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Arriving at the Crossroad
Many people have health problems which are identified with isms and itises that occur when the
body systems are not functioning optimally. Eventually these health problems interfere with
work, lifestyle, and happiness. Many people reach a crossroad in their life because they are not
aware of needs of the body's functional systems and have made bad choices in lifestyle, diet and
nutrition, or need for exercise. In order for person to return to health or reach a higher level of
generalized health, they must have an understanding of how the body's functional systems
contribute to these conditions.
At the crossroad you can make the choice of which way to turn. It is my purpose to guide you
with a map rather than act as a traffic cop, directing you on a detour. The journey has been
successfully taken by others before you. Martin Luther King, Jr. once said: Take the first step in
faith. You don't have to see the whole staircase, just take the first step.
Many people who seek health care advice have common findings that are identified first with a
diagnosis and then classified into a score of conditions and severity. Once the condition is
understood and the source of the problem is identified, therapies that work with the body’s own
recuperative powers, instead of against them, can be employed.
The following are conditions that are commonly observed by health care
Allergies and Sensitivities
Arthritis and Bone Disorders
Asthma and Respiratory Conditions
Behavioral and Learning Disorders
Cancer and It's Prevention
Candida Yeast, Mold and Parasites
Cardiovascular Disease and Circulation
Chemical and Drug Toxicity
Childhood Illnesses
Chronic Fatigue
Chronic Pain
Colitis, Diverticulits and Crohn's Disease
Malabsorption Problems
Multiple Sclerosis
Psychological Disorders
Skin conditions
Foods, pesticides, herbicides, dust, mold, fungus, yeast, trees, grass, weeds, fabrics, cosmetics,
laundry detergents, insects, mites, pets, parasites, engine exhaust, paint, solvents, furniture,
amalgam fillings, tooth paste, hair spray, hair coloring, artificial lighting and even high voltage
electro-magnetic radiation have been linked to immune reactions, sensitivities and intolerance.
The book on allergies has not been written which explains all of the ways, which the human
immune-nervous-digestive-respiratory-circulatory-hormonal-skeletal-urinary elimination
systems respond to substances from outside the body. At least one half of all degenerative
conditions involve foreign substance reactions - foods and food derived chemicals being the
most common. Identification is done through taking a history, examination, and testing how and
which substance might be associated with your health concern. Everyone is different. An
allergy is not merle hives or nasal drip, the immune system must be addressed to eliminate
reactions. Sometimes this is by unloading the body of inflammatory triggers through avoidance,
detoxification, cleansing, home hygiene, etc. to raise the threshold of reaction to substances that
can not be avoided.
The most common arthritis is a condition involving inadequate nutrition to the tissues that are
elements of the joint. This is not only the bone itself, but the cartilage, supportive ligaments and
the muscle that move and support the joint. This most often involves protein and calcium
malnutrition or malabsorption. Although this is often observed in elderly people, and therefore
thought to be an aging process it is in fact more about mileage rather than the age. Most
degenerative arthritis is post joint injury. Vascular changes can occur to bone and joint tissue
which interfere with the delivery of nutrient to the damaged tissue. To prevent this it is
important to have therapeutic support to injured joints. This should not only be modality support
to relax the pain reactions in the tissue that interfere with circulation, but elimination of food
sensitivities that cause interference with circulation and delivery of nutrients and especially
oxygen to the damaged tissue. Mobilization and motion therapy is important to prevent stasis of
cellar metabolites which aggravate scar tissue formation. Although scar tissue is considered part
of healing it in fact can interfere with tissue regeneration. Arthritis is seen in all individuals,
even in young children who suffer repetitive injuries playing sports.
There are no two individuals that have the same complaints. Evaluating a person metabolically
will often disclose the underlying cause of the condition. A special case of bone degeneration is
osteoporosis. The natural shortening of the human posture is a symptom of this condition that
can eventually be crippling or result in spontaneous fractures. People over the age of 60 can
testify that they have lost anywhere from one-half to three inches in their overall height since
their twenty-first birthday. This is due to a reduction in the length of the spine and often the
discs, or pads, that separate the spinal vertebral segments. Optimum nutrition, determined by
examination, history and laboratory testing, in most cases, can help reduce pain, strengthen bone
and for some individuals, an improvement in height.
Even an inflammatory auto-immune arthritis such as Rheumatoid arthritis is known to have
inflammatory triggers caused by food sensitivities. These can be easily identified by a simple
blood test at a specialized laboratory and then eliminated by making dietary changes.
ASTHMA and Pulmonary Inflammatory Disease
Breathing and pulmonary disorders are the fourth leading cause of adult death after heart disease,
cancer and accidents. Pulmonary function studies can be analyzed by a spirometer to measure
improvements in breathing while undergoing treatments.
There are several forms of asthma. There may be associated deep chronic systemic infection.
There may reaction to chemicals in foods or environmental pollutants. Food triggers can also
precipitate a reaction.
Being the most important nutrient for health, oxygen is often ignored until a crises develops.
Often asthma sufferers have hidden allergies or chemical or food sensitivities that are revealed
by laboratory examination. A careful analysis of a person's lifestyle, stresses, nutrition and
exercise requirements assist us in determining the best course of action. Laboratory studies are
necessary and prudent to make sure something as simple as dietary food choices do not
contribute to this common problem. Follow-up pulmonary function studies and specific
laboratory tests help measure improvement.
The human nervous system malfunctions during malnutrition or poor nutritional choices. This is
one reason why certain fad diets and fasting is dangerous to the body. Advances in brain science
have led to new insights into mental illness. Many disorders are now recognized to be caused by
aberrations in the infinitely complex interactions of brain chemicals. Our approach is to examine
the nutritional and metabolic needs of the individual to achieve neurotransmitter balance.
Psychological, physical and biochemical examinations often reveal the underlying cause of the
condition. Such conditions as attention deficit disorder, depression, manic-depressive disorder,
hyperactivity, autism, Parkinson's and Alzheimer's begin to display a commonality when
effective treatments with adequate dosages of naturally occurring nutrients, either alone or in
combination, are found to provide relief.
Cancer affects one out of three Americans. It is the most dreaded illness of all time. Many people
seek our help with nutrition and even start a preventive program while they are undergoing their
standard treatments. We evaluate the function of the body and make recommendations
appropriate to fortify the body's immune system. Metabolic Therapy does not replace the
orthodox medical care that a cancer patient may require. It augments the standard medical
approach to facilitate the inherent healing potential of the body. Some people turn to nutritional
therapy after other therapies have failed and they are told there is no hope. For these people, our
approach can reduce suffering and improve the quality of their life.
