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International Journal of Educational Advancement
Vol. 7 No. 1, 2016, 186-191
PISSN: 1744-6503
EISSN: 1744-6544
Positive Effects of Nanotechnology on the Field of Computer
Keyhan Khamforoosh1, Asghar Akbari Moein2,*Matin Katebi3
(1) Department of Computer, College of Engineering, Sanandaj Branch, Islamic Azad
University, Sanandaj, Iran
(2) Department of Computer, College of Engineering, Sanandaj Branch, Islamic Azad
University, Sanandaj, Iran
(3) Department of Computer, College of Engineering, Sanandaj Branch, Islamic Azad
University, Sanandaj, Iran
[email protected]
Really nanotechnology is an extremely wide zone of study and research at present. It has been
by numerous analysts and incorporates a few fields of study like material science, building and
engineering. In this paper, we investigate the improvement and headway of nanotechnology which
sufficient chance to add to a littler, speedier and dependable PC. In this paper, we are principally
worried with top down methodology and base up manufacture methodology of nanotechnology
specifically influences present day PC configuration and engineering.
Keywords: nanotechnology, nanofabrication, quantum dots, carbon nanotubes, nano design,
International Journal of Educational Advancement 2016
International Journal of Educational Advancement
Vol. 7 No. 1, 2016, 186-191
PISSN: 1744-6503
EISSN: 1744-6544
1 Introduction
the broad utilization of PC and its wide application in the cutting edge world have constrained the
analysts to enhance and fabricate a littler, speedier and a more solid PC. This target can be satisfied
nanotechnology. Utilizing nanotechnology we can outline and make electronic parts what's more,
gadgets that can be utilized specifically to make littler, quicker and solid PC. As per M.C. Roco, the
and fourth era of nanotechnology would depend vigorously on exploration in software
Presently, let us attempt to comprehend the importance of nanotechnology what's more, its
Nanotechnology : It is defined as the engineering of functional systems at the molecular scale. OR
Nanotechnology refers to the manipulation of matter on an atomic and molecular scale. OR The term
nanotechnology is defined as “ the design, characterization, production and application of structures,
devices and systems by controlled manipulation of size and shape at the nanometre scale (atomic,
molecular and macromolecular scale) that produces structures, devices and systems with at least one
novel/superior characteristic or property”.
Man Behind Nanotechnology:
K. Eric Drexler has coined or popularized or propounded the term nanotechnology”in the 1980’s.
Objective of Nanotechnology:
To assembled machines on the size of atoms. Fundamentally, nanotechnology works with materials,
gadgets furthermore, different structures with no less than one measurement estimated from 1 to 100
nanometres. [2].Samples are: a couple nanometres wide- - engine, robot arms, little electronic
segments, novel semiconductor gadgets and even entire PC far littler than a cell.
Generations Of Nanotechnology:
Nanotechnology has seen four eras till date.
a) First era of nanotechnology It is called uninvolved nanostructures. A few applications are:
and contact nanostructures. Case Aerosols, colloids, coatings, nanoparticle strengthened composites,
nano organized metals, polymers and earthenware production.
b) Second era of nanotechnology It alludes to dynamic nanostructures. A few applications are:
wellbeing impacts, physicochemical dynamic (e.g - 3D transistors, enhancers,actuators,
versatile structures).
c) Third era of nanotechnology It is called frameworks of nanosystems. A few applications are:
International Journal of Educational Advancement 2016
International Journal of Educational Advancement
Vol. 7 No. 1, 2016, 186-191
PISSN: 1744-6503
EISSN: 1744-6544
mechanical technology, guided amassing: 3D organizing and new various leveled models.
d) Fourth era of nanotechnology It is called atomic nanosystems. [3]A few applications are: subatomic
gadgets by configuration, nuclear plan and rising capacities.Fourth era of nanotechnology essentially
manages the assembling and improvement of nano PC.
Applications Of Nanotechnology:
• Medicine (Diagnostic, Drug conveyance, tissue designing)
• Cryonics
• Environment (Filtration)
• Energy (Decrease of vitality utilization, Expanding the effectiveness of vitality creation, Atomic
tidy up and squander capacity)
• Information and correspondence (memory stockpiling, novel semiconductor gadgets, novel
optoelectronic gadgets, quantum PCs)
• Heavy industry (aviation, catalysis, development)
• Consumer merchandise (Food, nanofoods, family unit, optics, materials, beautifying agents,
and games)
In spite of, numerous essential uses of nanotechnology, here accentuation has been given just on the
zone of data and correspondence that arrangements with the assembling and advancement of smaller
scale gadgets or electronic parts required to make nano PC.[4]
Nanotechnology Techniques/Tools/Theory/Materials That Directly Affect Modern Computer:
• Quantum dabs
• Carbon Nanotubes
• DNA figuring
• NVRAM (non unstable RAM)
• NanoDesign (programming framework)
a) Nanofabrication
It is an accumulation of advancements which are used in making miniaturized scale gadgets.
Miniaturized scale creation is the term that depicts procedures of manufacture of smaller than usual
structures, of micrometer sizes and littler. [5].For occasion, creation of IC (Integrated
circuit).Nanofabrication or smaller scale creation advances begin from the microelectronics industry
the gadgets is typically made on silicon wafers. Nanofabrication strategies can be partitioned into
classes: a) top down strategies and b) base up strategies:
• Top down strategy: It include cutting out or including a little number of atoms to a surface. This
strategy is by and large utilized by gadgets industry as a part of a procedure called photolithography.
