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Download Standard 6.P.3: The student will demonstrate an understanding of
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Standard 6.P.3: The student will demonstrate an understanding of the properties of energy, the transfer and conservation of energy, and the relationship between energy and forces. Conceptual Understanding 6.P.3A. Energy manifests itself in multiple forms, such as mechanical (kinetic energy and potential energy), electrical, chemical, radiant (solar), and thermal energy. According to the principle of conservation of energy, energy cannot be created nor destroyed, but it can be transferred from one place to another and transformed between systems. Performance Indicator 6.P.3A.4 Develop and use models to exemplify how magnetic fields produced by electrical energy flow in a circuit is interrelated in electromagnets, generators, and simple electrical motors. Assessment Guidance The objective of this indicator is to develop and use models to exemplify how magnetic fields produced by electrical energy flow in a circuit are interrelated in electromagnets, generators, and simple electrical motors. Therefore, the primary focus of assessment should be to model how the flow of electricity allows an electromagnet to generate a magnetic field. Although invisible, this field is observable by how the magnetic field interacts with magnetic materials (changing the direction a compass points, picking up paperclips, etc.). This could require students to interpret diagrams or illustrations related to energy transformations such as those found in simple motors and generators. In addition to develop and use models, students should ask questions; plan and carry out investigations; analyze and interpret data; use mathematics and computational thinking; engage in argument from evidence; construct explanations; obtain, evaluate, and communicate information; and construct devices or design solutions. Previous and Future Knowledge • 3.P.3B Properties of magnets and electromagnets. • Students have not been introduced to the concept of generators and simple electrical motors in previous grade levels. • H.P.3E: Ohm’s Law, Circuits, Electrical Power, Series and Parallel Circuits, Electromagnetic Induction Essential Knowledge It is essential for students to: ● Know that magnetism is the force of attraction or repulsion of magnetic materials. ● Surrounding a magnet is a magnetic field that applies a force, a push or pull, without