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Social Studies 7 Midterm Study Guide 2016-2017
Your Social Studies Midterm will consist of a map of Africa, matching, true/false, multiple choice,
as well a number of short answer questions. Please complete this study guide on separate
sheets of paper or in your journal. This study guide is due completed and corrected on the day
of your exam for a substantial grade.
For dates, important peoples, places, and events, it is a good idea to make flash cards and have
either your friends or family quiz you.
Please RE-READ CHAPTERS 1-12 in your​ History Alive! The Ancient
World textbook. This is a
great way to review!
You may use your textbook and any past tests, quizzes, homework, classwork, and notes to
complete your study guide.
Maps: ​You will be required to label a map of Africa with the following countries
Algeria, Angola, Benin, Botswana, Burkina Faso, Burundi, Cameroon, Central African
Republic (CAR), Chad, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Republic of the Congo, Cote
d'Ivoire, Djibouti, Egypt, Equatorial Guinea, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Gabon, Gambia, Ghana,
Guinea, Guinea-Bissau, Kenya, Lesotho, Liberia, Libya, Madagascar, Malawi, Mali,
Mauritania, Morocco, Mozambique, Namibia, Niger, Nigeria, Rwanda, Senegal, Sierra Leone,
Somalia, South Africa, South Sudan, Sudan, Swaziland, Tanzania, Togo, Tunisia, Uganda,
Zambia, Zimbabwe
Blue Vocabulary:: ​Please know the meaning and importance of the following words.
Archaeologist, Geographer, Prehistoric, Historian, Artifact, Ritual, Anthropologist,
Capability, Hominid, Migrate, Paleolithic Age, Neolithic Age, Fertile Crescent, Catal
Hoyuk, Domesticate, Agriculture, Nomad, Trade, Resource, Mesopotamia, Euphrates
River, Tigris River, Sumer, Irrigation, Levee, Silt, City-State, Civilization, Artisan,
Cuneiform, Social Structure, cribe, Pictograph, Technology, Ziggurat, Merchant, Culture,
Empire, Tribute, Economy, Capital Code of Laws, Siege, Topography, Nile River, Kush,
Canaan, Vegetation,Egypt, Mediterranean Sea, Jordan River, Pharaoh, Hatshepsut,
Ramses II, Treaty, Social Pyramid, Status, Peasant, Hieroglyph, Social Class, Noble,
Afterlife, Meroe, Dynasty, Kandake, Torah, Judaism, Israel, Jerusalem, Exodus, Israelite,
Tradition, Slavery, Covenant, Ten Commandments, Polytheism, Talmud, Exile, Yavneh,
Monotheism, Ethics, Jewish Diaspora
Questions for Review:​ Please provide the correct answer for each question below.
1. What important discovery did four teenagers make at Lascaux, France, in 1940?
2. What does an archaeologist do?
3. What modern day job is similar to that of studying the past?
4. An object made or used by people in the past is called what?
5. Why do historians read diaries and letters from the past?
6. What are some examples of human-made features that a geographer might study?
7. A prehistoric object is one that comes from a time before what?
8. What is the evidence that prehistoric cave artists built wood structures (scaffolding) to stand
9. If your profession is to study the development and culture of early hominids, then you are
most likely a what?
10. What could Lucy do that modern primates can not do as easily?
11. What about Homo habilis was a capability that helped their group survive?
12. What capability could help Homo habilis survive against animal attacks?
13. The name Homo habilis means what?
14. The bones of a number of hominids were found in one location. Scientists concluded that
this type of hominid probably did what?
15. What trait made Homo erectus well suited for traveling?
16. Homo erectus was the first hominid to use what?
17. Large brains helped Homo sapiens neanderthalensis survive, giving them the ability to do
18. What advantage over previous hominid groups did the invention of the spear thrower give to
early modern humans?