Often, patients who have been diagnosed as having cancer are referred to us for specific diet and
nutritional counseling and individualized therapies. Each person must be evaluated carefully on
an individual basis to determine what is best for each specific situation. Although nutrition
cannot reverse an advanced cancer where organs and tissues have been destroyed, more evidence
is being produced all the time showing that early detection followed by specific nutritional
treatment affords the greatest advantage for the individual no matter what therapies are
undertaken afterward. In most recent cancer investigations, nutrition has been the component that
has been omitted. Our approach is the restoration of normal health and recovery from such
debilitating problems using substances common to food.
Yeast infections have become more common as antibiotic-laden foods find their way to our
table. Steroid medications, a high sugar diet and stress play a role in upsetting the delicate
balance among friendly as well as unfriendly ones. While all of us have some yeast present in
our bowel, bladder, throat and even brain, a healthy immune system can keep these parasitic
plants in check. Populations of yeast, mold and fungus begin to rise in the body when internal as
well as external factors weaken our reserves. Overgrowth of yeast is usually caused by antibiotic
therapies which destroy the balance of good organisms that live in the gut and provide necessary
micro-nutrients to our body. This is usually accomplished with probiotics. An individual's
condition will usually determine which probiotics to administer and is usually determined by the
laboratories. Many times an individual with a Candida overgrowth suffers with hypoglycemia
(low blood sugar) because Candida consumes and competes for the body's carbohydrates. One
of the classic signs of a Candida issue is having a sugar craving. Proper diet and nutritional
support is key to controlling this condition
The modern approach to treating heart attacks with drugs is considered "conservative" by
surgeons; but it is in fact extreme, and usually leads to by-pass or open-heart surgery. While the
surgical approach may indeed relieve the symptoms for a period of time, if nothing is done to
address the underlying cause of the heart disease, the problem is certain to return.
Surgery is sometimes necessary to save a life, once a person with heart disease is medically
stable, we can adopt a "more conservative" approach. Almost all medical doctors agree that
lifestyle and diet are the keys to preventing cardiovascular problems. It has also been shown that
exercise, diet, stress reduction and nutritional therapy can arrest and often reverse cardiovascular
impairment and high blood pressure. By taking a careful health history, detailed nutritional
physical exam and appropriate laboratory examination, the best program can be developed for
the individual.
The use of drugs and alcohol is not only increasing but is occurring at an earlier age than ever
before. While tobacco usage is dropping among older age groups the only group actually
showing an increase is among those between 10 and 14 years of age. Young girls are twice as
likely to take up smoking and use alcohol as boys. Such early usage of addictive substances sets
a stage for harder drugs later in life. A fully integrated approach to family lifestyle counseling as
well as determining the best metabolic plan for each individual is our method.
Hyperactivity, learning disabilities, scoliosis, eating disorders, chronic infections, attention
deficit and behavioral problems are conditions that need nutritional support. Our treatment is
very individualized, because these conditions can be caused by many different factors. After
discovering the underlying causes, we tailor the treatment to each family and patient's individual
Lack of adequate rest or exercise is a common modern cause of reduced energy. Malnutrition is
also a known cause of ongoing fatigue. Any one of 102 essential nutrients, when lacking in the
diet, can produce fatigue. One condition often overlooked as a cause of chronic and progressive
fatigue is post viral syndrome. Some germs such as the Epstein-Barr virus have a nasty habit of
damaging the body's ability to convert food into energy. Slow growing viruses can live in liver,
brain and nervous systems to smolder for years evading the immune system before a true disease
can be identified. Latest scientific studies on sub-virus sized entities called prions threaten to
further weaken the health of humans.
Viral infections put an exceptional load on the body's immune system and may require other than
the normal maintenance alimentary pathway to keep up with the demand for nourishment. IV
Therapy is sometime necessary to help the body shed a virus down to the level were nutritional
maintenance programs can work.
We attempt to determine the cause of the chronic fatigue and develop a program of
detoxification, virus control, and restoration specifically tailored to the individual needs.
Old injuries, inflammation, internal disorders and stress often give rise to unrelenting pain.
Muscles, joints, bones and internal organs such as gall bladder or stomach can give rise to pain
reflexes emerging at a spinal level or some other surface. Pain cannot be measured in a physical
or biochemical examination. However, its cause can often be found and modulated by physical
and nutritional means. One condition known as Fibromyalgia (pain in muscles and fibrotic
tissues) is rising to epidemic levels. Proper exercise accompanied with optimum nutrition is often
found to be the answer. Many practitioners feel toxic metals, as well as food sensitivities drive
or contribute to this very painful inflammatory problem. Laboratory testing can determine if this
is a contributing factor. Diet is a key component to controlling this condition.
Colitis, diverticulitis and Crohn's disease are all a result of modern lifestyles. These diseases are
characterized by an inflammation and irritation of the large intestine. In Crohn's disease, the
most serious of the three, an auto-immune reaction in the large intestine may ultimately atrophy
and obstruct the bowel. Ulcerative colitis has its roots in bowel ecology and arises from
improper balance of friendly bacteria. Diverticulitis is predisposed by constipation and poor
bowel elimination. These diseases are products of stress or are often caused by allergies,
individual vitamin deficiencies, and a diet deficient in roughage and containing too much sugar
and refined carbohydrates.
It is very important to understand the individual person's biochemical makeup so that the proper
approach to treating these diseases can be determined. The treatment of bowel diseases varies
considerably from person to person. It is also necessary to begin nutritionally treating these
diseases as early as possible to avoid the possibility of rectal cancer or the surgical loss of the
Nervous bowel, allergies, repeated bouts with antibiotics or chemical sensitivity could upset the
delicate microorganism flora within the bowel. When this takes place, digestion and absorption
are reduced. Opportunistic organisms such as yeast, mold, fungus or pathological bacteria can
ferment foods before they can be carried into body tissues causing what is known as a “leaky
gut.” Maximizing digestion and controlling populations of foreign microbes is often the best
assurance of good absorption. Malabsorption of nutrients can ultimately lead to malnutrition
even when eating healthy foods and taking nutritional supplements.
Multiple Sclerosis (MS) primarily affects people of Scandinavian or Western European descent.
It afflicts individuals from northern climates and people who have lived on high amounts of
animal products. While some investigators have identified exposure to heavy metal toxicity in
individuals with MS, there are important direct links between diet and nutrition to this crippling
and chronic degenerative disease. Often we find grossly altered digestion, absorption and
elimination in the MS patient as well as overlooked food sensitivity that drive inflammation in
the body. Heavy metal toxicity and food sensitivities should be identified and eliminated. The
reduction in fats, the maximizing of oxygen tension and the optimization of all nutrients is
essential when treating this problem. Can MS can be prevented. Immediate relatives of MS
patients are encouraged to get a preventive screening and early preventive health advice. Links
indicating viral damage to nerve myelin are also appearing and it is important to improve and
maintain the health of the immune system.
