Download SUN-EARTH-MOON SYSTEM Earth`s Daily Motion

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Name: __________________________________________________
Sun-Earth-Moon Systems
The Moon
Tools of Astronomy
Test Date ______________________________
Objectives. Upon complete of the unit you should be able to:
Describe the components of the Electromagnetic Spectrum.
Describe how telescopes use the E-M spectrum to give us information about the universe
Describe the movements of Earth known as rotation and revolution
Explain how the moon goes through phases.
Explain how the eclipses occur.
Describe how the physical features of the lunar surface were created.
Explain the history of the moon.
A. Earth’s Daily Motion
 _________________________ – spinning motion about one’s axis
- Explains _________________________ cycles. Sun rise, Moon rise, Constellations moving
across sky
 Day Length
- ____________________________________ – noon to noon. 24 hrs
- ____________________________________ – 1 complete rotation on axis in reference to a
distant star. 23h. 56 m Due to Earth’s motion in its orbit.
B. Earth’s Annual Motions
 Plane of orbit called ___________________________________________
As Earth rotates Sun & planets appear to move across the sky in a path called the
 ____________________________________ –one body orbits around another body.
- _______________________________________________ – time it takes a planet to orbit
the sun in reference to a distant star.
- Earth’s sidereal period is _____________________________________
 Seasonal Cycle
- Due to Earth’s ________________________________________________________
Axis has a ________________ orientation in space.
Result: As Earth orbits the sun, the most direct rays of the sun migrate north and south
across the equator. Sun’s most direct rays are north of equator when Earth’s N hemisphere is
angled toward sun. The rays are least direct on the S. Hemisphere. This slowly shifts the
other way as the year progresses from summer to winter and back to summer. During spring
and fall neither hemisphere is angled toward sun.
- Summer Solstice – _____________________
Begins the ______________________ season in
northern hemisphere
Earth’s northern hemisphere is _____________
_______________________________the sun.
Sun appears _________________ in the sky for most of
northern hemisphere and cause the time between rise
and set to be __________________.
At our latitude we experience: about 14 .5 hrs of
daylight & 9.5 hrs of night
People north of 66.5o experience _____________ of daylight.
_________________________ conditions in the southern hemisphere.
- Autumn Equinox (northern hemisphere)- _____________________
Begins the fall season in the northern hemisphere.
Opposite season in southern hemisphere.
Earth’s axial tilt is _______________________
_______________________________from sun.
It is as if Earth has __________________
Sun noon altitude of 90o (directly overhead) occurs at
the equator (0o latitude)
Everyone on Earth experiences about
- Winter Solstice _______________
Begins the _________________ season in northern
Earth’s northern hemisphere is tilted ___________
from the sun.
Receives ___________ direct rays from sun.
Everyone north of this latitude experiences
____________________________ daylight hours
At our latitude we experience________________
People north of 66.5o experience 24 hr of ________
Opposite conditions in the southern hemisphere.
- Vernal (spring) Equinox Mar. 22 or 23
Begins the _______________ season in norther
Same conditions as autumn equinox
Lunar Motions
 Lunar Phases
- The duration of the Phase Cycle is ________________________________________________
- Lunar Orbit Affects How Much We See: Phases
Lunar Tides
 Eclipses - one object passing between two other objects
- Overview
Eclipses create 2 shadow
_____________________ – darker, inner shadow
_____________________– lighter, outer shadow
Usually no more than _______solar & lunar eclipses each year. Why?
Because the Moon orbits Earth on a different __________________________________ than
the Earth-Sun plane.
- Solar Eclipse
The ___________ casts a shadow on the _____________
Occurs only during a ___________moon phase
Last about __________ minutes
Only those within the _______________ experience total eclipses.
Shadow path is no more than ____________ miles wide
People in penumbra see a ____________________ solar eclipse
- Lunar Eclipse
The ______________ casts a shadow on the _______________
Occurs only during a ___________ moon phase
Lasts __________________________________
Everyone on ________________________________________________ the moon can see it
A. Introduction
 Average distance from Earth: _________________________________
- Further from Earth compared to the moon-planets distances elsewhere in SS
 Largest moon relative to mass and size of planet it orbits.
- Diameter: _________________________
 ___________________________________________ due to low gravity
 Day is ______________________ long/Night is ____________________ long
- As a result, very ___________ daily temperature range: _______________________________
B. Lunar Surface & Interior
 __________________ -Circular depressions caused by meteor & asteroid impacts
- 1,000’s of craters.
 ___________ – lines of debris radiating from young craters
 _______________________ – cover over half of lunar surface.
- ___________ rocks. ______________________ crustal surface
- Light colored rock surface
- Composition: _________________________________________________
- Rugged with many craters
 ______________. Dark, relatively smooth areas
- Ancient _________ beds.
- Compostion: _________________
- Origin: ____________________________________________ punctured surface.
- _______________ leaked out
- Few maria on far side of moon. Mostly __________________________. Due to greater
thickness of crust, lava unable to break through.
 ______________________. Layer of loose gray debris due to impacts covers the lunar surface.
- Origin: Debris kicked up from ______________________________________________.
 ______________ – _____________________________ structures. May be collapsed lava tubes.
 Lunar Mountains
- Many are in the _____________________________
- Some along the edges of mare where ________ did not fill the basin.
 Interior
- Completely ___________
- Not ________________________ active.
That means NO _________________________________________
C. Formation & History of the Moon
 Radiometric dating methods suggest an age of __________________________________yrs. old
About ____________________________ as Earth.
 Giant Impact Theory
- Collision between Earth and _______________________________________ 4.5 billion years
ago. During the formation of SS
- Collision was a ________________________________________________
- Result of impact
Some material from the foreign object and Earth outer layers ___________________________
and orbit Earth. Over time the ____________________________________________________
_______________________ to form the Moon.
- Evidence: ______________________ in core than expected if formed by same method as
Earth. Moon minerals similar to minerals in Earth’s crust and mantle.
Theory supported by ___________________________________________________.
 0-800 million years of existence – __________________________________________________
- _________________________________ formed from the debris piling up.
- ____________________ created due to the impacts crushing and breaking up surface
Avg. Thickness – several meters
 Formation of Maria & Rilles
- 3.1-3.8 billion years ago.
- After intense bombardment _____________________________________ from interior and
__________________ large impact basins.
- Created the ____________________________________________________
- Rilles formed from _____________________________________________________________
- Maria relatively __________________________________________________________.
- Solar system has been _____________________________________ since formation of maria.
A. Radiation
 What is “light”?
- Light is ____________________________________ – energy that can travel thru ___________
without the need of a __________________________. (matter such as air, solid, liquid)
- Light is very fast; ________________________________________________________
- Speed of light is a constant. Nothing is faster.
- We only see certain portion of this radiant energy.
 ElectroMagnetic Spectrum – More than meets the eye
- “Light” is more than visible light.
- Light is part of a broader form of energy called _______________________________________
- _____________________________________ in the universe emits E-M radiation.
- Components of E-M Radiation
Wavelengths range from less than .0001 nm (1 x 10 -13 ) to over 100 m
 Measuring “Light”
- __________________________– the distance between wave crests.
Unit: nanometer(nm) (10-9m),
- E-M radiation from __________________________________________________ wavelength
Gamma, X-ray, Ultraviolet, Visible light, Infrared, Microwave, Radio
Visible light ______________________________________________________ wavelength:
violet, blue, green, yellow, orange, red
- _____________________________________ -the number of waves that pass in a given second.
Units: cycles per second, _____________________
E-M Radiation from ___________________________________________________ frequency.
Gamma, X-ray, Ultraviolet, Visible light, Infrared, Microwave, Radio
Visible light ____________________________________: violet, blue, green, yellow, orange, red
B. Telescopes
 Introduction
- Our eyes only sensitive to visible light wavelengths.
- Pupils about 7 mm in diameter. Only allows a little light through.
- In addition, we miss “seeing” most of the universe. Astronomical objects produce all forms of
EM radiation.
- Telescopes developed to __________________ and _________ EM radiation from astronomical
 Types of Telescopes: ____________________________________________________________
- Optical Telescopes – focus ___________________________________ from space
Telescopes invented in early 1600’s.
______________ diameter allows more light, can see ________________ with better
o 2 Basic Types of Telescopes
1. ________________________ Telescopes
1st type invented
Uses ______________________________ to focus light
Limit to its size due to cost among other things
2. ________________________ Telescope
Uses ____________________________________ to focus light
_________large major telescopes are ___________________________________
Provides __________ distortions of image than refractors
- Nonoptical Telescopes – focuses non-visible light (Gamma ray, X-ray, UV, Infrared & Radio)
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