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Circulatory System Questions
Question on one side of card
Answer on the back of the card
The Circulatory System is made up of ?
The heart is enclosed by the?
The Pericardium is made up of ___ Parts.
What is the F______ Pericardium?
What is the S_______ pericardium?
Explain the Histology of the Fibrous Pericardium
Explain the Serous pericardium’s Histology, and
3 special sections of it.
The Heart Wall is made up of __ parts, What are
their names and Histology of each.
What are the 4 Chamber of the Heart and the
septum between each?
What is the function of the ____ or AVs?
What are their names and location? Does one have
a second name?
Explain how AVs work. When you explain, use
words Papillary Muscles, Chor____ _____, and
What is a Semilunar valve? Name 2. Location and
Explain the process of the Semilunar valves,
describe what they look like and when they are
Coronary Circulation has arteries (name 2) and
Sinuses (name 3). What is the main sinus that the 3
drain into?
Where do the Coronary arteries go off the heart,
and where do the coronary sinuses go into the
The cardiac cycle is a repeating pattern of ______
and ___________. What are the 2 names given to
these patterns?
Explain the process of the Cardiac cycle. # 7
main steps.
What do we call the way the heart beats? The
C_______ S_______ of the ______.
Does the heart initiate its own heart beat or is it
initiated by our nervous system?
Circulatory System Questions
What do we mean by myogenetic or autorhythmicity?
What are pacemaker cells?
Where is the SA or ____________ node located?
During the Conductive System of the Heart,
How many times per minute does the heart beat and There are 5 items that will work, one after the
who controls it?
other, what are they?
Where is the SA node located?
Where is the AV node located/
Where is the Bundle of His or ______________
Where are the B________ branches located?
Where are the P__________ F_____ located?
The Heart Rate is controlled by _________ via
What system and nerve increases the rate of the
heart rate, and what is the direction of the nerve
What system and nerve decreases the rate of the
heart and what is the direction of the nerve
What are the 5 functions of Blood?
What is blood made of and its percents?
What are the solutes in Plasma? (hint: Plasma is
What is hemopoiesis?
What are RBCs, WBCs?
Where are blood cells formed prenatally?
Where does hemopoiesis occur after birth?
Describe 5 things about erythrocytes including
life span
Circulatory System Questions
How does erythropoiesis occur?
What is the normal count of WBC?
How are Leucocytes Classified?
Name 3 Granulocytes and their percents. (hint for
all leucocytes: Never Let My Engine Blow, 60,
30, 8, 3, 0
Which WBC does Diapedesis?
Which WBC mediates inflammatory response
with histamine and Heparin?
Which WBC has increased phagocytic complexes
during allergic/parasitic reactions?
What is a Monocytes and how long does it live?
What is a lymphocyte and how long does it live,
what does it do?
What are Thrombocytes?
Blood Vessels: What is their function?
What are the 3 layers of blood vessel walls?
The adventia externa is what tissue?
The Tunica media is what histology?
What is the histology of endothelium/tunica
What ar the 3 classes of blood vessels?
Who carries blood away from the heart? To the
What are the smallest 3 vessels?
Circulatory System Questions
Describe a large artery
Describe a small artery
Arterioles have what histology and what system
innervates them?
Capillaries main function?
Venules merge to form? Some veins contain _____,
Explain blood flow in Systemic circulation. (8)
and what muscle helps move blood?
What is the function of Systemic circulation?
What is the function of Pulmonary function?
Explain the blood flow in pulmonary circulation.(9)
What is the name of the system that returns blood
from gastrointestinal organs?
Does blood pass thru 6 capillary beds between the
time it leaves the heart until it returns to the heart?
How many? Why?
What does the liver filter out?
What 3 veins join the Hepatic Portal Vein?
What does the Inferior mesenteric vein drain?
What does the splenic vein drain?
What does the superior mesenteric vein drain?
What is the function of Hepatic veins?
What are the capillaries of the liver called?