How many times have you been told that if you just counted calories and ate less, then you
would lose weight? This is not necessarily true. Obesity is the most obvious visible sign of
chronic degenerative disease. An early sign of malnutrition is the swelling of tissue and the high
rate of carbohydrate absorption with rapid conversion into fat for storage. The National
Geographic photos of starving people in Africa show the large pendulous abdomens and skinny
muscle deficient arms typical of children in impoverished countries. This is also common in our
own country, but it is hidden by excessive adipose tissue (fat). The greatest energy crisis that
exists is in human energy and productivity.
When weight control is approached in a scientific and individual manner, you can achieve lasting
success. Treatment incorporates food, exercise and behavior modification techniques. Some food
craving are the result of a nutrient deficiency brought about by poor dietary choices. After
determining your body's individual needs and metabolism, we customize our dietary program to
your specific requirements. A simple daily log we provide assists us in managing your needs.
Often, an initial detoxification program is recommended to assure that metabolic pathways are
functioning appropriately.
Some individuals enter this program after other more serious health problems are corrected such
as kidney disorders, heart disorders, allergies and circulation problems.
Some of the psychological disorders we treat are neurosis, anorexia nervosa and bulimia. We
accept these patients only when they are referred to us by psychologists or psychiatrists who are
treating the patients. It is a common misconception that psychological disorders arise
spontaneously in the mind. In fact, modern research has shown that they are often caused by
biochemical imbalances in the brain. Metabolic Therapy can often help correct the disorder by
restoring the biochemical balance.
Human skin receives the harshest treatment of any structure of the body. Different skin types are
prone to different kinds of skin disorders. While eczema and dermatitis reactions to toxic
chemicals is common, immune reactions to foods, additives, fabrics and dyes, water pollutants
and neurological adaptations produce many similarly upsetting conditions. Parasites, insect or
spider bites and contagious viruses create multiple rashes, itches, pain and discomfort within the
skin. Many skin conditions are caused by introduction of organisms due to scratching the itch.
Often, microscopic examination of hair roots, skin scrapings or body fluids, provide clues for
proper treatment. Cultures can often help identify the specific organism. The orthodoxy is to stop
the itch with application of an anti-inflammatory or steroid cream. If transient skin conditions
return after using topical steroid creams, there should be further investigation in other factors
such as food sensitivities. These can easily be tested and eliminated.
We apply basic practice fundamentals to indentify functional elements that will assist the
patient's healing and wellness.
Basic questions must be addressed:
Is the condition caused by nutritional deficiency? (e.g. magnesium, electrolyte, Bvitamin or essential fatty acid deficiency)
Is the condition caused by something he/she needs to avoid (what is making it
worse)? (e.g. wheat or milk allergy, processed carbohydrates, caffeine, etc.)
Is the condition caused by internal toxicity? (e.g. cadmium or lead intoxication)
Is there an underlying infection? (dental abscess, parasites, chronic viral infection)
Is the condition caused by emotional or psychological issues or a core belief that
impedes recovery? (e.g. excessive worry or stress, to the point it is detrimental.
Knowingly eating the wrong foods even when you feel poorly afterwards, poor self
esteem can cause a person to believe they are not worthy of wellness or success).
Is there an interference field in the body's nervous, circulatory, or lymphatic
systems which could be scars (emotional or physical), joint or tissue displacement
from trauma, or geopathic items that are preventing healing/restoration, ? (e.g. a
scar from an infection, trauma, burn, surgery or emotional event that has been
imprinted into the autonomic nervous system, joint subluxation, fault lines, power
lines, underground water streams.
The initial patient assessment guides the application of these practice fundamentals.
Certainly not every patient needs to emphasize every aspect of each of these practice
fundamentals but the health practitioner must consider all of them if there is to be
an optimal outcome. We encourage our patients to be open and truthful about their
lives even if some component of their life may not seem to be relative or significant
to their complaints or findings.
Application of practice fundamentals requires:
Remove interference
Reduce joint or tissue displacement.
Neutralize or remove geopathic items such as electric motors (don't place furniture
for sitting next to electric motors, computer monitors or television sets that use CRT
(cathode ray tube).
Remove allergens such as mold form home or work environment.
Internal detoxification.
Remove toxins from home or work environment (e.g. lead paint, exterior paint
containing mercury from interior surfaces, removal of dental amalgams.
Reduce toxic scar formation.
These fundamentals require an evaluation of the body's functional components and
application of a treatment plan to solve the underlying cause of the problem.
Toxicity Evaluation:
If there are toxic metals in your body, they can interfere with fundamental function of the
body's systems.
Many metals like calcium, magnesium, iron, copper, zinc, manganese and others are very
important nutrients for normal and healthy bodily function. They provide structural components
for cells and tissues such as calcium and magnesium create part of the cell wall, copper creates
part of collagen structure, iron creates part of the structure of hemoglobin, zinc creates a part of
DNA binding proteins. Each of these metals also play very important roles in chemical reactions
such as the manufacture of ATP, the fundamental energy currency of most living organisms; the
recycling of antioxidants to prevent cellular damage by free radical materials, the manufacture
and activation of enzymes, the activation of ion channels in cell membranes and many others.
Unfortunately, if in excess these metals can also become toxic and actually inhibit the processes
they are supposed to support. They can also inhibit or block other metals from doing their job.
Excess iron blocking copper and manganese, calcium blocking potassium are typical examples.
Balance is the key for all nutrient metals.
On the other hand, there are metals that do not generally play any nutritive role in our health or
bodily function. These are usually considered toxic metals and include lead, cadmium, arsenic,
mercury, aluminum, uranium, antimony, nickel on occasion, as do titanium and tin. The major
toxic metals are lead, arsenic, cadmium mercury and aluminum. These toxic metals play no
known nutritive role in human and animal health, but they play significant roles in human and
animal dis-ease. These metals directly damage biochemical reactions, displace nutritive metals,
inhibit enzyme function, injure tissue and create havoc in living processes. Toxic metals are an
everyday part of life with the widespread dissemination of toxic metals by government and
industry in the environment, by mining operations, war debrix, wild fires, and natural disasters.
