pharyngeal branch of vagus)
3- Palatopharyngeus muscle can elevate the larynx
4- The soft palate forms the roof of nasopharynx
5- Palatoglossus muscle lies behind the tonsil
Regarding the Genioglossus muscle, the following are true, except:
1- It originates from superior genial tubercle (mental tubercle)
2- It is innervated by the hypoglossal nerve
3- Its superior fibers are inserted into the tip of the tongue
4- It draws the tongue forward and protrudes the tip to the same side
5- Its inferior fibers are attached to the body of the hyoid bone
The muscle that opens the auditory tube during swallowing is the:
1- Levator veli palatini
2- Palatoglossus
3- Palatopharyngeus
4- Salpingopharyngeus
5- Stylopharyngeus
Regarding the pharynx, the following are correct, except:
1- The auditory tube opens into the nasopharynx
2- The Tonsillar bed is formed by the superior constrictor muscle
3- The constrictor muscles of pharynx are supplied by hypoglossal nerve
4- It extends from the base of the skull to the 6th cervical vertebra
5- The glossopharyngeal nerve supplies the stylopharyngeus muscle
The following muscles are supplied by pharyngeal plexus (pharyngeal branch of vagus),
1- Superior constrictor
2- Salpingopharyngeus
3- Palatopharyngeus
4- Levator palati
5- Tensor palati
Regarding the vestibule of the mouth, choose one correct statement:
1- It receives the opening of submandibular duct
2- It does not communicate with the oral cavity
3- It receives the opening of the parotid duct
4- It is present inner to the teeth & gum
5- None of the above
Which of following tongue muscles is not supplied by hypoglossal nerve?
1- Styloglossus
2- Palatoglossus
3- Hyoglossus
4- Genioglossus
5- Intrinsic muscles of the tongue
Regarding the palate, the following are true, except:
1- It lies between the oral & nasal cavities
2- It is formed of hard anterior and soft posterior parts
3- Its sensory innervation by maxillary nerve
4- All its muscles are supplied by pharyngeal branch of vagus (pharyngeal plexus)
5- It is drained by deep cervical lymph nodes
Regarding the pharynx, the following are true, except:
1- It ends at the level of 6th cervical vertebra
2- Auditory tube opens in its nasal part
3- Palatine tonsils lie in the oral part
4- Its constrictor muscles are supplied by cranial part of accessory nerve (pharyngeal branch
of vagus = pharyngeal plexus)
5- The mucosa of the oral part is supplied by maxillary nerve
Regarding the pharynx, the following are true, except:
1- Opposite 6th cervical vertebra, it continues as esophagus
2- Its constrictor muscles are supplied by glossopharyngeal nerve
3- Its nasal part is connected to middle ear by Eustachian tube
4- The oropharynx contains palatine tonsils
5- Oropharyngeal isthmus is bounded by the palatoglossal arches
Regarding the pharynx, the following are true, except:
1- It is formed of nasal, oral, and laryngeal parts
2- Auditory tube opens in its nasal part
3- Palatine tonsils lie in its oral part
4- Its constrictor muscles are supplied by the spinal part of accessory nerve
5- It ends at the lower border of cricoid cartilage
Regarding movement of the tongue, the following are true, except:
1- Shape of the tongue is modified by the intrinsic muscles
2- Protrusion of the tongue is produced by both genioglossus muscles
3- Depression of the tongue is produced by both hypoglossi muscles
4- Retraction of the tongue is produced by styloglossus
5- Elevation of the tongue is produced genioglossus of one side
Regarding the pharynx, the following are true, except:
1- The palatine tonsil is related laterally to superior constrictor muscle
2- The laryngopharynx is supplied by the internal laryngeal nerve
3- The cricopharyngeus part of inferior constrictor acts as a sphincter
4- The nasopharynx is sensory innervated by glossopharyngeal nerve
5- The palatine tonsils are drained by jugulodigastric lymph nodes
Regarding the Genioglossus muscle, the following are true, except:
1- It originates from the superior genial (mental) tubercle
2- innervated by the cranial part of accessory nerve (pharyngeal plexus)
3- Its inferior fibers are inserted are attached to the body of hyoid bone
4- Its superior fibers are inserted into the tip of the tongue
