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Biology Final Review
1. Define the following ecological terms:
a. Population –
b. Communityc. Ecosystem –
Biome –
Producer –
Autotroph –
Herbivore –
Heterotroph –
Predation –
Competition –
Symbiosis –
Mutualism –
m. Commensalism –
n. Parasitism –
2. Describe each of the three types of pyramids.
Numbers –
Biomass –
Energy –
3. What is the water cycle?
Water that cycles in the atmosphere, underground, on the surface of earth and in bodies of water.
Evaporation, Condensation, Precipitation, Transpiration
4. Define ‘succession’ and explain the difference between primary and secondary succession.
Succession –
Primary –
Secondary –
5. Each of the following are factors that affect population growth rate. Explain which one(s)
increase and which one(s) decrease population growth rate:
a. Immigration b. Emigrationc. Birth rate d. Death rate e. Limiting factor 6. Define the following population growth terms:
a. Logistic growth –
b. Exponential growth –
c. Carrying capacity –
7. Explain and give examples of each of the following
a. Density-dependent factor –
b. Density-independent factor –
Cell Division
8. What are the limitations of a cell as it becomes larger? In other words, why must cells divide
rather than just get bigger?
9. Define ‘cell cycle.’ Then, list and define the phases of the cell cycle.
Cell cycle –
10. What regulates the timing of the cell cycle?
11. List the phases of mitosis in order.
12. In which phase do chromosomes become visible?
13. Draw and label sister chromatids with a centromere.
14. What is a tumor?
15. What is binary fission? Division of bacteria
16. Circle the ‘true’ statements:
a. Mendel studied pea plants
b. The principles of genetics apply to pea plants only.
c. Mendel studied the inheritance of traits.
17. Describe and compare the following terms:
a. Allele and gene –
b. Homozygous and Heterozygous –
c. Dominant and recessive –
d. Genotype and phenotype –
18. Draw the Punnett spuare and describe the phenotype(s) of the offspring from the following pea
plant crosses:
a. Tt X Tt , where T is Tall –
b. TT X Tt –
19. Describe the daughter cells from meiosis as compared to mitosis.
20. Compare and contrast the cellular location and composition of DNA versus RNA.
21. Define the process and outcome of each of the following:
a. Replication –
b. Transcription –
c. Translation –
22. Describe the three kinds of RNA.
mRNA –
rRNA –
23. From the standpoint of molecular genetics, define the following terms:
a. Gene –
b. Codon –
c. Genetic code –
d. Mutation –
24. What does the lac operon control?
25. What is a Barr body?
26. Explain the difference between point mutation and frameshift mutations.
Point –
Frameshift –
27. Describe the following techniques used in genetics:
a. Recombinant DNA –
b. Genetic engineering –
c. Cloning –
d. Karyotype -
e. Gel Electrophoresis-
f. Pedigree –
28. What was Darwin’s theory of evolution?
29. What did Malthus predict would happen as a result of the growth of the human population?
30. Describe and compare natural and artificial selection.
31. Define the following terms:
a. Adaptation –
b. Common Ancestry –
c. Vestigial structures –
d. Genetic Drift –
e. Adaptive Radiation –
f. Convergent Evolution –
32. List the conditions required to maintain genetic equilibrium.
33. For speciation to occur, reproductive isolation is needed. Define these types:
a. Behavioral –
b. Geographic –
c. Temporal –
34. How did speciation of the Galapagos finches begin?
History of Life
35. What is a fossil? In what kind of rock are fossils formed?
36. Describe the first (microfossil) organisms known to live on Earth.
37. What caused the formation of the oceans?
Classification and Organisms
38. The Linnaeus system of classification is as follows, in order. Which category is the smallest?
39. Binomial Nomenclature shows the genus and then the species of an organism. Correct the
following to show how it should be written. homo sapiens
40. Today’s grouping of organisms is based on their evolutionary history are called what kind of
41. Which kingdoms are prokaryotes? Eukaryotes?
Prokaryotes – (Bacteria)
Eukaryotes -
42. What are the characteristics of mammals?
43. Define the following:
a. Virus –
b. Retrovirus –
c. Antibiotic –