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Download Population, Conservation and Evolutionary Genetics: A Primer
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Population, Conservation and Evolutionary Genetics: A Primer Offered by: Lawrence R. Hale, Ph.D. Associate Professor of Biology University of Prince Edward Island Canada When: May 2 to May 13, 2016 Since before the middle of the last century, genetical data has been an ever-increasingly important part of the study of evolutionary phenomena, both at the microevolutionary and macroevolutionary levels. Indeed, organismal phenotypes upon which such forces as natural selection act are largely determined by their genetic make-up. The course will introduce students to the core concepts of population genetics, with a focus on how various ecological and life history factors influence the genetical composition of natural populations of organisms and their ability to adapt to environmental changes. From that theoretical basis, we'll see how those principles are applied to one of the most timely aspects of conservation biology, namely conservation genetics, which is concerned with identifying species at risk of extinction, and with finding appropriate solutions to prevent that from happening. Finally, we'll delve into the area of evolutionary genetics, which applies population genetic principles for questions involving a longer (macroevolutionary) time-frame, but which also has its own set of phenomena and measures. I intend to illustrate all of these principles with key case examples from the literature. This will be accomplished by (comparatively light) readings, classroom work, problem sets, computer simulations, and a final exam at the end. The only pre-requisite for course is that students should have a reasonable grasp of simple Mendelian genetics, the structure of nucleic acids and proteins, and of gene expression (transcription and translation). I will provide, through the course web-site, readings and exercises for any students who feel they may need to "brush up" on these things ahead of the course. If necessary, we’ll spend some in-class time on this at the beginning. Course evaluation Problem sets: Computer assignments: Final exam: 30% 30% 40% Questions? Feel free to contact me at [email protected] Population, Conservation and Evolutionary Genetics: A Primer May 2 to May 13, 2016 Furtwangen University Schwenningen Campus D obrynin et al. Genom e Biology (2015) 16:277 w w w .mun.ca/biology/scarr/Protein_Electrophoretic_variation.html