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Ion-Olimpiu Stamatescu
FEST, Schmeilweg 5, D-69118 Heidelberg, Germany
Inst. Theor. Physik, Univ. Heidelberg, Philosophenweg 16, D-69120 Heidelberg, Germany
In discussing modern physics in the perspective of critical philosophy we first ask what does physical understanding involve, and then how the structural scheme offered by the transcendental philosophy can be used in this discussion, both concerning the development and the interpretation of
physical theories.
The symbolic, conceptual structures of physics are developed in a process with its own dynamics
aimed at achieving physical knowledge. Typically in its development physics would leave each
time behind it world views and philosophical schemes which itself has helped to build up - for instance, the Newtonian space-time as a priori objectification frame, or classical mechanics as a guarantee for determinism and continuity. While the dialogue between physics and philosophy is necessary and rewarding, physics would not do its job if its first concern were to agree with the latter.
This means that this discussion cannot be understood under the simple dichotomy „does or does
not the Kantian system apply” but must take into account irreducible incompatibilities which do not
allow a clear yes or no answer to that question.
In this essay we shall discuss some concepts that may be formed in approaching the question of
physical understanding. The background of this discussion is modern and contemporary physics.
We shall approach problems related to objectification, intuition, continuity and realism, justification and truth, where critical philosophy defines questions and provides schemes for analysing the
answers. This study is not a philosophical study, but proceeds from the point of view of physics.
In this kind of discussion physicists are sometimes confused by the way the word reality is used. So
let us try to fix some ideas, even if this may seem trivial to philosophers. In his proceeding a physicist typically assumes that „the reality” (and „nature”) is something external to mind, onto which
the knowledge activity is directed, and which in a certain sense and to a good approximation is independent on this knowledge activity. This is a very elementary metaphysical assumption; the alternative, to say everything happens in My mind is not very convincing and even more inconsistent
is to say all is taking place in many minds: what are they to me if there is no external reality? Now
concerning independence, this also is an elementary point. If I am in a party and somebody leaves, I
observe that the party usually goes on. Then it is natural to assume that if I am to leave the party
will equally go on. Some of the developments may depend to a certain amount on my being there
and even on what I am thinking about it. And there will be also developments for which it seems
safe to assume they do not depend at all on my knowledge about them, like those deciding what
will happen to me if falling from a high building, and generally that, what we call laws of nature –
and to learn them is vital for us and seems indifferent for them.
At this point we raise the question of „realism” in the following way: do the concepts we develop
to speak of reality (of nature) and of our encounter with it have some „things” to which they refer
„there”? The safest attitude hereupon seems still to be that of Hertz:
„We construct internal appearances or symbols of external objects, and we make them such that
what results by thought-necessity from such symbols will always be a symbol of that, what
follows by nature-necessity from the symbolized objects [...] -- The symbols we speak of are our
representations for things; they have with the things the one essential concordance which consists
of satisfying the above requirement, but it is not necessary for their scope to have any other
concordance with the things.“1
For definiteness we shall call the perspective associated with this attitude „symbolic stance“. It
essentially assumes that there are external things to which concepts refer, that the concepts are not
just „images“ of these things and we are free to make them, under the condition that the ensuing
conceptual structure parallels the relations in which these things show up. In this context we would
speak of „physical understanding“ as the development and establishment of theoretical conceptual
structures in which symbols assumed to point out onto „things“ are bound to phenomena in an
interpretational network and to each other in an analytic network. A more extended discussion is
provided elsewhere2. Here we shall concentrate on the character of the reference relation and the
associated questions of necessity and definiteness.
Our discussion proceeds on the background of the above „symbolic stance“ and is biased toward
realism since we consider a dominant role for the interaction with the „reality“ in shaping our
concepts through the „requirement“ described by Hertz. Thereby, however, the questions raised by
the critical philosophy retain their full relevance.
Following Aristotle, „we consider that we know something if we think to know the cause based on
which a thing is (and to know that this is its cause) and also to know that it cannot be otherwise“.
For this, knowledge must be based on „something which is true and primary and immediate and ...
which must precede the conclusion and be its cause.“3
Philosophy of knowledge has always been concerned with the relevance of these questions:
necessity, certainty, reduction to principles, and with their grounding. Physics, on the other hand, as
a „knowledge building“ enterprise is due to act in a frame set by such questions which define its
praxis and standards. But this also means that philosophical consideration and physical experience
imply different perspectives.
