* Your assessment is very important for improving the workof artificial intelligence, which forms the content of this project
* Your assessment is very important for improving the workof artificial intelligence, which forms the content of this project
Date: June 2014 Course Name and Number: Introduction to Biology 1-2 80-055-01 80-056-01 Type of course:Lecture Year of Studies: 2014-2015 Semester: Fall & Spring Hours/credits: 3 The courses objectives: (Overall Objectives/ Specific Objectives) Introduction to major biological concepts and cellular processes common to various life forms. First semester- introduction to cellular biology; second semester- human physiology. Language: English Course Description: Emphasis will be placed on cell structure and function, energy transformation, genetics and molecular biology, ecology, homeostatic mechanisms and current issues in biology The Process of the Course: (Teaching Methods, use of technology, Guest Speakers) Frontal lectures, overhead transparencies, ppt presentation, animations, movies, 1 Detailed Lesson plan: Fall Semester Number of Topic of the Lesson Lesson 1 Introduction; Ch. 1 interdependency of biological systems The chemistry of Ch. 3 life: organic compounds Cell structure & Ch. 4 function Con’t. 2 3 4 Required Reading 8 Biological membranes Enzymes & metabolic reactions Cell cycle: mitosis Meiosis- cloning 9 cont 10 DNA: The Ch. 11 molecular basis of inheritance DNA – RNA Ch. 12 Proteins Current Topics 5 6 7 11 12 2 Ch. 5 Ch. 6-8 Ch. 9 Comment Spring Semester Number of Topic of the Lesson Lesson 1 Mendelian genetics Corn & population genetics Mendelian genetics (con’t) 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9-11 12 13 14 Required Reading Ch 10 Human genetics Ch. 13 and gene regulation Current Topics in genetic Engineering The digestive Ch. 45 system Con't Respiratory Ch. 44 Sustem Physiology of the Ch. 42 circulatory system Blood and body Ch. 43 defenses AIDS Interactions of Life: Ecology Ch. 53 Grade Components: Number grade. Final – 50% Midterm – 50% Required textbooks, other textbooks: Biology 5th- 8th Edition , Solomon, Berg, Martin 3 Comment