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Marks – Reading Quizzes and Assignments
Reading Quiz:
5 NCRs, 9 CRs, 1 CR+
Review: The Distance Ladder
Different `realms' of distance in Universe, each
requiring different units, techniques of
Solar System
Nearby stars
Galactic distances
Extra-galactic distances
Measurement for each realm depends on
knowing distances from the nearer realms
`Rungs' on Distance Ladder
Review: The Distance Ladder
measurement of
distance to Sun
depends on knowing
distance to Moon
Solar system
`rung' depends on
Review: The Distance Ladder
Parallax distance
measures of nearby
knowing how big an
AU is
`nearby star' rung
depends on `solar
system' rung
Summary of Last Class: Light
Light is a form of electromagnetic radiation
All EM radiation
Dims with distance as the inverse square law
Forms a broad spectrum
Dense, opaque material glows when hot as a
Hotter glows more, and at shorter (blue-er)
Other processes give rise to distinctive line spectrum
which can be used to determine
Speed (by Doppler shift)
Summary of Last Class: Galaxies
Galaxies are `island universes' which contain
most of the matter, stars in the Universe
Can be spiral, elliptical, or irregular
Star formation continues in galaxies, particular in
spiral galaxies
Galaxies also contain gas clouds, dust
Galaxies are separating over time: expanding
Most unclear item from last week's readings?
What we're going to cover today
The Stellar Cycle: Birth, Life, and Death of the Stars
Birth: turbulent collapse of clouds of gas
Life: ignition; burning; balance between
gravity and pressure
Death: gravity begins to win; but burning has
one last hurrah.
Stars are crucial for life
Stars are the main engines in the Universe
Stars are where planets are found
Stars produce energy that can power life
Stars produce all the heavy elements (eg Carbon)
that build life
Stellar Cycle
The Birth of Stars
At end of this, we'll know:
Where stars are formed
How they form
What has to happen for a star to
`turn on'
How planets form around stars
Happens when flow velocities are too
large to be kept smooth by viscosity
Gas clouds in the galaxy are
turbulent, too
Very wispy, tenuous gas
No viscosity to speak of
`Stirred' by energetic
events in the galaxy
Gas Clouds
Two broad types of clouds:
Gas clouds
Very wispy
Molecular clouds
Much denser
Gas has condensed
enough that complex
molecules have formed
Molecular Clouds
Because molecular clouds are cooler and denser, atoms
collide more often
Can form complex molecules
Greatly helped by presence of grains
Provides sites for atoms to latch onto
Region of high atom density; atoms more easily find
other atoms to interact with
Gas Clouds
All of these gas clouds are turbulent
Random motions, eddies
Where fluid comes together, dense
Fluid is moving fast enough that
can compress very dense spots
Gas Clouds
Gravity acts to try to pull
these dense spots together
Pressure in gas clouds
Gas Clouds
If a large enough, dense
enough region is formed,
gravity can start to win and
core starts collapsing inward
Nearby material can also
start falling in
As collapses, `spins up' and
disk can form
Gas Clouds
Collapse will usually
happen in many places
throughout the cloud at the
same time
This is why stars tend to
be clustered
Amount of stars depends
on size of gas cloud
producing stars
Gas Clouds
As core collapses, gets hotter
and denser
Begins to glow
Begins to evaporate nearby
complex molecules
Any particularly dense
regions can (for a while)
protect columns in their
Gas Clouds
Nearby gas evaporates, but
disk remains
Flattens out at spinning
increases with collapse
Can begin to coalesce as star
begins to form
These protoplanetary
disks can be seen around
very young protostars
Protoplanetary Disks
Jets and Outflows
As core collapses further,
heat increases and so gas
pressure increases
If core is small enough, this
ends the process
If core is large enough,
burning can `turn on' and
begins rather violently
Under some circumstances,
enormous jet can form
perpendicular to disk
The Life of Stars
At end of this, we'll know:
The structure of stars
How stars burn
How stars age
Our Sun's life story
Failed Stars
`Stars' that are too small (~8% of
the mass of the Sun, or ~80 Jupiter
masses) never ``turn on''
Central temperatures never get hot
enough for nuclear burning to
begin in earnest
Nuclear burning is what powers
the star through its life
Star sits around as a brown dwarf –
too big and hot to be a planet, too
small and cold to be a real star
Failed Stars
Such brown dwarfs have been
~100,000 times fainter than Sun
Stars, failed or otherwise, often
observed in binary systems
(~30% of all stars in binary
Turbulent collapse makes it very
likely that two cores form nearby
or large core splits into two.
Hydrostatic Equilibrium
Once collapse has halted in a star,
force inward (gravity) must be
balanced by force outward (gas
(Much of the rotation has been
taken away by the planetary disk
by this point)
Central region is hottest because
pressure from the entire star is
pushing down on it
Star as a whole is hot enough that
no molecules are left; everything is
broken into components
Nuclear Reactions
Nuclei of atoms themselves
Change the elements: alchemy
The star, like the cloud it came
from, is mostly hydrogen
So hot the electrons are stripped
off; left with bare protons
(hydrogen nuclei)
Under extreme heat, protons can
fuse together to produce helium:
and more heat!