In the text „Metaphysische Anfangsgründe der Naturwissenschaft“ Kant undertakes a specification
of the epistemological problem. He defines4 science as necessarily related with apodictic certainty,
since only in this way the necessity aspect inherent to laws of nature can be secured. The „pure
part“ of science on which this certainty can rest consists itself of metaphysics, which is „rational
machen uns innere Scheinbilder oder Symbole der äusseren Gegenstände, und zwar machen wir sie von solcher
Art, dass die denknotwendigen Folgen der Bilder stets wieder Bilder seien von den naturnotwendigen Folgen der
abgebildeten Gegenstände [...] -- Die Bilder, von welchen wir reden, sind unsere Vorstellungen von den Dingen; sie
haben mit den Dingen die eine wesentliche Übereinstimmung, welche in der Erfüllung der genannten Forderung
liegt, aber es ist für ihren Zweck nicht nötig, dass sie irgend eine weitere Übereinstimmung mit den Dingen
h\"atten." Hertz, 1894, p.1. All translations are ad hoc.
2I.-O. Stamatescu, 2002.
3Analytica posteriora I 2 71b. Aristotle develops these problems in both Physics and Metaphysics, where he discusses
the question of „being“, the foundation of knowledge, the role of logic, principles and categories and such basic
concepts as „surplus and default“ or „attraction and repulsion“. We mention this to remember how old and variate
this discussion is.
4I. Kant, 1957, A V,VI,VII.
knowledge from concepts for themselves“, and mathematics, which is concerned with the
construction of concepts from the representation of objects in an „Anschauung a priori“ (a priori
forms of intuition). The metaphysical system itself is based on the table of categories and the
ensuing construction proceeds on tight mathematical basis. Insisting on the a priori character of
mathematics, Kant follows: „I contend that in every special natural science only so much science is
to be found as mathematics can be found in it.“5
This setting seems therefore to provide the adequate framework for discussing the relevance and
character of physical knowledge: We define physical concepts in terms of basic categories and
resort to mathematics to construct them and their relations on the basis of the fundamental forms
of intuition to control and order the observations. One arrives in this way to the objectification
by which empirical information is taken over into physical knowledge. This process can involve
a hierarchy of statements, such as Cassirer's (data, laws, principles), their certainty claim being a
feature of our procedure. This does not mean that empirical proof is not required – it only means
that empirical information cannot by itself support a positive claim of certainty. As Cassirer
observes, the essence of this claim is the general principle of causality (der allgemeine
Kausalsatz), which is „ein Sprung in Nichts“ (a jump into void)6 -- or „a desperate hope“?7 --,
and its completion resides on the clean metaphysics, good empirical information and correct
mathematics involved.
This beautiful construction has however its problems. Both its strength and its weakness rest in
its rigidity. Is there a solid basis for it? So, for instance, according to Kant Euclidean geometry
of space and linear, absolute time determine the a priori structure of the fundamental forms of
intuition of space and time. However, already Helmholtz 1878 would notice that „Kant's teaching of the a priori forms of intuition is a very clear expression of the matters: but these forms
must be empty of content and free enough to take in any content which could present itself to the
corresponding form of perception.” 8 This is not only a question of empirical adequacy. Indeed,
if we declare, e.g., Euclidean geometry and Galilean relativity as in some way of special relevance we run into serious contradictions: since it is the theory which provides the instruments of
objectification and since the correct theory is Einstein's relativity, how can contradicting criteria
of objectification be acting simultaneously in the same object (some body in space and time)?
But even if we reduce the fundamental forms of intuitions to ordering tendencies, with which
Helmholtz might agree, we run into problems, since these orderings cannot be trivially achieved
throughout: they become intermixed because of relativity effects and are limited by quantum
effects. Finally, we may try to put them into a hierarchy (in as much as, say, Newtonian mechanics is in some sense a good approximation in the frame of special relativity). But this means a
very different understanding of the problem of achieving certainty, which in its spirit is essentially different from that of Kant. The same holds for categories: something like quantum mechanical entanglement, for instance, cannot be set up in a classical scheme. The problem is not
that our concepts must be changed, but that even the rules for constructing them evolve as a result of developing physical knowledge. Let us now, therefore, take a closer look to the perspective of physics.
„Ich behaupte aber, daß in jeder besonderen Naturlehre nur so viel eigentliche Wissenschaft angetroffen werden kann,
als darin Mathematik anzutreffen ist.“. I.Kant, 1957, A VIII, IX. The role of mathematics in natural science is
undoubtedly one of the most outstanding questions in the epistemology of science. For some remarks concerning
this subject in the context of transcendental philosophy see H. Wismann and I.-O. Stamatescu, 1994.