5- It protrudes the tip of the tongue to opposite side
Stylopharyngeus muscle is supplied by:
1- Hypoglossal nerve
2- Cranial part of accessory nerve (pharyngeal plexus)
3- Spinal part of accessory nerve
4- Glossopharyngeal nerve
5- Facial nerve
Palatoglossus muscle is supplied by:
1- Pharyngeal branch of vagus nerve (pharyngeal plexus)
2- Spinal part of accessory nerve
3- glossopharyngeal nerve
4- Mandibular nerve
5- Facial nerve
Tensor palati muscle is supplied by:
1- Facial nerve
2- Cranial part of accessory through pharyngeal branch of vagus (pharyngeal plexus)
3- Spinal part of accessory nerve
4- Glossopharyngeal nerve
5- Mandibular nerve
Quinsy is formation of abscess lateral to the:
1- Nasopharyngeal tonsil
2- Tubal tonsil
3- Lingual tonsil
4- Palatine tonsil
5- Submandibular gland
The esophagus pierces the diaphragm at level of:
1- Ninth thoracic vertebra
2- Tenth thoracic vertebra
3- Eleventh thoracic vertebra
4- Twelfth thoracic vertebra
5- First lumbar vertebra
The following are direct branches of the superior mesenteric artery except:
 1- Ileocolic artery
 2- Appendicular branch
 3- Right colic artery
 4- Middle colic artery
 5- Inferior pancreaticoduodenal artery
The following are branches of the inferior mesenteric artery, except:
 1- Middle rectal artery
2- Superior rectal artery
 3- Sigmoid arteries
 4- Left colic artery
The following are direct tributaries of the portal vein, except:
 1- Splenic vein
 2- Superior mesenteric vein
3- Inferior mesenteric vein
 4- Right gastric vein
 5- Left gastric vein
The following are branches of splenic artery except:
 1- Terminal splenic branches
 2- Pancreatic branches
 3- Short gastric branches
 4- Left gastric artery
5- Left gastroepiploic artery
The following are direct branches of hepatic artery except:
 1- Terminal right branch to right lobe of the liver
 2- Terminal left branch to lefty lobe of the liver
 3- Right gastroepiploic artery
 4- Right gastric artery
 5- Gastroduodenal artery
 The following are sites of portosystemic anastomoses except:
 1- At the lower 1/3rd of esophagus
 2- In the wall of jejunum & ileum
 3- In the lower part of rectum & anal canal
 4- Around the umbilicus
 5- In the posterior abdominal wall
The lymphatic drainage of transverse colon into:.
1- Superior mesenteric nodes
2- Para-aortic nodes
3- Inferior mesenteric nodes
4- Superior & inferior mesenteric nodes
5- Celiac & superior mesenteric nodes
As regard the liver the following are true except:
1- The quadrate lobe drains bile into right hepatic duct
2- The lesser omentum connects stomach to visceral surface of liver
3- The left triangular ligament connects liver to diaphragm
4- The liver is supported mainly by the hepatic veins into the IVC
5- The Ligamentum venosum is attached the left branch of portal vein
As regard the pancreas the following are true except:
1- It receives part of its arterial supply from splenic artery
2- Its main pancreatic duct opens into third part of duodenum
3- The uncinate process projects from the head
4- The common bile duct lies posterior to the head
5- The transverse mesocolon is attached to anterior border of pancreas
As regard stomach the following are true except:
1- The splenic artery runs behind stomach along upper border of pancreas
2- Greater curvature receives its blood from right & left gastric arteries
3- Lymph drainage from gastroesophageal junction into celiac nodes
4- Lesser sac lies behind the stomach
5- Pyloric end is attached to posterior abdominal wall by the duodenum
The lymphatic drainage of the head of pancreas into:
 1- Celiac nodes
 2- para-aortic nodes
 3- Superior mesenteric nodes
 4- Inferior mesenteric nodes
 5- Celiac & superior mesenteric nodes
As regard ileum & jejunum the following are true except:
 1- The circular muscle layer of terminal ileum acts as a sphincter
 2- The arterial arcades are more in the ileum than jejunum
 3- Peyer's patches are present in the submucosa of the lower ileum
 4- The plicae circularis are more in the ileum than jejunum
 5- The parasympathetic nerve supply of jejunum & ileum is derived from vagus nerve
As regard the pancreas, the following are true except:
1- It has head, neck, body & tail
2- It is completely covered by peritoneum