The CDC does set threshold standards(supposed “safe” or “no action is needed” levels) for
various metals leaving the impression that until the toxic metal level gets to that threshold level,
no toxicity problems or adverse effects will be encountered. The standard practice procedure for
evaluating metals is testing blood levels of various toxic metals, lead for example, noting
whether or not the metal, lead in this case, is above threshold level, >10 microgram/deciliter in
the case of lead. If it is not, the doctor does nothing and “believes” that none of the symptoms
which the patient might be experiencing are related to lead. If the test value is above 10ug/dl the
doctor deems this elevated and suggests lifestyle modifications and queries the patient to
determine if this is acute exposure. The doctor makes this assumption largely because obvious,
specific, smoking gun, acute learning disabilities in children are thought to not occur until 40
ug/dl. Little understanding is given to the fact that metal toxicity, lead in this case, is not an all
or nothing problem. Lead exerts adverse effects on the nervous system in the parts per billion
concentrations or 0.233 ug/dl BLLs. The CDC states that IQ scored are affected at 7ug/dl BLL
or less. The best test to determine potential heavy metal burden is a stimulated metal test
meaning that the patient takes an oral or IV chelating agent and then collects their urine for 8 to
24 hours sending it into the lab for evaluation of metal content. Interestingly enough, the
December 1995 issue of Pediatric Annals in an article on pesticides in children, states that
unprovoked heavy metal evaluation are of little or no value, yet, unprovoked tests (typical
blood lead test) are the norm.
The CDC states that venous blood levels of lead are the preferred test for recent or ongoing lead
exposure, but not for past exposures. In fact, the CDC states that BLLs often under-represent the
total body burden because most lead is stored in the bone and may have “normal” levels isn the
blood. It is possible that patients with a high body burden under physiological stressful
circumstances may show elevated BLLs from the release of lead stored in the bones. CDC stats
show that the average child BLL ages 1-5 was 1.9 ug/dl in 2002, down from 15.0 ug/dl in 19761980 (before leaded gasoline was banned) The average adult 18-74 years of age BLL was 14.2
ug/dl from 1976-1980 dropping to 3.0 ug/dl in 1988-1991, again a reflection of leaded v. nonleaded gasoline emissions. Yet, the CDC states that if an adults BLL is 20ug/dl or more,
“unusual exposure is likely occurring and should be interrupted, if possible, expecially for fertile
and pregnant females.”
Unfortunately, most doctors take this information and recommendations from CDC as absolutes
and do nothing to address the subclinical and subtle clinical manifestations of toxic metal
poisoning. Common symptoms of acute lead poisoning are loss of appetite, nausea, vomiting,
stomach cramps, constipation, difficulty in sleeping, fatigue, moodiness, headache, joint or
muscle aches, anemia and decreased sexual drive. More severe symptoms include damage to the
nervous system, including wrist or foot drop, tremors, and convulsions or seizures. Chronic lead
poisoning may result after leas ha accumulated over time. Long after exposure has ceased, some
physiological event such as illness, pregnancy, stress may release this stored lead from the bone
and produce adverse effects such as impaired hemoglobin synthesis, central and peripheral
nervous system function, hypertension, reproductive problems and damage to the developing
fetus. ( Landrigan,
Consider for a moment a dripping faucet in your house. If you watch it you see a drip, drip, drip
and think that it is not much water so I don’t need to fix the faucet. Over the course of several
months, you notice that your electric and water bills have increased. The accumulation of drops
of water add up to a significant amount of water over time. This is the same with toxic metals in
our bodies. Think for a moment the blood levels of lead noted by CDC for people during the
period when we used leaded gasoline in all automobiles. For some people this equated to
decades of lead accumulation by the drip, drip, drip method. Now that these people are in their
senior years experiencing fatigue, memory loss, coordination problems, decreased libido and
other symptoms, they are told just mean they are getting older. Though they are getting older,
these symptoms are not necessarily due to aging, in fact should not be. We must consider the
resurfacing of the stored lead or other metals.
People living in the Great Lakes region are breathing mercury with every breath of air they take
in. This accumulates over time and resurfaces as kidney, liver, heart and nervous system
problems just like the lead can. Some people have both lead and mercury accumulation in the
body. It is the same consideration regarding arsenic , cadmium, aluminum or other toxic metal.
Key to this discussion is the reality that research suggests that there is really no “safe” level of
toxic metals. Any amount of toxic metal affects the body. It simply depends upon how much
each individual can tolerate before they have functional consequence. This varies with other
metal stressors, nutrition, diet, lifestyle and medications. These toxic metals in and of
themselves stress the body, especially the immune system and nervous system.
Toxic metals are a component or consideration in every new patient evaluation we do. It may
not be the primary issue causing the patient’s primary complaint, but it frequently is a
contributing factor in the patient’s recovery from the primary complaint.
We use sophisticated state-of-the-art testing in evaluating your condition so we can understand
your metabolic requirements. Metabolism is the sum of all biochemical process occurring in the
body. some processes are building new tissue while other processes are eliminating old tissue.
Some individuals have higher efficiency while others are not as efficient. Investigation is to
determine whether the functional needs of your body are being met - particularly the immune
system. We must determine the quality of you diet, digestion, absorption, assimilation, and
elimination as well as a physical examination.
A healthy metabolism requires a correct quantity and quality of nutrients in the diet as well as
digestion, absorption, assimilation, and elimination:
Our metabolic evaluation begins with analysis or your diet. We need to determine total calories,
grams of protein, total fats, polyunsaturated fats, cholesterol, carbohydrates, fiber, vitamin A,
thiamine (Vitamin B1), riboflavin (vitamin B2), niacin (vitamin B3), ascorbic acid (vitamin C),
vitamin E, calcium, phosphorus, iron, sodium, potassium, magnesium, selenium, zinc, and
The diet analysis also shows the number of servings of foods from the various food groups and
the number of teaspoons of "hidden" sugar contained in the food you have eaten. Diet is the first
step in the metabolic evaluation because it is something we have control of. We are all on a
“diet” because we all “choose” foods to eat from the many thousands of foods that are available
to us. We, alone, are responsible for our diet and nutrition. Information and education makes
healthier diets possible.
Nourishment differs from nutrition because there is the not only implication of effectiveness of
the nutrient but also the subtle bioenergetics component that nourishment provides even when
nutrition may not. Nutrients need to be in a bio-available form. Ions or molecules need to be
able to be transported into the cells transport channels. Very subtle and often neglected factors
by many nutritional product manufacturers can make the difference in healthful nourishment and
merely nutritional components that are poorly utilized or have to be converted by the body to
provide life support.
Nutrients are the names given to minerals, vitamins, antioxidants, fats, proteins and
carbohydrates for purposes of identifying and discussing them. Nutrients are items needed by
every living organism for nourishment necessary for growth and development, detoxification,
immune function, healing and reproduction. Standard dietetics classifies nutrients as fats,
proteins and carbohydrates and assesses diets for “nutritional value” based upon these three
Nutrients, however, do not necessarily constitute nourishment. Nourishment assumes the
progressive gain in desired function of the organism from the nutrients given. In other words, if
a person takes calcium, a nutrient, the nourishment value of that product is determined by the
chemical complex of the calcium, how appropriate it is for that individual and most importantly
the “calcium” result in the body from taking that particular calcium supplement.
Further, if a person takes a food product or supplement to supply them with a specific nutrient,
for example lycopene, the nourishing value of that lycopene is determined by the biochemistry of
the lycopene and the biological compounds in which the lycopene may be found. In other words,
is the lycopene usable by the body. Presence of lycopene in a food or supplement does not
guarantee fulfillment of lycopene benefits.
A specific example may help explain the importance of this issue. Let’s say a person is deficient
is vitamin B6, so they take 150mg capsule of pyridoxine HCL per day. This is the standard over
the counter B6 supplement. This person may have elevated homocysteine, may be anemic
perhaps from primary sideroblastic anemia caused possibly by lead, alcohol or zinc poisoning,
drugs such as isoniazid for TB. This person may have sickle cell anemia or have been taking
chloramphenicol antibiotic, suffering from copper deficiency or simply B6 deficiency from a
deficient diet. Since B6 is needed to complete heme, anemia occurs when B6 is compromised.
This person may be suffering from PMS symptoms (B6 is needed to make neurotransmitters) or
kidney problems from aminoglycoside antibiotic (neomycin, streptomycin, etc).
Typically people with B6 deficiency will exhibit a seborrheic dermatitis-like eruption, atrophic
glossitis (pain, redness, inflammation of the tongue) with ulceration, inflammation of the angle
of the mouth and lips, conjunctivitis (inflammation of eye lids), inflammation/irritation of any
skin folds, and neurologic symptoms of somnolence, confusion, and neuropathy. Seizures could
also be a symptom of B6 deficiency. Vitamin B6 is a co-factor for glutamic acid decarboxylase,
an enzyme that converts Glutamate to GABA. Therefore, the concurrent increase in the
excitatory neurotransmitter, Glutamate, and decrease in inhibitory neurotransmitter, GABA, due
to B6 deficiency could result in seizures.
In another example differentiating nutrient from nourishment, Labadarios, et al found that
where there was impaired liver function, only 33 percent of patients showed improved blood
levels of P-5-P (pyrodoxyl-5-phosphate, the active, usable form of B6 in the body) when given
pyridoxine HCL (standard B6) supplementation while 100 percent of patients showed improved
blood levels when given P-5-P. (Labadarios D, Rossouw JE, McConnell JB, et al. Vitamin B6
deficiency in chronic liver disease – evidence for increased degradation of pyridoxal-5phosphate. Gut 1977;18:23-27.) In other words, even though our patient in question is taking 150
mg of supplemental “B6” they may not be getting much benefit toward resolving their actual B6
deficiency. P-5-P is the bioactive form of B6 and the only form used by the body for nitrogen,
amino acid and protein metabolism and heme manufacturing. The same applies to a number of
nutrients taken as supplements. They must be converted by the body into active forms. B12
given as cyanocobalamin must be converted to hydroxy or methylcobalamin, beta carotene must
be converted to vitamin A, etc.
Many nutrients are taken into the body in a form that is absolutely worthless, even toxic to the
body. When vitamins are manufactured in the lab, they form the bioactive form, usually the lform and the non-bioactive form, usually the d- form in solution. Better companies only count
the bioactive form in their claim of potency or actually remove the non-bioactive form, while
other companies claim both or actually sell products solely with non-bioactive forms at bargain
basement prices leading the public to believe they are getting a given potency of nutrient for a
great price. They may be getting nutrient, but not nourishment.
Living systems, our bodies included, are very particular about the biochemistry, structural
integrity and subsequent bioelectrical (bioenergy) characteristics of nutrients taken into the
body. Ultimately, nourishment is about cellular communications and the transference of
information and energy around the cell and between cells. Without this there is life force decline
and cellular death.
When the body takes in nutrients such as pyrodixine HCL, it must first convert this to pyridoxyl5-5phosphate before its benefit is had by the body. This conversion requires several other
additional nutrients and energy. In some cases, the body in not equipped to convert nonbioactive nutrients to bio-active forms. This is the case with trans-fats. The body needs the
correct fats to make cell membranes, fat soluble vitamins, steroid hormones and nerve cells.
There is no conversion system in our body though that will convert trans-fats to omega 3, 6, 9
usable fats. Consequently, the body takes these trans-fats, if nothing else is available and puts
them into slots that would normally require the appropriate omega fats. This results in leaky cell
membranes and aberrant biochemical functions.
A recent study regarding regeneration of brain cells was done with laboratory mice where it was
observed if mice with damaged brain cells generated stem cells that became neurons if the mice
remained in a stress free environment for 21 days. If trans fats were introduced into the diet
during this period of time the stem where destroyed.
Another example of nutrients not providing nourishment is in the case of genetically engineered
crops. The most common today are corn and soybeans in the American food chain. Though our
body can digest and utilize the nutrient components from standard corn and soybeans, genetically
engineered versions have foreign protein sequences that, like fingerprints, don’t match what our
digestive and metabolic systems recognize as nourishment. Every animal and human study has
shown significant inflammatory responses to genetically manipulated crops. The immune
system’s recognition of “foreign” materials is at the bioelectrical level of recognition, perhaps
analogous to a voice print, more crudely a fingerprint. In the case of such “foods”, nutrient value
does not correspond to nourishment.
Nutrient measurement is mostly about raw chemistry corresponding to quantity of generic fats,
proteins, carbohydrates, minerals and vitamins. There is no consideration for the integrity of the
sources of such nutrients, the bioactivity of said nutrients and certainly no consideration for the
bioelectrical integrity of said nutrients.
Nourishment implies there is a healthy outcome from the addition of nutrients. If it is positive,
rebuilding, regenerative, rejuvenating and healing, then it is the process we seek for our patients.
We are particular about the nutrients we recommend, the sources from which they come, the
context in which they are given. We seek results, not just arbitrary protocols of the cheapest
nutrients money can buy.
Food quality is an important factor in the nourishment value of food and the foundation in any
healing and maintenance program. Comprehensive nourishment for healing cannot be entirely
achieved with supplementation alone. Quality, nourishing food must be included in the plan.
Most people think of food quality in the context of “locally grown”, “fresh”, “organic” or
“blemish free” when these are merely procedural labeling. Food quality is really about
nourishment value.
Nourishment value is linked directly to balanced nutrient density of the food reflected in the brix
value of the food (refractometer reading measuring total dissolved solids and sugars), the ORAC
value (antioxidant density) and the mineral content. As these three categories improve, the
nourishing value of the food improve.
An added benefit is that as these nourishing parameters increase in the food crop, the residue of
pesticides, heavy metals, pathogens and undesirables declines, not because of “organic
procedure” rather because of appropriate biochemistry. Healthy plants are not susceptible to
disease organism nor the accumulation of toxins just as a healthy person is not susceptible to
these things.
Think for a moment: does every person exposed to the flu get the flu? Does every person
exposed to lead or mercury, accumulate that toxic metal in their tissue? Does every person
exposed to a pesticide accumulate that pesticide in their tissue? The answer is no to each of these
questions. Further, once accumulated in the tissue, is it possible for the body to rid itself of these
toxins? Yes, it is with proper nourishment and subsequent detoxification. The body's ability to
rid itself of disease, toxicity, infection and illness depends on not just nutrients but rather
It cannot be stressed enough that there is no single diet or nutritional agent that fits everyone.
Your biochemical individuality must be taken into account. There are many considerations based
autonomic nervous system balance, glucose oxidation efficiency, glandular dominance, ethnic
heritage, etc. that guide our recommendations for nourishment.
Poor digestion is the underlying cause of a multitude of health problems. The ability of the
stomach to produce digestive hydrochloric acid can be measured. The pancreatic enzymes can
also be analyzed. With this knowledge proper supplementation can be prescribed to aid in
digestion. Again the choice is yours take a digestive aid or take Alka Seltzer, Di-Gel, Maalox,
Tagamet, etc. Improving digestion is the preferable way to obtain relief from gastric upset. Not
only can taking medication for relief cover up symptoms of a more serious problem, but toxic
heavy metals are contained in some antacids which contribute to other problems in the body.
Some medication cause the stomach to dump it's partially digested contents into the intestine
where the proteins putrify and cause colon irritation and a smelly rotten-egg odor to gastric
Absorption is the next step in metabolic evaluation. The many allergies that plague people in
modern times are a sign that substances foreign to the body have been absorbed. Dr. Frances
Pottinger, Jr. is a noted allergist in San Diego. He states that by the year 2000, every man
woman and child will have allergies in this country. What are allergies? What is the mechanism?
Food allergies are due to an irritation and activation of mast cells found in the digestive tract
during the process of absorption. This is often due to the inability to adequately digest and
absorb nutrients before they are acted upon by unfriendly organisms that often accompany food.
Malabsorption is the underlying cause for a whole host of allergic symptoms including diarrhea,
skin rashes, sneezing, watering eyes, rapid heart rate, headaches, muscle aches and pains, and
many other symptoms. Understanding how absorption takes place and minimizing our stress can
give us all a greater magnitude of vibrant health.
Once nutrients are absorbed into the body, individual cells begin their process of making energy,
enzymes, hormones and structures needed for optimum health.
The intracellular biochemistry of nutrition addresses how genetics, environment and lifestyle
complete the assimilation of food components into living and healthy cells, tissues, organs and
systems. Proper assimilation guarantees optimum health of the whole organism. Sunnyside
recommends factors such as exercise and rest along with proper nutrition to maximize individual
The evaluation of elimination provides the next aspect of our metabolic investigation. Proper
bowel, kidney, lung and skin function is necessary to excrete toxicity from the body. A person in
a hospital will often be allowed to lie in a bed for three to five days without having a bowel
movement before the cheerful nurse administers an enema to evacuate the last 12 to 18 inches of
the colon. Then the person will be allowed to go another three to five days before the procedure
is repeated. When asked what constitutes regular bowel movements, the average physician will
say "It is unique to you, once a day or once a week, if you're comfortable, it is adequate."
Low-fiber and low-roughage diets has caused a great reduction in the frequency of normal
healthy bowel movements. This situation leads to a whole host of auto-toxicity reactions that are
now being found to relate to such problems as rheumatoid arthritis, certain forms of cancer and
even learning disabilities in children. Bowel elimination in nature occurs after every feeding.
Three meals a day should be followed by three healthy bowel movements within one to two
hours after the meal. The transit time of food through the digestive tract should be no longer than
twelve hours. This is adequate for all digestion and absorption to take place in a healthy digestive
We use special questionnaires that have been developed to learn about your habits, lifestyle, food
choices, known reactions after eating certain foods, bowel habits and elimination all constitute
your own unique fingerprint in assessing health problems.
These dietary changes that are individually determined can have interference or resistance by an
individual’s family. Some individual have difficulty making dietary changes because a spouse
has different needs or is not supportive of change. We can assist with dietary assessment for the
whole family to develop a compatible dietary program the whole family can participate in whether it be menu planning, shopping for foods, or food preparation.
To assess metabolism an examination must be performed:
Metabolic evaluation also requires a physical examination. We need to do more than merle tap
on your back, listen to your heart, look in your throat, and rush you out the door. We are
concerned how we can assist you with the reason you came to see us. You were not directed to
us by your managed care provider. You made an effort and a commitment when you made the
decision to come consult our clinic. The examination that is required to do that can take some
time to adequately assess nutritional status as well as optimum function of each organ and
system by no-invasive techniques. Indicated testing and measurements are made in five areas
and then integrated into the examination:
History and health habits
We evaluate sleep habits, stress and adaptation, exercise level, previous illnesses, previous
surgeries, past and current medication, effects of drugs on vitamin and mineral status, etc.
Physical Examination
Data needs to be collected: height and weight, body temperature, skin, hair, nails, skull and
cranial distortion, visual acuity and eye exam, ears, sinuses, nose and throat, teeth and TMJ, neck
musculature and glands, percent body fat, blood pressure comparisons (lying down and
standing), pulse rate, heart sounds and rhythm, EKG, lung function, and vital capacity,
abdominal palpation and digestive sound.
Neurological Examination
The elements of a neurological exam include: cranial nerves, cerebella function, superficial skin
sensation, deep tendon reflexes, muscle strength, hand grip strength.
Orthopedic Examination
An orthopedic examination includes: postural examination, leg length determination, range of
motion assessment, motion palpation of spinal segments, straight leg raising test, spinous process
percussion test, inspection and palpation of spinal musculature, as well as indicated correlative
differential testing maneuvers.
Dietary Patterns
Your eating habits, water consumption, bowel habits, and urinary habits can reveal
important clues to assist in understanding changes that are necessary.
Laboratory analysis provides a window into the body's functional biochemistry.
Routine as well as comprehensive blood and urine analyses are coupled with specialized
techniques in evaluating mineral levels in hair and body fluids. Many of the test may be done
locally but we utilize select laboratories in other states to perform some specialized testing. The
level of testing is needed, is indicated by the complaints and information gathered by the
Some individuals have come to us because they have learned offer a particular testing
procedure. While this is possible, there is a duty and responsibility to the patient that we provide
a basic, usual and customary care that prudency dictates to avoid overlooking hidden problems.
It has been our experience that a person will usually require at the least a basic prevention
laboratory evaluation. Many patients have this done by their primary care provider, through
there managed care plan. If it has not been performed, the patient may return to their provider
for routine analysis or we will prescribe the testing for you. The reasons for the testing will be
explained at the time of the examination. The routine analysis is designed to provide preventive
advice to people who have no real health problems, yet want information on proper
supplementation for more optimum health and the prevention of disease. Often there is a familial
disorder (diabetes, MS, prostate cancer, etc.), which the individual wants to prevent. We make
specific nutritional recommendations based upon the individual's age, sex, body type and
physical activity.
Basic services provided to evaluate this individual include a blood chemistry screening profile, a
complete blood count with a differential count, a blood sedimentation rate analysis, a routine
urinalysis. A metabolic health survey questionnaire is utilized to evaluate an individual's
lifestyle, daily habits, and a symptom frequency and a subclinical symptom questionnaire that
assess responses to daily living requirements.
Additional tests may be requested at the time of evaluation. Copies of laboratory analysis will be
provided to the individual at the following visit which is a consultation to go over the laboratory
information, and to answer any questions you have and to start you on your optimum health and
wellness program.
Some patients have a specific focused or well defined need. The basic assessment is still
necessary to make sure there is not a hidden problem that a routine examination would reveal. If
you are not under a physicians care we can make that assessment or refer you to a primary care
physician. We are not primary care physicians. We do not have hospital privilege nor can we
admit you if you have a condition that requires hospitalization. Most people have a managed
care plan that directs them to a primary care provider. If your condition does not require
medication from a primary care provider and you are seeking diet therapy and want specific
supplementation recommendations regarding specific or focused concerns we will provide
focused diagnostic procedures and the indicated care to help you attain the level of relief you are
seeking. We utilize specialized laboratories that provide functional analysis, specialized
immunological testing, toxicology and elemental analysis for environmental testing and mineral
assessment, as well as other indicated examinations. The are also very detailed, focused
questionnaires used in the process.
People who have early or moderate level of degenerative disease require a comprehensive level
of analysis. A comprehensive stool analysis, an adrenal stress profile measuring adaptation
hormone levels, a blood chemistry screen profile, food sensitivity or allergy testing, complete
blood count with a differential count, a blood sedimentation rate and analysis, a routine
urinalysis, a trace mineral analysis of the hair, other specific laboratory tests a seven-day diet
analysis, a metabolic systems health survey questionnaire and a report on the interpretation of
your laboratory results and metabolic system health survey questionnaire. It is necessary to have
several consultations to go over these findings and recommendations. If you are under the care
of a primary provider and have early or moderate degenerative disease want to supplement their
care with alternative and/or complimentary care, we coordinate testing with the patient's primary
provider as well as the order the specialized testing that may not be provided or covered under
the patient's managed care plan. Since these cost may be higher than routine testing procedure,
we have either negotiated reduced laboratory fees for our patients or have passed on our reduced
wholesale fee directly to the patient. The law in California does not allow physicians to mark up
laboratory cost to a patient. We do not mark up or receive financial compensation in any way
from the laboratories we utilize. The financial obligation is between the laboratory and our
A more complete metabolic evaluation is required for those people with exceptionally
complicated problems of long duration or some diagnosed condition that has not responded to
orthodox therapies. It is our that if the condition is potentially life-threatening, we do not accept
the responsibility of being the primary treating physician. This is done since we do not admit
patients into hospitals to treat persons who are on life support. Our role is to provide biochemical
and metabolic guidance to augment treatment by your primary physician. If your case is
complex it can require case research of any and all records, adrenal stress profiles including
cortisol and DHEA as well as hormonal studies, toxicology and trace mineral analysis, as well as
specific functional and metabolic testing.
Those persons with difficult or complex cases, or that needing a complete metabolic evaluation
usually have need for special therapies and usually schedule one or two extra weeks for these
It is important to have a discharge consultation to summarize your future needs and to make
recommendation for diet, lifestyle changes and dietary supplementation. It is also a time for
answering any question you may have regarding your program. A schedule for retesting or
future care will be made at that time.
It is difficult to classify people with unique individual needs into practice guidelines and costing.
Cost of care guidelines can be discussed after the initial evaluation. If you have special financial
needs, the time to discuss them is at your first visit. If you have a unique circumstance that
require an unusual level of evaluation or care let our staff know so we can work with you at your
initial consultation to make joint decisions about what level of care is most appropriate for your
present health condition. Each person's condition varies, therefore the cost varies accordingly.
We use therapies that work with the body's own recuperative powers instead of working against
the body's natural healing process.
Therapies that may be necessary depending upon your particular condition include: Avoidance
Counseling, Diet and nutritional counseling, Metabolic support, chiropractic adjustments,
physiotherapy, relaxation and exercise counseling, as well as counseling for social and lifestyle
stress control.
There are two types of avoidance in a practical sense. The first is absolute avoidance and the
second is relative avoidance. The difference falls into the mechanism by which your reaction
occurs. On an immune basis, absolute avoidance is necessary because only a small amount of an
allergen or antigen will instigate a reaction. The second is a metabolic effect. If a food cannot go
through the normal metabolic pathway or complete the normal pathway intermediate products
can be produced that interfere with absorption of vital nutrients or even cause toxic illness by
preventing normal elimination of byproducts of metabolism. A small amount of acid-producing
food may be tolerated in the presence of adequate buffers. Determining what to avoid can be
difficult without doing selected laboratory testing.
Your blood type (O, A, B, or AB) may play a role. Your blood type is a genetically determined
characteristic of your immune system that affects your response to viruses, bacteria, chemicals,
foods, and stress. Persons with blood type "A" carry the "A" component (called an antigen) on
their red blood cells just as "B" blood types carry "B" antigen. Persons with blood type "A" have
antibodies against "B" blood components while blood type "B" persons have antibodies against
"A" blood components.
Many foods contain "lectins" similar to the "A" or "B" components/antigens on red blood cells.
As a result, certain foods can trigger the anti-A or anti-B effect on the immune system just as
when a transfusion of the wrong type of blood occurs. For example, milk has a B-like antigen
that, if exposed to the immune system of an "A" blood type person, will cause an anti-B reaction.
The word lectin is derived from the Latin verb "to choose." Lectins are defined as molecules of
non-immune origin that bind to specific carbohydrate receptors with high affinity. In the
laboratory tests, lectins behave very similar to antibodies. In fact, lectins (PHA, Con A, PWM,
etc) are used in immunodiagnostic studies to determine cell-mediated competence. Lectins bind
to virtually any cell in the body and most enzymes and thereby alter their antigenic composition
and thus the immune system's recognition of the cell or protein.
It is known that 95% of the food lectins we eat are not absorbed into the body and are either
digested as a nourishing food or are excreted. Most lectins are destroyed by cooking, but some
such as lectins in wheat, maize, bananas, and carrots not only survive cooking but may be
enhance by it. Five percent, however, are absorbed into the blood stream and become attached to
cellular receptors, which then become targets for the immune system to attack, just as if the
wrong blood serotype is transfused. The resulting autoimmune reaction may involve virtually
any organ system in the body. Because lectins bind for very long time and they bind to tissues
with very slow turnover they have been used to produce animal models of chronic rheumatoid
arthritis, extrinsic allergic alveolitis, malabsorption of B12, and acute enteritis. Most of the
famous lectins are derived from grains, legumes, and tubers. For example, gluten is a lectin that
has been associated with celiac disease. Over 100 common foods have been shown to carry
lectins, but the list is growing.
According to the work of Peter D'Adamo, in general, type "A" individuals are predisposed to
heart disease (Br Heart J 1968;30: 377-82), cancer, diabetes, and tend to have lower stomach
acid, and therefore difficulty digesting meat and processed foods. D'Adamo writes that in
general, Type A's should minimize meat in their diet, especially fatty meats and processed meats
such as cold cuts, ham, bacon, etc. Type "A" blood reacts to the sugar in milk as well as
tomatoes, potatoes, yams, mangoes, oranges, papayas, and cauliflower.
Type "O" individuals have a higher incidence of stroke compared to blood type "A" individuals.
However, a hospital autopsy studies show that the age at death is much later for "O" blood types
versus "A" blood types. The foods most problematic for the "O" blood type are wheat, corn,
oranges, and oats.
The basis for D'Adamo's work has been questioned, but "a try it and see" approach can be very
rewarding for some individuals.
Avoiding toxic relationships, environments, and chemical agents are also important.
We advocate the use of nutrition, avoidance, lifestyle changes and other non-invasive therapies
in the treatment of chronic degenerative disease. However if neurological paralysis is apparent
during an examination and you have not seen your primary care provider for this condition, we
will insist at the very least you have a surgical consultation. If a life threatening condition is
discovered you will be returned to your primary care provider or directed to the proper medical
Our mission is to not only to care for your needs that brought you to our office but to teach and
inform you so you can make better choices and be more in control of your health care.
We have placed many articles on healing and wellness care on our associated websites: Healing and Wellness information about: Diet and Nutrition,
Environmental Health, Public Health, Lifestyle, Exercise and Fitness, Hygiene,
Technology, Dental Care. Subtle energies for healing and wellness. Agriculture technology for healing and wellness.
Financial Policy
Our fee schedule is available upon request. Before inquiring about average cost, first ask
yourself are you are an average patient. Everyone is unique with individual concerns. We can
provide you with a fee schedule and usually and customary guidelines. Your need may vary
from average.
As a free service to our patients, we are able to provide a statement containing the information
needed by the insurance industry. You can submit this form to your insurance company for
Please realize there are three important things regarding our policy regarding insurance:
1. True “health insurance” is prevention. Prepaid “sick-care insurance” seldom pays for
everything or covers everything. Many insurance programs consider our treatment as
“preventive or experimental,” however other companies see our alternative methods less
expensive and often more effective.
At the present time, very few companies will pay these bills completely. Some type of copayment or deductible amount must be met. The insurance policy is usually a partial
financial help. Our treatments, on the other hand, are usually just a fraction of the cost
that you would have paid for orthodox hospital treatment. As a matter of fact, many
patients have found that the cost of our treatment is about equal to the part they would
have to pay for their surgical or medical therapies over the same period of time.
2. The usual hospital or medical approach to chronic degenerative disease keeps the patient
on drugs and therapy to control the symptoms. Usually there is a great loss of productivity
and time at work while the patient is undergoing orthodox therapy. In many instances this
means considerable loss of income and separation from the details of the patient's job,
home life or business. You should remember that our treatments not only decrease time
loss in most cases, but there are no disabling side effects like those that characterize most
drug treatments. For patients whose employment is in the local area, time loss is very small.
Measured in dollars and cents, money can often be saved by our kind of service, even in
cases where the average extent of medical and hospital costs would be paid by insurance.
3. A good share of our work is lifestyle correction, nutrition and diet counseling for
complications and inadequacies suffered from delay or previous medical care. This fact, of
course, points out the inherent dangers in choosing a method of treatment simply because
the insurance policies pay for it. Whenever this happens, no money is saved, and suffering
and trouble is usually extended. We cannot over-emphasize the fact that for so prized a
possession as a person's health, preventive care that is directed to the cause usually incurs
the least amount of time lost and the least chance of dangerous complications. Whether the
insurance company will or will not pay the bill in whole or in part, should only be of
secondary importance when considering a true health care program.
Our reputation has been built by treating many patients after orthodox medical methods have
failed. Remember, the major overall investment, which you will make in your health, is proper
food selection, exercise, rest and nutritional supplementation. If you find an insurance company,
which pays for these items, please let us know!
Nutritional and lifestyle therapy is not for everyone. It takes a great deal of discipline to reverse
years of poor health habits. If you want to be a passive recipient of a "miracle cure," you should
look elsewhere. However, if you are motivated to change and want treatment that encourages and
builds the body up rather than covering symptoms and tearing it down, you should know that
alternatives are available.
We have seen thousands of patients over the years in practice and have come to realize that not
everyone is ready or able to accept the responsibility for their own health. It is our goal to help
you understand the steps you must take for improved healing and recovery to take place when
using a nutritional, metabolic, biochemical functional approach. Most of our patients have
proven that health can be rebuilt using natural methods.
Some chronic degenerative diseases may require as much as two to even five years to rebuild
health. Complex problems do not arrive overnight and these do not resolve over night as well. If
you discontinue your program as soon as you feel better, and return to your old bad habits, you
will have a difficult time recovering.
Our office is located off the 55 freeway in Santa Ana, California. We are one block from
Western Medical Center and are conveniently with a few blocks of most supportive medical
services. We have intersecting freeways that provide easy access in LA International and
Orange County Airport.
Many patients come for treatment from other states or other countries. The average length of
stay is two to three weeks. We are convenient to many hotels. Our website uses Yahoo Maps to
give you directions to our office.
It is our sincere hope that more people will be able to achieve the degree of vibrant health
they are capable of.