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Mitosis Review Sheet
1. Name the two phases of the cell cycle.
2. How many phases are there in mitosis?
3. Name the phases of mitosis in order from the beginning to the end of cell division.
4. The division of the body cells during the cell cycle is called ___?
5. The period of cell growth during the cell cycle is called ____?
6. What are autosomes and somatic cells?
7. How many daughter cells are produced at the end of mitosis?
8. Which phase of the cell cycle is the busiest?
9. Which phase of mitosis is the longest?
10. During which phase of mitosis does cytokenesis occur?
11. What is cytokenesis?
12. What happens to the cytoplasm of an animal cell just before cytokenesis?
13. Name the barrier in plant cells that forms between the two new daughter cells just
before cytokenesis?
14. During which phase of the cell cycle are DNA and centrioles of animal cells replicated?
15. What are the thin, tangled strands of DNA called that are present during interphase?
16. During which phase of mitosis do the chromosomes line up in the middle of the cell?
17. During which phase of mitosis do the chromosomes first become visible?
18. During which phase of mitosis do the centrioles begin to move to opposite poles?
19. During which phase of mitosis do the nucleolus and nuclear membrane disappear?
20. During which phase of mitosis do the spindle fibers begin to form?
21. What structure attaches the chromosomes to the spindle fibers during metaphase?
22. A cell with a full set of chromosomes is said to be ____?
23. What is one-half of a chromosome called?
24. During which phase of mitosis are the sister chromatids pulled apart?
25. What are sister chromatids?
26. A segment of DNA found on a chromosome is called a ____?
27. What cell part do animal cells use during the cell cycle that plant cells do not have?
28. Why do cells go through the cell cycle?
29. During which phase of mitosis do the spindle fibers begin to shorten?
30. What cell parts reappear during telophase?
31. Why must cells be small in size?
32. Making a copy of DNA is called _______.
Mitosis Review Sheet Questions
1. Interphase and Mitosis
2. four
3. Prophase, Metaphase, Anaphase, Telophase
4. Mitosis
5. Interphase
6. Body cells
7. Two identical daughter cells
8. Interphase
9. Prophase
10. Telophase
11. The division of the cytoplasm
12. A furrow forms
13. Cell plate
14. Interphase
15. Chromatin
16. Metaphase
17. Prophase
18. Prophase
19. Prophase
20. Prophase
21. Centromere
22. Diploid (2n)
23. Chromatid
24. Anaphase
25. Identical halves that make a chromosome
26. Gene
27. Centrioles
28. To replace dead or dying cells with new ones.
29. Anaphase
30. Cell membrane and nucleolus
31. So diffusion will occur quickly, because there is only enough DNA to run the cell’s activities if it is a
small cell, and so the volume doesn’t become too large for the surface area to provide oxygen, nutrients
or waste removal for the cell.
32. Replication