6E. Cassirer, 1987, p. 200.
7See Peirce, 1991. For Peirce the understandability of the natural process is a postulate, or, just as well, a ``desperate
hope", since only in as far as this holds is knowledge possible.
8„Kants Lehre von den a priori gegebenen Formen der Anschauung ist eine seht glücklicher und klarer Ausdruck
des Sachverhältnisses; aber diese Formen müssen inhaltsleer und frei genug sein, um jeden Inhalt, der überhaupt
in die betreffende Form der Wahrnehmung eintreten kann, aufzunehmen.“ H. von Helmholtz, 1971, p. 299.
Physics builds up symbolic structures under the constraints of empirical adequacy and mathematical consistency. By this we mean systems of concepts and rules, bound in relational and interpretational networks by reference among themselves, to observations, and to what they imply to lye
“behind the phenomena”. Neither do we “read up” theories from the observations, nor do we construct them arbitrarily by just summarising observations, but we develop them on the base of the
latter, with mathematics providing both a reservoir of concepts and the analytic rules. This is a very
tight process in which the already acquired and secured knowledge sets theoretical lines on which
the evolution of established schemes and the emergence of new ones – mostly in contradiction with
these lines themselves -- can proceed. Most theoretical developments are evolutions and revolutions at the same time: so does special relativity use the relativity principles including homogeneity
and isotropy of space but contradicts the simultaneity principle – both part of pre-Einsteinean physics. In the praxis of physics there is no immovable a priori, not bound in the developments of this
praxis itself. In as much as intuition is not just “canonization of common sense”9 it must itself
evolve (see also B. Falkenburg, 2002, I.-O. Stamatescu, 1995).
Thus, for instance, we understand space starting from our three-dimensional experience, but also by
extending this experience beyond its immediate limits, both by instruments and by reasoning. And
there is no reason to feel secure of never needing to deal with higher dimensional spaces – so as we
already had to deal with “particles” having no well defined trajectories, or we may have to deal
with “paradoxal” relativistic twins in may be the not so far a future, none of them daily intuitions.
We steadily need to develop new intuitions and this involves observation and reasoning (“welche
Reihe von Anschauung und Nachdenken verfolgte ich nicht...” -- “what chain of intuitions and reasoning was I not following...”10).
Hence the physical concepts are build up under rules which themselves evolve as a result of the
need to meet in these concepts empirical accuracy and mathematical consistency. Quantum physics,
for instance, does not only bring forth new concepts but also new rules for objectification and for
categorical analysis. The validation rules are unchanged in their essence – empirical and mathematical correctness – but their realization can become more complex in order to cope with the abstract
theoretical schemes and involved phenomenology.
This brings with it the question of continuity. Our knowledge evolves not just by accumulation and
refining: we build up increasingly powerful theories, increasingly richer in their structures. We
cannot just add a new feature to an old concept or theoretical scheme: this would require arbitrarily
many ad hoc procedures, since it must be repeated for each phenomenon. It can therefore only be
an intermediary step – such was, for instance Bohr's model of the hydrogen atom. Only when we
have achieved to bind the new features in a new theoretical scheme, which then dictates how they
have to be assigned to every phenomenon, do we reach a new understanding. Each step extends the
horizon of explanations and bases the latter on fewer hypotheses. But this means that the new theories must involve genuinely new concepts and rules. How is the question of continuity in our
knowledge process resolved? It turns out that, with few exceptions, the old conceptual structures
are recognizable in the new ones, in the sense that the latter provide ways to make a relation to the
old ones. The notion of controlled approximation is essential in this connection, by which we mean
that we can unequivocally identify the physical situations in which the old theories provide a description which is nearly as good as that provided by the new theory, with “nearly” having a well
defined quantitative meaning. Of course, also the reversed question is allowed: how strong is the
bound to the old structure and does this not too much influence the new ones? Is continuity not rather an artefact of our procedure? Notice that the old conceptual scheme is not fully recovered, only
Reichenbach, 1965, p. 73.
von Goethe. S.39.
part of it is recognizable, correspondingly only part of it will enter the new theory. In fact the new
structures are typically not approachable in the frame of the old ones. On the one hand we have to
do with real incompatibilities, on the other hand the old concepts appear describable in the frame of
the new theory in the relative sense sketched above. This seems a reasonable basis for identifying
true progress in a scientific process based on providing hypotheses, and for gaining trust in its solidity. And at the same time this also means that the conceptual settings take part to the same dynamics as physical knowledge in general. The structural questions of critical philosophy must
therefore be treated in the frame of this dynamics.
