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'Pharmaceutical Sciences: Improving World Health'
Monday 5 – Wednesday 7 September 2016 at the Technology and Innovation Centre, University of Strathclyde, Glasgow
The APS is pleased to announce that Christine Allen who is a Professor and the
GlaxoSmithKline Chair in Pharmaceutics and Drug Delivery in the Leslie Dan Faculty of
Pharmacy at the University of Toronto will be delivering a plenary lecture on Tuesday
6th September 2016.
Her talk is entitled The Promise of Nanotechnology in Oncology: The Time is Now.
This is an exciting time for nanotechnology in oncology with a number of new
nanomedicines and nano-based imaging agents in clinical development,
announcements of positive clinical data and pharmaceutical deals totaling billions of
dollars. This lecture will take account of the current status and identify the challenges
that must still be overcome in order to further exploit the power of nanotechnology in
oncology. Special attention will be given to the integration of imaging to fast-track
pre-clinical development of nanomedicines and to personalize clinical development as
a means to better assure improved outcomes.
Christine completed her doctoral research in the Department of Chemistry at McGill University and post-doctoral
research in the Department of Advanced Therapeutics at the B.C. Cancer Agency. She joined The University of Toronto
in 2002, from Celator Pharmaceuticals Inc. where she had worked as a scientist and Assistant Director of materials
research. She has over 100 peer-reviewed publications, numerous patent applications, and nine book chapters on both
lipid and polymer-based delivery systems. She has served on several peer review panels for granting agencies including
CIHR (2004, 2005-2009, 2011), NCIC (2005, 2006) and NIH (2006, 2008, 2011 - 2016). She was awarded a CIHR-Rx&D
Career Award (2004-2009) for her research on the design and development of technologies for cancer treatment. She
has also received the Association of Faculties of Pharmacy of Canada/AstraZeneca New Investigator Research Award,
the Canadian Society Pharmaceutical Science/GlaxoSmithKline Early Career Award, an Innovation Award from the
Ontario Research Commercialization Program and the Jorge Heller Controlled Release Society (CRS) Best Paper Award.
She is an Associate Editor for the ACS journal Molecular Pharmaceutics and is actively involved in numerous scientific
societies including as Treasurer Elect and Deputy Chair of the Program Committee for the Controlled Release Society.
Other Confirmed Plenary Speakers
Prof Kay Marshal, University of Manchester - winner of the APS Award (sponsored by AstraZeneca)
Prof Gavin Halbert, University of Strathclyde
For more information on the conference, and to submit an abstract please visit the Conference Website regularly to
keep updated on further announcements.
Register at on or before 31st July 2016
to take advantage of the Early Bird Rates for the conference
7th International PharmSci Conference 2016 is grateful for the support of our sponsors: