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Document related concepts
Ch 2 Study Guide – S E M System
Earth’s axis and degree of tilt
Difference between the Northern and Southern hemispheres and how the opposite is happening in the those locations
(seasons and amount/intensity of sun)
Equinoxes and Solstices
Seasons, solar intensity (gizmos) and day/night length at the equator and poles
Eclipses: difference between lunar and solar eclipses & be able to draw them and label with umbra and penumbra
Why we always see the same side of the moon
Layers of the moon – core mantle and crust
Geological features of the moon – Maria, Lunar Highlands and impact craters
All phases of the moon
Tides – high/low and spring/neap
Ch 2 Study Guide – S E M System
Earth’s axis and degree of tilt
Difference between the Northern and Southern hemispheres and how the opposite is happening in the those locations
(seasons and amount/intensity of sun)
Equinoxes and Solstices
Seasons, solar intensity (gizmos) and day/night length at the equator and poles
Eclipses: difference between lunar and solar eclipses & be able to draw them and label with umbra and penumbra
Why we always see the same side of the moon
Layers of the moon – core mantle and crust
Geological features of the moon – Maria, Lunar Highlands and impact craters
All phases of the moon
Tides – high/low and spring/neap