Photolithography is the procedure that exchanges the geometric shape on a cover to the surface of a
silicon wafer by presentation to UV (ultra violet) light through lenses.[6]
• Bottom up strategy: This technique is utilized to gather iotas or particles into nanostructures. In not
International Journal of Educational Advancement 2016
International Journal of Educational Advancement
Vol. 7 No. 1, 2016, 186-191
PISSN: 1744-6503
EISSN: 1744-6544
distant future, the PC business will utilize the above innovation widely to manufacture microchip
chips.[7]. The microchip chips would be littler, quicker, dependable, proficient and lighter PCs.
b) Quantum specks
Quantum specks are gems that transmit stand out wavelength of light when the electrons are
It is a new material made by base up technique for nanofabrication. [8]In future quantum dabs could
utilized as quantum bits and to shape the premise of quantum PCs.
i. Working of quantum PCs
In quantum PCs, the twofold rate in routine PCs are rehashed by quantum bits on the other hand
qubits, which can be in a condition of 0, 1 and superposition (all the while both 0 and 1). As the
PC can hold different states all the while, it is expected that it can possibly perform a million
in the meantime. This would make the PC a great deal more quicker than some time recently. [3]The
improvement of quantum PC is still under examination.
ii. Restrictions of quantum PC
Since quantum PCs depend on quantum mechanical marvel, which are defenseless against the
of clamor, cognizance vanishing and loss of quantum bits. [3]These issues are examined beneath.
• Problem of rationality vanishing:
A quantum PC can just capacity if the data exists for enough time to be handled. The scientists have
found that the cognizance suddenly vanishes through the span of time. This could lead to a
issue for the advancement of a quantum PC.
• Simultaneous presence of two states:
In a quantum PC a superconducting quantum bits can at the same time exist in two states. Typically
of the two states vanishes when the framework comes into contact with the outside world. The
cognizance then vanishes as an aftereffect of the decoherence process and the data in a quantum bit
iii. Answer for the above issue
More research required.[5] There is a need to clear up the issue that sub-atomic motion reproductions
completed at limited temperatures of machines of a few level of multifaceted nature, in which both
system itself and its mounting are liable to warm commotion.
c) Carbon nanotubes
It is a tube molded carbon material that is measured in nanometre scales. With the progression of
nanofabrication method, analysts utilized this material to make electronic parts like transistors,
transfers and rationale entryways. These electronic parts can be specifically connected in making
propelled PC.
d) DNA processing
It is a way to deal with nanocomputers. DNA processing utilizes base up methodology or strategy to
make DNA particles and DNA rationale doors.
International Journal of Educational Advancement 2016
International Journal of Educational Advancement
Vol. 7 No. 1, 2016, 186-191
PISSN: 1744-6503
EISSN: 1744-6544
i. Real Events
• In 1994, L. Adleman has attempted to settle a complex using so as to voyage sales representative
DNA processing method.
• In 1997, analysts at the University of Rochester fabricated DNA rationale entryways. This
is considered as a stage towards a DNA PC.[2]
• Researchers have found that a DNA particle can store more data than any routine memory chip and
DNA can be utilized to perform parallel calculations.
The above advancements make the thought of DNA registering extremely engaging the ebb and flow
analysts also, researchers of the world.[1] Note: DNA : It is an organic term. It remains for
Deoxyribonucleic corrosive (DNA) and it conveys hereditary operation for the organic improvement
e) NVRAM (non unpredictable RAM)
Argonne research has built up a NVRAM (non unpredictable RAM) made up of little nano built
ferroelectric precious stones. [6].Since the little nano built ferroelectric precious stones don't return
suddenly, RAM made with them would not be eradicated ought to there be a power disappointment.
Utilizing NVRAM smart phones no longer need move down batteries, allowing them to be made still
littler and lighter. This accomplishment of nanotechnology is considered as a long –standing long for
PC business.
f) Nanodesign (programming framework)
An examination bunch at NASA has been creating a product framework called Nano Design, for
examining fullerene nanotechnology and planning atomic machines.[7]. The product design of
Nanodesign is intended to bolster and empower their gathering to create complex mimicked atomic
machines. The fundamental reason behind building up this product framework is configuration and
reenactment of materials taking into account nanotechnology.
The paper has laid out the definition and its wide application in short. This paper is proposed to
the part of nanotechnology in the improvement of a complex little PC. Likewise, the paper is planned
depict the reliance of specific segment or field of nanotechnology which are straightforwardly
with the improvement of a development PC in future.
International Journal of Educational Advancement 2016
International Journal of Educational Advancement
Vol. 7 No. 1, 2016, 186-191
PISSN: 1744-6503
EISSN: 1744-6544
1. Introduction to Microfabrication (2004) by S.Fanssila. ISBN 0-470-85106-6
2. Fundamentals of Microfabrication (2nd ed,2002) by M.Madou ISBN 0-8493-0826-7
3. K.E. Drexler, 1986. Engines of creation: the coming era of nanotechnology. Anchor Press
4. K.E. Drexler, 2001, “ Machine phase nanotechnology”, Scientific American, Septembe r
5. M.A Reed and J.M Tour,2000, ”computing with Molecules”, Scientific American, June
6. www.molecular technology.htm
7. www.molecular scale electronics.htm
8. www.nanotechnology.htm
International Journal of Educational Advancement 2016