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Early Civilizations of Africa (textbook pages 71–76)
A. Key People, Terms, and Places
Match the descriptions in Column I with the terms in Column II.
Write the letter of the correct answer in the blank provided.
Column I
Column II
1. Christian king of Axum
a. pharaoh
2. ruler of ancient Egypt
b. Olduvai Gorge
3. Egyptian picture-writing system
c. hieroglyphics
4. king of Kush
d. Kastha
5. site of bones and remains dating back 2 million years
e. Ezana
B. Main Ideas
Write the letter of the correct answer in the blank.
6. Ancient peoples migrated from the Sahara region because
a. it became too dry to support crops or animals.
b. they sought a warmer climate.
c. they wanted to settle closer to the coast.
d. its climate was too rainy.
7. Which of the following is NOT a reason for the development of a civilization
near the Nile River?
a. The Nile River was a reliable source of fresh water.
b. The Nile River flowed north to the Mediterranean Sea.
c. The soil on the riverbanks was fertile.
d. The climate was warm all year round.
8. What evidence shows that the Egyptians believed their pharaohs were gods?
a. They built vast pyramids for their tombs and buried them with many
valuable things.
b. Written records survive in their churches.
c. They invented a 365-day calendar.
d. The ruins of Meroë show evidence the Egyptians’ belief that pharaohs
were gods.
9. Kush lost its power over Egypt because
a. the Assyrians invaded Egypt and forced the Kushites to retreat.
b. the Egyptians destroyed the Kush iron industry.
c. the king of Kush was a Christian.
d. Egypt cut Kush off from trade with southern Europe and the Middle East.
10. How did Axum conquer Kush?
a. by converting the Kushites to Christianity
b. by destroying its towns, temples, and stores of food
c. by invading Egypt from the north
d. by using iron weapons
Chapter 3/Section 3
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