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BIO 301 Course outline
Department of Biological Sciences
Course Title: Genetics II (BIO 301)
Curriculum: Biology Education
Credit Hours: 2 contact Hours
Date of Revision: June 24, 2010
Prepared by: Dr. K. A. Fasasi and Mrs. Oyeniyi
Prerequisites: BIO 203
Course Description: The course is designed for major biological science students to understand
the basic concepts of human genetics, analyses and pattern of inheritance in humans using the
pedigree of families and family history.
Verma, P. S. and Aggarwal, V. K. 2006. Genetics, S. Chand and Company ltd, Ram Nagar,
New Dehi, Indian, 580pp.
Roberts, M. B. V. 1983. Biology: A functional Approach, third edition, Thomas Nelson and
Sons ltd, Edinburgh, 655pp.
Teaching Aids: Power point presentations, E-Library and group discussion involving tracing
and analyzing of students’ family inhertance history in relation to human genetics.
Attendance Policy: All students are expected to attend all classes. It is the responsibility of the
students to make up any materials missed due to absence.
Course Objectives: Instructors shall make every effort to incorporate the following
*Student-centered learning
*Problem solving
*Team work
*Project leadership
*Contextual learning
*Importance of genetic studies to human population
Upon completion students shall be able to:
1. Appreciate the possibilities for the improvement of existing human race by applying certain
fundamental laws of heredity.
2. Apply their genetical knowledge to agriculture and animal breeding to sustain human
3. Appreciate the use of genetical knowledge to solve problem of divorce, custody of children,
estate inheritors and support of illegitimate children, e.t.c.
4. Apply genetical knowledge after professional qualification to accurately diagnose heritable
diseases and simplify the process of treatment of such diseases.
5. Use human pedigrees to trace certain inherited traits.
Course Delivery: All available technologies and methodologies will be used to create an active,
student-centered learning environment appropriate the students’ level or age group.
Examination 70%
Assignment 10%
Total score 100%
Students / Lecturer familiarization and Course Introduction.
Introduction to genetics: a review.
Genetic interaction; multiple alleles, linkage and crossing over.
Genetic and cytological mapping of chromosomes.
Biometry and statistical applications in genetics.
Quantitative genetics (inheritance of multiple alleles).
Mutation; types, rate and significance.
In-breeding, out-breeding and vigour, evolutionary significance of consanguinity
and out- breeding.
Human genetics: pedigree and karyotype.
Genetic engineering, DNA technology, Eugenics and Euphonic.
Introduction to population genetics and natural selection.
Hardy-Weinberg’s principle: assumptions of Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium.
Continuous assessment / Examination.
Project presentation (see note below)
Students will work in groups and develop term projects with detailed reports which will be
presented at the end of the semester.
Suggested project topics:
To be determined as the course proceeds.