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Short Answer Directions: Use a maximum of THREE sentences to answer these questions. Make sure you include ALL relevant information for full credit!! •
Describe how Menes unified Upper and Lower Egypt and showed that the two regions were then united under one rule. •
Compare and contrast Egypt’s Nile River with Mesopotamia’s Tigris and Euphrates Rivers. How did each civilization feel about these rivers? •
What were the advantages and disadvantages of being a pharaoh? •
How was society structured in the Old Kingdom? What were some of the roles each social class played? •
What were the Egyptians’ beliefs about the afterlife? Describe the process they used to prepare people for the afterlife. •
Compare and contract the architecture that the Egyptians engineered: pyramids, sphinxes, and temples. •
Describe the rise and fall of the Old Kingdom. •
Describe the rise and fall of the Middle Kingdom. •
Describe the rise and fall of the New Kingdom. •
Compare and contrast Egyptian hieroglyphics to Sumerian cuneiform. •
Write a statement that summarizes Egyptian achievements in writing, architecture, and art. •
How did Nubia’s natural resources help the Kush civilization grow? •
Egypt ruled Kush for about 450 years. How did Egyptian rule affect the people of Kush? •
How did the Kush conquest of Egypt change life there? •
Who was Piankhi and why was he so important to the history of Kush? •
How were Kushite and Egyptian culture similar?