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A. Earth’s Interior and Plate Tectonics
1) Earth’s major layers
 Crust: ________________________________________________
 Mantle: _______________________________________________
 Core: ________________________________________________
 Lithosphere:___________________________________________
 Asthenosphere: _________________________________________
2) Earth gets warmer with ____________________
3) Plate Tectonics
 Alfred Wegener noticed that_______________________________
 Continental drift: continents used form one massive landform called
 Lithosphere: Made of __________large pieces called ____________
_______________ which fit together like a puzzle
 Plate tectonics describe the ________________________________
_______________________ in relation to each other; the plates of
the lithosphere float on top of the _____________________
4) Divergent plate boundaries
 Plates ______________________________, creating a gap between
 Magma rises from the _________________________ and cools,
forming new _____________________ rock
 Mid-oceanic ridges are undersea mountain ridges that form at
 Mid-Atlantic Ridge is located underneath the __________________
5) Convergent plate boundaries
 Plates _______________________
 _____________ plates move underneath _________ ____________
 Oceanic-continental plate boundary
 Oceanic-oceanic convergent boundary
 Continental-continental boundary
 ______________________: the process in which a tectonic plate
dives beneath another tectonic plate and into the asthenosphere
 Forms ___________________________, ________________, and
 Ex: Andes mountains – oceanic plate diving beneath a continental
 Ex: Mariana Trench in the Pacific Ocean and the Peru-Chili Trench
 Ex: Himalayas are the tallest mountains in the world – collision
between the Indian and Asian plates
6) Transform Faults Boundaries
 When rocks move _________________________________________
_____________________________ at faults along plate boundaries
 Earthquakes occur at fault zones
 Ex: __________________________________
B. Earthquakes and Volcanoes
1) Earthquakes
 Vibrations in the earth when __________________________
 Occur mostly at _______________ _______________________
 As the rock breaks, energy is released as ________________
____________________ that shake the earth
 _____________: the area along the fault at which slippage first
 ________________: the point on the surface immediately above
the focus
 Earthquake waves travel in _________ directions from the focus
and ____________ _____________ as shock waves
 ________________________: the study of earthquakes
 __________________ ______________: expresses the relative
magnitude of earthquakes; a measure of the energy released at the
focus; each step represents a 10x increase
2) Volcanoes
 An opening in Earth’s crust resulting from the movement of tectonic
 Occur at __________________ plate boundaries surrounding the
Pacific Ocean (Ring of Fire)
 Occur at divergent plate boundaries as well: ________________ sits
on the _______________________ _______________
 Occur at hot spots in the middle of plates, eg. Hawaii
Earth Science activity:
On the maps provided, add the following using different colored pencils:
1. Draw, label and color the 7 main plates:
 Pacific plate; North American plate; South American plate;
African plate; Eurasian plate; Australian-Indian plate; Nazca
2. With clearly visible black arrows, indicate the relative motion of the
plates. Are they moving apart, moving together, or sliding past each
3. Draw and label the Mid-Atlantic Ridge
4. Draw and label the Mariana Trench and the Peru-Chili Trench
5. Indicate the location of most of the known earthquakes
6. Indicate the location of most of the known volcanoes
7. Label the Ring of Fire
8. Indicate the San Andreas Fault
C. Characteristics of the Atmosphere
 78% _________________ and 21 % ________________
 Layers of the atmosphere:
1) Troposphere
 Layer ______________________________________ where most of
the _______________________ occurs
 Around ________ miles thick
 Greatest _______________ due to the weight of all the layers above
 Troposphere gets _________ and ______ dense with increasing
 Cool air is more dense than warmer air, and can sometimes get
trapped by warmer layers above  ______________ ___________
2) Stratosphere
 Layer ________ the troposphere
 Extends to about _______ miles
 Very little water vapor, so no _________
 __________ layer absorbs solar radiation, so the stratosphere
actually gets _____________ with increasing altitude
 Ozone shields the earth from the sun’s harmful ________________
3) Mesosphere
 Located above the _______________
 Temperatures ____________ as you go higher, so this is the
___________ layer of the atmosphere
 31 – ____ miles
4) Thermosphere
 50 – ________ miles
 molecules are very far apart due to the much lower effect of
 very _______ temperatures (18000F) because of intense solar
the region of the lower thermosphere and upper mesosphere
 these electrons reflect __________ ______________ and make radio
transmissions possible
 ______________ _______________: energy from the sun hits the
molecules in the ionosphere, give them energy, and as they fall back
to their original energy levels, photons of light are transmitted.
Changes in the earth’s atmosphere:
animals and people exhale __________________,
which plants use for photosynthesis
____________ (chlorofluorocarbons) destroy the
ozone in the upper stratosphere
_______________: CO2 from
the burning of fossil fuels traps heat and results in global warming
Effects of global warming:
1) melting of polar ice caps;
2) rise in sea level;
3) loss of coastal areas;
4) disruption of ocean currents;
5) dramatic weather changes;
6) stronger and more frequent hurricanes;
7) species extinction;
8) coral bleaching
D. Water and Wind
1) Water cycle: ________________________________________________
 _______________________
and ____________________________
(the evaporation of water through pores in a plant’s leaves) restores
water to the atmosphere
 _____________________: Water vapor rises with warm air (less dense
than cold air) until the air is cool enough to change the vapor into tiny
droplets we call clouds
 When the clouds get heavy enough, ___________________ in the form
of rain, snow, or hail returns the water to the earth’s surface
2) Humidity: __________________________________________________
3) Dew point: _________________________________________________
4) Clouds:
alto-cumulus - Middle-level, medium-sized puffy clouds.
