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Ch. 15 Darwin’s Theory of Evolution (pg.368)
15-1 The Puzzle of Life’s Diversity
Evolution –
Based on:
Theory -
A. Voyage of the Beagle
Charles Darwin (b. 1809)
From 1831 - 1836:
His travels:
Made numerous:
Went ashore and collected:
At sea:
B. Darwin’s Observations
He saw tremendous ___________________________
1. Patterns of Diversity
Observed that:
Organisms have many ways of:
Puzzled by differeneces:
2. Living Organisms and Fossils
fossils –
Darwin found fossil evidence that:
3. The Galapagos Islands
Islands had very different climates:
Lowest islands:
Higher islands:
Fascinated by the animals:
C. The Journey Home – Thought about findings
Birds from different islands:
Tortoises from different islands:
Darwin observed:
After returning to England:
15-2 Ideas That Shaped Darwin’s Thinking
Most Europeans in Darwin’s day believed that:
By the time Darwin left on his voyage:
A. An Ancient, Changing Earth
1. James Hutton (1795) – Geologist who published a detailed hypothesis about:
Proposed that:
Resulting rocks, mountains and valley are shaped by:
These geologic processes occur:
Hutton proposed that the Earth had to be older than:
2. Charles Lyell (1833) – Principles of Geology
Stressed that scientists must explain past events in terms of:
Processes that shaped Earth millions of year ago _______________________
Such as:
Understanding of geology influenced Darwin in 2 ways:
B. Lamarck’s Evolution Hypotheses
Lamarck (1809) proposed:
Tendency Toward Perfection:
Use and Disuse:
Inheritance of Acquired Traits:
Evaluating Lamarck’s Hypotheses -
August Weismann -
C. Population Growth
Thomas Malthus (1798)
Noted that:
Reasoned that:
Only forces that worked against this growth were:
Darwin realized that this reasoning applied even more to plants and animals:
15-3 Darwin Presents His Case
When Darwin returned to England in 1836:
Brought back:
Notebooks about:
Found out:
Continued to consult with:
A. Publication of On the Origin of Species (1859)
Alfred Russel Wallace (1858)
Later that year:
1859 – Darwin published On The Origin of Species
He proposed:
Presented evidence that:
B. Inherited Variation and Artificial Selection
One of Darwin’s most important insights was:
Based on observations during his travels and conversations with breeders:
Darwin noted that breeders use:
Artificial selection –
C. Evolution by Natural Selection
1. The Struggle for Existence –
Due to:
2. Survival of the Fittest – key facto in struggle for existence was _____________
_____________ an organism is to its environment.
fitness –
Fitness is a result of:
adaptation –
adaptations can be:
Leads to:
survival of the fittest –
natural selection –
Over time:
3. Descent with Modification -
Darwin proposed that over long periods of time:
As a result:
Descent with modification implies that:
Common descent –
D. Evidence of Evolution
1. The Fossil Record
Darwin and others knew:
By comparing fossils from:
Since Darwin’s time:
2. Geographic Distribution of Living Species
Darwin studied the different finches from the Galapagos:
Darwin found entirely different animals on S. America and Australia:
3. Homologous Body Structures
homologous structures –
Provides strong evidence that:
vestigial organs –
4. Similarities in Embryology
Hox genes -
5. Similarities in Biochemistry (NOT __________________________________)
E. Summary of Darwin’s Theory of Natural Selection (pg. 386)
Struggle for Existence
Survival of the Fittest
Leads to:
Natural Selection
May lead to:
Speciation –
Descent with Modification
F. Strengths and Weaknesses of Evolutionary Theory