3- Its body lies transversely posterior to stomach
4- The head lies in the concavity of the duodenum
5- The tail is related to the spleen
As regard biliary system, the following are true except:
1- The neck of gall bladder continues as cystic duct
2- The fundus of gall bladder is felt below the tip of right 9th costal cartilage
3- The common bile duct lies in the free border of lesser omentum
4- The junction of right & left hepatic ducts forms the common bile duct
5- The cystic vein drains into portal vein
Which of the following is eroded in perforated ulcer in the posterior wall of 1st part
1- Hepatic artery
2- Splenic artery
3- Right gastric artery
4- Gastroduodenal artery
5- Right gastroepiploic artery
As regard the small intestine, select one correct statement:
1- The jejunum has complicated arterial arcades
2- The ileum forms the proximal 2/5ths of the small intestine
3- The lymphoid follicles are larger & numerous in jejunum than in ileum
4- Both jejunum & ileum have appendices epiploicae
5- It is supplied by branches of superior mesenteric artery
The following are peritoneal folds, except:
1- Falciform ligament
2- Lienorenal ligament
3- Gastrosplenic ligament
4- Ligamentum venosum
5- Coronary ligament
The following structures are present posterior to 1st part of duodenum, except:
1- Lesser sac
2- Bile duct
3- Liver
4- Gastroduodenal artery
5- Portal vein
As regard the superior mesenteric artery, select one correct statement:
1- It is the artery of hindgut
2- It lies to the right of the superior mesenteric vein
3- It takes origin at the level of 3rd lumbar vertebra
4- It supplies lower part of duodenum & pancreas
5- It descends behind the 3rd part of duodenum
The stomach is related posteriorly to the following except:
 1- Left kidney
 2- Left suprarenal gland
 3- Left lobe of the liver
 4- Lesser sac
 5- Transverse mesocolon
Pain of inflamed gall bladder (Cholecystitis) is referred to the:
 1- Shoulder
 2- Back
 3- Iliac fossa
 4- Umbilicus
 5- Hypogastrium
The following veins form portosystemic anastomoses except:
 1- Esophageal tributaries of left gastric & azygos veins
 2- Internal & external iliac veins
 3- Paraumbilical & anterior abdominal veins
 4- Right colic & lumbar veins
 5- Veins in liver bare area & phrenic vein
As regard the inferior mesenteric artery the following are true except:
 1- Its colic branch supplies descending colon
 2- It gives off inferior pancreaticoduodenal artery
 3- It supplies sigmoid colon
 4- Its branches contribute to the marginal artery
 5- It arises from aorta just below 3rd part of duodenum
Which of following is eroded in perforated peptic ulcer in the posterior wall of stomach?
1- Gastroduodenal artery
2- Left gastric artery
3- Right gastric artery
4- Hepatic artery
5- Splenic artery
The inferior mesenteric vein terminates in:
 1- Portal vein
 2- Superior mesenteric vein
 3- Splenic vein
 4- Hepatic vein
 5- Inferior vena cava
The Ligamentum teres is the remains of:
 1- Umbilical artery
 2- Umbilical vein
 3- Ductus venosus
 4- Ductus arteriosus
 5- Allantois
The Appendicular artery is a direct branch of:
 1- The inferior mesenteric artery
 2- The ileocolic artery
 3- The superior mesenteric artery
 4- The superior rectal artery
 5- The left colic artery
The following are parts of biliary system except:
 1- Common bile duct
2- Cystic duct
 3- Pancreatic duct
 4- Common hepatic duct
5- Right and left hepatic ducts
Regarding the pancreas, the following are true except:
1- Cancer head causes obstructive jaundice
2- Its tail is present in the lienorenal ligament
3- Its head lies in the concavity of duodenum
4- Splenic artery lies at its upper border
5- Portal vein begins behind its body
The following are present in the stomach bed except:
1- LT renal vein
2- Splenic artery
3- Pancreas
4- Left kidney
5- Left suprarenal gland
As regard the liver the following are true except:
1- The visceral surface of the liver is related to the duodenum
2- The hepatic veins lie in the porta hepatis
3- The quadrate lobe is a functional part of the left lobe
4- Its nerve supply is derived from the celiac plexus
5- It is not completely covered by peritoneum
In case of cancer stomach which group of lymph nodes might be affected?