19. What group of hominids made cave paintings, carvings, and musical instruments?
20. How did people in the Paleolithic Age get their food?
21. What change began the Neolithic Age, about 8000 B.C.E.?
22. The Neolithic Age ended about 3000 B.C.E., with the discovery of how to do what?
23. Why was the Fertile Crescent the site of many early settlements?
24. What was the greatest benefit to people when early farmers began to raise plants and
25. Archaeologists have found houses in which the doorways were built high up on the walls.
What was the most likely reason for this?
26. Why did people in the Neolithic Age live together in larger groups, compared with earlier
27. What were the changes in family life, society, and culture that resulted from building
permanent shelters?
28. How did dividing up the work help communities produce more to meet their needs?
29. Archaeologists have found decorated pottery and polished stones. What does this suggest
about Neolithic people?
30. Why did Neolithic people trade?
31. How did trade help Neolithic people make stronger tools?
32. If you were a Neolithic trader, what would most likely happen as you traveled and traded?
33.Why were Sumerian communities called city-states?
34. Describe the environment of Sumer.
35. The name, Mesopotamia, means what?
36. What allowed Neolithic people to farm in the foothills of the Zagros Mountains?
37. What development caused food shortages in the Zagros foothills?
38. What solution did people in the Zagros foothills find to fix the problem of food shortages?
39. What were the geographical factors that made farming difficult in the area of Sumer?
40. Why did the rivers flood in the spring in Mesopotamia?
41. What was the chief purpose of dams and reservoirs?
42. Why was a levee built?
43. Why was silt a problem for the people of Sumer?
44. Why did the villages of Sumer depend on each other?
45. The people of Sumer constructed moats for what purpose?
46. A blue stone called lapis lazuli, used on the Standard of Ur, came from far beyond the
Zagros Mountains. This shows that the city-states of Sumer engaged in what activity?
47. When does a society have a stable food supply?
48. What invention(s) affected the food supply in Sumer?
49. Small, mud-brick houses at the edge of the city were the homes of who in Sumer?
50. In Sumer, what was the responsibility of the king?
51. What Sumerian belief about the king helped strengthen the social order?
52. Why were scribes important in Sumerian government?
53. What is a ziggurat? What does it look like?
54. What invention made it possible for Sumerian armies to use chariots?
55. What invention added strength and beauty to Sumerian buildings?
56. What evidence found by archaeologists shows that Sumerians were not prehistoric?
57. What did Sumerians use to produce cuneiform?
58. Records of the goods people exchanged were made on what in ancient Sumer?
59. What were the problems caused by Sumerian city-states’ independence from one another?
60. The Sumerians were a civilization but not an empire. What feature did the Akkadian,
Babylonian, and Assyrian empires have that the Sumerians lacked?
61. List the leaders of the major empires in Mesopotamia in chronological order.
62. What did the Akkadians use to gain power over Sumer?
63. How did the Akkadians get the resources to build up their capital city?
64. The Akkadians used steles for what purpose?
65. For what is Hammurabi best remembered?
66. What was the purpose of Assyrian aqueducts?
67. How was the legal system of Babylon more advanced than that of other societies at that
68. What empire and leader conquered the land of the Israelites and took many Israelites to
Babylon as captives?
69. Why did Nebuchadrezzar build two walls, some towers, and a moat around his capital?
70. The Hanging Gardens of Babylon were a wonder of the ancient world. Where were they
71. What was a problem that all four Mesopotamian empires had in maintaining their empires?
72. Describe the topography of ancient Egypt.
73. What was the environment of the Nile Delta?
74. Because one physical feature was so vital to ancient settlers of Egypt and Kush, most of
their settlements were located where?