Higher temperatures – faster
What happens if an external force
`squishes' the star a little bit?
Built In Thermostat
If star is squished in,
Central region gets hotter
Reactions speed up
Star gets hotter
Gas pressure increases
Star fluffs out
Central temperature returns
to normal
Built In Thermostat
If star is pulled out a little,
Central region gets cooler
Reactions slow down
Star gets cooler
Gas pressure decreases
Star falls back
Central temperature returns
to normal
Star is STABLE
Given that burning is stable,
What effects how hot a star is?
Given that burning is stable,
What effects how hot a star is?
The bigger the star that forms from the
More pressure on the central region
More burning
What color are more massive stars?
HR diagram and Main Sequence
From previous, expect that
hotter stars should be brighter
More massive -> bigger
When temperature vs brightness
is plotted, see `Main Sequence'
Other populated regions show
later stages in stellar evolution
Stellar Evolution
Nuclear reactions are very
sensitive to temperature
Massive stars burn MUCH
faster than smaller stars
Even though massive stars have
more fuel (hydrogen) to begin
with, it is exhausted more
Everything happens faster with
more massive stars because
pressure is higher
Stellar Evolution
As burning in core progresses,
Hydrogen in center becomes
depleted (Sun: ~10 billion
Core of Helium `ash' left behind
Shell of Hydrogen burning
slowly moves outwards
As heat source moves further
out, star `puffs out'
Outer regions cool, redden
Red Giant (Sun: 1 billion years)
Stellar Evolution
Eventually Helium core gets so
hot that even it can burn, to
New energy source: star gets
hotter and bluer, and shrinks
back to more normal size
Burning happens faster with
heavier elements; soon Helium
becomes exhausted, a Carbon
core forms; becomes giant
Low Mass stars: envelope ejection
Helium burning can be very
Outer layers begin pulsing;
blows most of the envelope off
of the star
(so called) `Planetary nebula'
Only the core is left behind, still
glowing (because hot) but inert
White dwarf
High Mass Stars: Continue Burning
Slightly more massive stars (4
to 8 solar masses):
Everything happens faster
Carbon can burn, as well;
one more stage of burning
Then again leave (larger)
white dwarf and planetary
nebula behind
Very High Mass Stars: Continue Burning
Very massive stars burn VERY fast
Main sequence stage – 10 million years
Burning happens so quickly that outer layer
can't go unstable
Burning progresses faster and faster through
higher and higher elements until Iron
No further burning is possible
Left with a large envelope and very heavy core
Life Story of Our Sun
Formed in ~50 million years
Began life about 5 billion years ago
A little dimmer (¾ current brightness)
A little cooler, smaller
Slowly getting bigger and hotter:
1 billion yrs from now: 10% brighter
Greenhouse effect
5 billion years from now: 40% brighter
Earth like Venus today
Still main sequence
Life Story of Our Sun
Red giant branch begins
Next 700 million years; sun doubles in energy
Doubles in size, gets little redder
Next 600 million years; very strong wind; planets
pushed somewhat outwards
At biggest, sun almost out to Venus' orbit
Helium Flash!!
Helium begins burning, process repeats itself but
10x faster
Ends with ½ of suns mass blown away; white
dwarf remains
The Old Age and Death of Stars
At end of this, we'll know:
The final stages of stellar life
How stars of different mass die
How they feed back material into
the interstellar environment, to be
made into new stars
The Old Age and Death of Stars
Small stars end their life quietly
White dwarf remnants
Massive stars continue burning in outer layers even
when they have burned all the way to iron in the
New ash from burning continues to pile onto iron
core until pressure cannot support it any more
Type II Supernova
The result is a collapse to a different
form of matter – a neutron star, or a
black hole -- and a release of energy
Energy release can be equal to the
entire energy of the host galaxy
Entire envelope is blown apart
Heavy elements from burning
blown into surrounding gas
Type Ia Supernova
Almost as much energy can come
from another kind of supernova
If a star which ended up as a white
dwarf has a companion, matter can
`rain in' on the inert white dwarf until
it gets hot enough to burn
Can burn catastrophically, exploding
and releasing heat, heavy elements
into surrounding gas
Supernova Feedback
Originally, gas was all hydrogen and helium
No planets, life
Generations of stars produced all the heavy elements
which make up planets and living things
Supernova explosions release these heavy elements into
the galaxy
New stars are formed
Can make planets, life
Supernova energy contributes to the turbulence in the
gas clouds, and can compress gas to start new cycle of
star formation
Stellar Cycle Revisited
Reading for Next Week
Chapter 7, 8 – origins of life on earth