1- Superior mesenteric
2- Inferior mesenteric
3- Celiac
4- Para-aortic
5- None of the above
The visceral surface of spleen is related to the following except:
 1- Stomach
 2- Splenic flexure of the colon
3- Left kidney
 4- Left suprarenal gland
5- Tail of pancreas
The following are sites of portosystemic anastomosis except:
 1- Around the umbilicus.
2- In the spleen.
3- Lower end of esophagus.
 4- In the bare area of the liver.
5- In the wall of anal canal.
The following structures are related to the posterior surface of the stomach except:
 1- Left kidney.
2- Left suprarenal gland.
3- Splenic vein.
 4- Splenic artery.
5- Body of pancreas.
The following arteries share in the formation of marginal artery of the colon except:
 1- Ileocolic artery
 2- Right colic artery
 3- Middle colic artery
 4- Left colic artery
 5- Middle rectal artery
Regarding the spleen, the following are true, except:
1- It is a lymphatic organ
2- It is related to the posterior wall of the stomach
3- It is completely enclosed by peritoneum, except the hilum
4- It is usually palpable (you can feel it) in normal individual
5- Splenic & superior mesenteric veins form portal vein
Pain of appendicitis is referred to the:
1- Shoulder
2- Epigastrium
3- Hypogastrium
4- Dermatomes T 5 - T 9
5- Region of the umbilicus
Which of the following arteries is a branch of superior mesenteric artery ?
1- Superior rectal
2- Inferior rectal
3- Gastroduodenal
4- Inferior pancreaticoduodenal
5- Superior pancreaticoduodenal
As regard the anal canal the following are true except:
1- The anal valves mark the boundary between upper & lower parts of anal canal
2- The mucosa of the upper part is sensitive to touch & pain.
3- The upper part is supplied by superior rectal artery.
4- The internal anal sphincter is supplied by autonomic nerves.
5- The external anal sphincter is supplied by somatic nerves.
As regard the subcutaneous part of external anal sphincter which of the following
statement is true?
 1- It encircles the anal canal
2- Is attached to anococcygeal body
 3- Is composed of smooth muscle
4- Is supplied by superior rectal nerve
 5- It causes the rectum to join the anal canal at an acute angle
 Damage of anorectal ring will cause one of the following:
 1- Anal fissure
 2- Anal abscess
 3- Fecal incontinence
4- Internal hemorrhoids
 5- External hemorrhoids
 Which one of the following takes origin behind neck of pancreas?
 1- Celiac trunk.
 2- Portal vein.
3- Inferior mesenteric artery.
 4- Superior mesenteric artery.
 5- Hepatic artery.
 The gall bladder lies in the:
 1- Upper left quadrant.
 2- Upper right quadrant.
 3- Lower left quadrant.
 4- Lower right quadrant.
 5- Epigastrium
Which of following is more common in females than in males?
1- Direct inguinal hernia
2- Indirect inguinal hernia
3- Femoral hernia
4- Lumbar hernia
5- Epigastric hernia
The commonest type of hernia is:
1- Umbilical hernia
2- Epigastric hernia
3- Paraumbilical hernia
4- Direct inguinal hernia
5- Indirect inguinal hernia
About indirect inguinal hernia, the following are true except:
1- It is considered as congenital type
2- Its neck lies below & lateral to pubic tubercle
3- It occurs through inguinal canal
4- It usually descends to scrotum
5- It is usually unilateral
About the direct inguinal hernia, the following are true, except:
1- It occurs usually in children
2- It is usually bilateral
3- It occurs in the posterior wall of inguinal canal
4- Its neck is wide
5- It is more common in males than females
About femoral and inguinal hernias, the following are true, except:
1- Femoral hernia occurs in the femoral canal
2- Indirect inguinal hernia occurs in the inguinal canal
3- The neck of femoral hernia lies above & medial to pubic tubercle
4- Femoral hernia is more common in females than in males
5- Inguinal hernia is more common in males than in females
About hernias, the following are true, except:
1- Internal hernia may occurs in the peritoneal recesses
2- Diaphragmatic hernia is the passage of mobile viscera through diaphragm
3- Lumbar hernia may occurs through lumbar triangle
4- Divarication (separation) of the recti usually occurs in muscular males
5- Incisional hernia occurs in a weak scar after surgical operation