75. How did the desert help the people of Egypt and Kush?
76. What did settlers used the Mediterranean Sea for?
77. How did the yearly flooding of the Nile River affect the people of Egypt and Kush?
78. What vegetation along the Nile river was useful to the Egyptians?
79. The wet, fertile plains in ancient Canaan bordered what geographical feature?
80. Unlike the Mediterranean Sea and the Red Sea, the Sea of Galilee was what?
81. What was “dead” about the Dead Sea?
82. How was the Jordan River different from the Nile River?
83. Why is King Tut one of the most well- known pharaohs?
84. Why did the ancient Egyptians make mummies?
85. What were the major purposes for building the pyramids?
86. What were the methods that Khufu used to ensure his power would be accepted?
87. It was built from more than 2 million stone blocks. It had tunnels inside. What was it?
88. Senusret I controlled a source of natural resources that were used in beautiful works of art.
What was that source?
89. Why was Hatshepsut significant?
90. Who signed the world’s first peace treaty?
91. Compared with any other pharaoh in history, Ramses II produced more what?
92. Why are the social classes of ancient Egypt described by the shape of a pyramid?
93. Who built the giant temples of the pharaohs?
94. How did most government officials get their jobs?
95. What were the duties of the vizier?
96. Why did Egyptians bury some bread and beer with their dead?
97. What was one of the few ways that a boy from a peasant family could rise to a higher social
98. Why did it take many years to become a scribe?
99. What did ancient Egyptians write upon like paper and what was it made out of?
100. Know the social pyramid of ancient Egypt.
101. Most Egyptian peasants lived in what?
102. Kush was also called Nubia because of what?
103. What event led to the Kushites adopting Egyptian ways of life?
104. For what achievement is King Piye of Kush remembered?
105. Know the trade relationship between Egypt and Kush, specifically what was traded for
106. Meroë became especially well known for the production of what?
107. How did the kandake Queen Amanirenas help protect Kush?
108. What is the Torah?
109. How does the Torah say that Abraham first came to the land of Canaan?
110. How did ancient Judaism differ from other religions at that time?
111. According to the Torah, the faith that would become Judaism began with a covenant. What
is a covenant?
112. According to Jewish teaching, what did God promise by changing Abram’s name to
113. What place did the Jewish people believe was the promised land?
114. Who is Isaac? Who was his mother and father? Why is he important?
115. Know the chronological order of major events in the history of Judaism.
116. The word exodus means “departure.” In the history of the Israelites, the Exodus was the
departure from where?
117. According to the Torah, what did Moses bring to his people from Mount Sinai?
118. How long did the Israelites wander in the desert under the guidance of Moses?
119. Who unified the Israelites into a single nation?
120. What did David provide for the Jewish people that they did not have before?
121. Why was Jerusalem considered a holy city?
122. For which achievement is Solomon most famous?
123. What weakened the land of the Israelites after the death of Solomon?
124. Why did many Jews move to Babylon?
125. Which common feature of most ancient religions did the Jews reject (refuse, say no to)?
126. According to Judaism, standards of right and wrong come from who?
127. What is the best title for the chart below?
128. Which of these phrases best describes the Talmud?
129. The festival of Passover celebrates what event?
130. What change of events led to the building of the Second Temple?
131. Why do Jews consider the Western Wall in Jerusalem a sacred place?
132. What was the result of Yohanan ben Zaccai’s meeting with the Roman general?
133. How was the city of Yavneh important to the survival of Judaism?
134. Why did Jews in the Diaspora have to develop new forms of worship, such as a synagogue
135. What is a rabbi? Why are they important to Jews?
Short Answer: ​For your short answer questions, be prepared to answer one of the following in
no less than 6 sentences (One topic sentence, One concluding sentence, 4 supporting detail
How did the relationship between Egypt and Kush change over time? Be specific!
What geographical conditions supported the rise of the civilizations of Egypt and Kush in
the region of the Nile River?
How did the location of Kush affect its culture?
Compare and contrast worship in Judaism before and after the destruction of the
Temple? Where was worship held? What practices were maintained and what remained
the same?
What were the achievements of Ramses the Great? What historical evidence is there that
lead scholars to believe that he is the Pharaoh of Exodus?