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Chapter 4 - Egypt
Section 1: The Nile
* Nile River
- from mountains of central Africa to the Mediterranean Sea
- before the Nile reaches the sea, it branches to form a fan-shaped area
of fertile land called a ______________.
- mid July = _______________________________________
* Egyptian farmers planted their fields while soil was wet.
* basins/bowl -shaped holes = ___________________________
* Shadoof = ____________________________________________.
* Egyptians raised _________________________________
Section 1: Assessment Questions
1) Define:
a) shadoof ______________________________________________
2) Where did most Egyptians live ?
3) How did the Egyptians control the Nile ?
Section 2 : The Old Kingdom
* Beginning of Egypt = two kingdoms
- ______ Egypt (southern part of Nile)
- Lower Egypt (north ________)
* Narmer (Menes) = _____________________________
- 3100 BC led his armies from the valley and conquered Lower Egypt.
- He __________ the two kingdoms.
- He set up a new capital at ________________.
* 2600 BV = Old Kingdom that lasted for nearly 500 years.
- Egyptian cities became _____________________________
- ___________________________________lived there.
* Most did not live in cities. They lived on large estates along the banks of the
- Walls = _______________________________________
- Household was made up of __________________________
- Artisans = _____________________________________
* Most Egyptians, were farmers who lived in villages on the on the estates.
- Houses = _____________________________________
- Farmers worked in the fields and took care of the cattle. When they
were not farming, they built monuments, dug ditches, and repaired roads.
The Pharaoh
* Pharaoh = “great house”
-was a _________, a priest, and a god.
- center of _________ life and ruled on Earth the way other gods
ruled in heaven.
- To make sure that the land produced well, pharaoh_________
- built “brick granaries” for storing grain.
- chose the _________________________________
- the word of the pharaoh was _________.
- Egyptians believed that what happened to Egypt depended on
the pharaoh’s actions. As ___________, the pharaoh carried out
certain rituals.
- Pharaohs treated with great _____________.
The Pyramids
* “great tombs”
* because the sun sank in the west they were called “_____________”
* built on the west bank of the Nile
* designed to __________________________________________.
* Egyptians believed _____________________________________
* Items placed in a pyramid = _______________________________
* 3 summers to build
- used ______________________________________
Religious Beliefs
* believed in ________
- two of the most important = ________________ & ________________
- depend upon the river and sun
* Osiris = ______________________________
- gave his people _______ and taught them ___________
- wife = ____________ who ruled over the ___________
* Dead
- souls of the dead went ________________________
- they were weighed on the on a “scale”
- good life = __________________________________
- book of magic spells = _______________________________
- embalming = _____________________________________________
- important for a pharaoh’s soul to __________________________
- mummy = ________________________________________________
- buried in ________________ or _______________
Section 2: Assessment
1) Define
a) pharaoh ____________________________________________________
b) pyramids ___________________________________________________
c) embalming __________________________________________________
d) mummy _____________________________________________________
2) How did most Egyptians live during the Old Kingdom ? ____________________
3) What did the Egyptians believe happened to a person after death ? __________
4) How were the pharaohs similar to and different from government leaders of the
United States today ? ________________________________________________
Use this Venn diagram to compare the Egyptian burial practices for the rich and the
Section 3 : The Middle Kingdom
* 2300 BC government officials , jealous of pharaoh’s , took ____________
* 200 yrs. of confusion
* new period = _____________________
* Pharaoh power in The Middle Kingdom = _________
* __________ invaded Egypt
- horse drawn chariots and bronze weapons
- ruled for about __________
- ______________ led an uprising and drove the Hyksos out of _______
Section 3: Assessment
1) How did the Middle Kingdom come about ? ______________________________
2) What ended Hyskos rule ? ___________________________________________
3) Do you think the decrease in the pharaoh’s power had a positive or negative effect
on Egypt ? Explain. __________________________________________________
4) Using the diagram, compare it to the power of the pharaohs in the Old Kingdom and
the Middle Kingdom.
Old Kingdom
Middle Kingdom
Section 4:The New Kingdom
* _________ founded the New Kingdom
- Egypt became _________________________________________
- the ______________ was founded
- _____________ (warrier-pharaoh) extended control into ________
and ___________
* Hatshepsut
- woman ________
- not interested in ________
- chief interests were ________ and _________________
- ebony = ___________________________________________
- incense = __________________________________________
* Amon = ___________________
- ________ = capital of Egypt
* New God = __________________ (most powerful of all)
- built _________ in his honor
* Temples not only houses of worship but also _______________________
- sculptors, artisans made things for _____________
- schools = __________________________________________
* Scribes
- kept records ____________________________________________
* Types of Writing
- hieroglyphic = ___________________________________________
Decline of Egypt
* New pharaoh (_______________) in 1370 BC
- did not like priests
- closed the _______________ and fired all the workers
- set up a new religion = worship only ___________________________
- new god = ____________, means “______________________”
* Tutankhmen
- only _____ yrs. old
- returned to the old religion
- ruled for only ______ yrs.
* Empire Gone
- 1150 BC
- Egyptian civilization grew weaker
- overthrown by __________________
Section 4:Assessment
1) Define
a) hieroglyphic _________________________________________________
2) How did rulers of the New Kingdom expand trade ?
3) Why did Egypt grow weak ? _________________________________________
4) In your opinion, which of the following pharaohs contributed the most to Egyptian
civilization : Thutmose III, Hatshepsut, Amenhotep IV, or Tutankhamen ? Explain.
5) Use the diagram to show important events in the history of the New Kingdom
Section 5 :Contributions
* One contribution = ______________
- papyrus = __________________________________________
- invented ________
* Mathematics
- used a _____________ based on ten
- used fractions and whole #s
- ____________ was used to _________ or measure
- their ____________ had three _______ of 120 days each
* Medicine
- Egyptian doctors were the first specialist in __________
- used the 1st splints
- indigestion used __________________
Section 5: Assessment
1) Define
a) papyrus_____________________________________________________
2) What mathematical contributions did the Egyptians make to civilization ? ________
3) What medical contributions did the Egyptians make to other civilizations ? ______
4) Which Egyptian contribution do you think has had the greatest impact on life in the
United States today ? ________________________________________________
5) Use the diagram to rate Egyptian contributions form most important to least
MOST Important _________________
LEAST Important _________________