alto-stratus - Middle-level, layered clouds.
cirro-cumulus - High-altitude, small, wispy, patchy, puffy clouds.
cirro-stratus - High-altitude, thin, wispy clouds in layers.
cirrus - High-altitude, thin, wispy clouds.
cumulo-nimbus- Large, dense, towering clouds that cause thunderstorms.
cumulus - Low, puffy clouds.
fog - Ground-hugging clouds.
nimbo-stratus - Low, dark, rain cloud.
stratus - Low, layered, horizontal, wispy clouds with a flat base.
strato-cumulus - Low clouds, broad and flat on the bottom, puffy on top
(higher than cumulus and lower than altocumulus).
5) Barometric pressure: air pressure; atmospheric pressure; pressure due to
the ________________________________________________________
6) Winds: the movement of air from a _________________________ area
to a ______________________________ area
7) ________________ ______________: the effect of the Earth’s rotation
on the direction of wind.
The earth rotates from __________ to
________. Different latitudes spin at different ______________ as the
earth rotates. The Coriolis effect causes the winds to ______________.
The Northeast trade winds curve _________________ while the
Southeast trade winds curve ______________________. Winds are
named from the ____________________ in which they originate. Winds
from the west are called _________________________ and winds from
the east are called ________________ _________________________.
8) When rising hot air is coupled with sinking colder air, it creates a
circulation ____________.
____________ ____________.
The best known cell is called the
C. Minerals and Rocks (Chapter 17.3)
Three Types of Rocks:
__________________: a type of rock formed when
magma cools and crystallizes below or on the surface of the earth
(obsidian, basalt, granite)
2) __________________: a type of rock formed when horizontal layers of
sediment harden into solid rock at or just below the earth’s surface
(sandstone, shale, limestone)
3) ___________________: a type of rock formed by the squeezing and
heating of rocks deep below the surface of the earth
(limestone  marble; shale  slate)
The Rock Cycle: the sequence of events in which rocks are weathered, altered
and reshaped into different types of rocks
Igneous rocks: Magma cools deep below the
earth’s surface to form crystalline granite. Lava flows out onto the surface
of the Earth to create fine-grained basalt.
Sedimentary rocks: Weathering and erosion of the
igneous rock can then create layers of sediments that become solid rock
due to pressure of the layers above.
Metamorphic rock: When sedimentary layers get
subducted beneath another tectonic plate, the heat and pressure deep within
the earth change the material that enters the asthenosphere into
metamorphic rock.
So, all rocks can become a different rock type as time
goes on. Plate tectonics is a mechanism by which all the rock of the earth
is gradually recycled over time. Over the course of millions of years, rocks
are constantly created, destroyed and transformed.
D. Weathering and Erosion (Chapter 17.4)
 Weathering: __________________________________________________
a) _________________ ______________________ just breaks the rocks
into smaller pieces but does not alter the chemical composition (ex: ice
and plants)
b) ___________________ ______________________ alters the actual
chemical composition of the rock (stalagtites in caves; acid rain)
 Erosion: ______________________________________________________
 Deposition: __________________________________________________
E. Weather and Climate
 Meteorologists predict the weather by studying the ________________
and ___________________________ of warmer and cooler air masses
 Front: where a ____________ ___________ _____________ meets a
____________ _____________ _______________.
 Warm front: a mass of warm air moves toward and __________ a slower
mass of cold air; as the warm air rises it forms _____________ and
 Cold front: A mass of cold air moves ________________ a slow mass of
warm air and _____________ it up; as the warm air rises
______________, it forms thunder clouds.
 Lightning: water droplets and ice crystals build up ______________
_______________; when the charge is different from that of a nearby
cloud or the earth, sparks jump between the two to ______________ the
 _____________________: noise when electrical charges move through
the air
 Tornadoes: funnels of __________________
_____________ that extend downwards from thunderclouds (300 mph);
warm humid air rises and more warm air rushes in to replace it; begins to
rotate as it rises and forms a funnel; sucks objects upward as air rises
through its center.
 Hurricanes (North America and Caribbean): also called cyclones (Indian
Ocean) and typhoons (western Pacific); warm ocean water ___________
form intense
_________________ called tropical depressions; large circulating masses
of clouds, winds and rain; speeds from 71 mi/hr to 155 mi/hr; eye of the
hurricane is ______________.
 __________________: the average weather conditions
 Temperatures are __________________ at the equator because the
__________________ than at the poles
 The earth’s ___________ (23.5o) and _____________________ around
the sun account for the seasons, NOT the distance between the earth and
the sun
 Sea breeze: warm air _____________ over the land and cooler air moves
from the ocean to the land; occurs during the _____________
 Land breeze: warm air __________ from the ocean at ______________
and cooler air from the land moves out to sea
 ______________________: the rise and fall of a land surface; the ups and
downs; large affect on __________________; tall mountains force air to
_______________ over them, cooling and forming _____________. This
gives rise to summer __________________ storms.
not stop _______________ well.
Broad flat plains do
This mixing of wind produces
______________________ and __________________________.