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Chapter 2: Rocks: Section 1: Understanding Rock
Understanding Rock
 Earth’s crust is made
up mostly of rock.
 Rock- a solid mixture
dof crystals of one or
more minerals.
 Some types of rock
such as coal are made
up of organic materials.
The Value of Rock
Name ____________________________________ #_______ date _____________
The Rock Cycle
Rocks were used by early humans to
make tools,.
The three main types of rocks are igneous,
sedimentary, and metamorphic. Each type of
rock is part of the rock cycle.
Rocks are used to build roads.
Rock Cycle- The process by which one rock
type changes into another.
Rocks are used to make buildings
and monuments.
Concrete is a building material in
which rock is an important
Scientist study rocks to help answer
questions about the history of the
Earth and our solar system.
Rocks provide clues about life forms
that lived billions of years ago.
The Nitty Gritty on Rock
On back of this paper draw the diagram and
label all of the steps of the rock cycle on page
28 , 29, and 30
Rocks are classified by scientist into
three main types based on how they
are formed.
Each type of rock is then divided into
smaller groups based on differences
in the way rocks are formed.
Composition- The mineral a rock is made up
of is referred to as its composition.
Texture - The texture of a rock is determined
by the shapes, and position of the grains of
which it is made.
Fine grain texture – silt or clay
Coarse grain texture - conglomerate
Medium-grained texture- sandstone