We should first recall the frame in which we want to position our discussion. This is modern physics, that is the theories of the standard model of fundamental interactions (SM) and the theory of
general relativity (GRT), together with the theories of classical physics which represent general
theoretical schemes, some of them also secured as approximations for the more fundamental theories: thermodynamics, classical mechanics and statistical mechanics, electrodynamics.
These theories can also be viewed in larger study frames, which call upon many of them
simultaneously: the structure of matter, space and time, complex systems, fundamental interactions,
etc. They cover more or less without gaps the whole known physical universe, from the largest to
the smallest now observable scales. This does not mean that they explain everything: not only it is
not meaningful to require them to explain life, etc., but also many physical phenomena remain yet
unexplained, and we do not know whether the envisageable development can deal with them. What
is meant here is that within their validity domains they do not seem to be contradicted, and that
these domains are not disjunct. They may refer to a certain class of phenomena (e.g.,
electromagnetic, gravitational) or they may be defined as approximations (to other theories) for
phenomena fulfilling some conditions (non-relativistic theories for velocities much lower than c,
non-quantum theories for “decohering" situations) -- but within these limits they are understood as
generally valid in the following sense: If we find phenomena which do not obey the theory but
should belong to its validity domain, this cannot be cured by arbitrarily redesigning the validity
domain but has to be taken as a statement for the theory as a whole. So, for instance, before special
relativity was established, classical mechanics was claimed valid for all mechanical phenomena.
The subsequent restriction of its validity domain implied that the theory itself can only be
Seen as theoretical schemes all the mentioned theories are more or less self consistent, seen as
knowledge about nature they build up an open hierarchy. The standard model is a collection of
quantum field theories, like Quantum Electrodynamics (QED), which themselves implement
consistently the theoretical schemes of quantum mechanics and of the special relativistic, classical
field theory such as Electrodynamics (ED) . They are theories in space and time concerning all
known interactions besides gravity. General relativity, on the other hand is a theory of space and
time, and incorporates gravity. The hierarchy is open since these theories represent separate,
unrelated schemes and therefore can only apply to phenomena where the effects they describe are
independent on each other. However, there are physical situations where this can no longer be
expected to hold and the research is directed toward finding a unified theoretical scheme. The
names GUT (Grand Unified Theory) or FT (Final Theory) are only road signs in this enterprise.
Since the usual reduction goes from macroscopic to microscopic, a theory typically is valid for all
length scales larger (or energy scales smaller) than those where it was established, while from the
point of view of a theory set up for smaller scales the former may appear as „effective“ or
approximate. The standard model of elementary particles, for instance, appears valid at all scales
between subnuclear (hadronic) and cosmological ones (up to uncertainties such as those
concerning the so-called „dark matter“, etc., which cannot yet be assessed). On the other hand, it
is expected to be only an „effective“ theory from the point of view of the more fundamental,
„grand unified“ theories, which we hope to develop in order to describe the phenomena at scales
much smaller than the hadronic ones.
It may seem that the reversed view also holds: thermodynamic quantities and laws, for instance,
emerge when we deal with very many degrees of freedom; some peculiar regularities, as flow
patterns and so on only appear at large scales. But this does not mean that mechanics, e.g., is not
valid there (it is just consequent application of microscopic laws which leads to such peculiar
-- „deterministic chaos“, for instance). It points, however, to the explanative limitations of the
reduction of such phenomena at these larger scales to microscopic laws, and to the necessity of
developing concepts directly dealing with complexity.
We have spoken of the conceptual dynamics, so let us try to gain some insight into it by considering one example.
Let us consider the concept of electron, the first question is then, what exactly do we mean. Of
course we can call ElectronED the thing electrodynamics speaks of, ElectronQM the thing quantum
mechanics speaks of and ElectronQED the thing quantum electrodynamics speaks of, and they are
(more or less) fixed in the respective symbolic networks; but then they can only be said to point
approximately to one thing in the reality, since the „objects“ they define do not coincide: So is
ElectronED a classical, relativistic particle without spin and with undefined internal structure (if
point-like its self-energy would be divergent); ElectronQM is a non-relativistic, point-like quantum
particle with spin and ElectronQED is a relativistic, point-like quantum object with spin, which, in
contradiction with the other two, can be created and annihilated.
The theoretical schemes in which we identify these objects differ very much: not only do we
observe different qualities (spin, self-energy) but even the conditions of objectification are
In quantum mechanics we use galilean relativity and euclidean geometry, while in the other two
cases we have special relativity and Minkowski space time. In electrodynamics ElectronED is a
classical, distinguishable particle, with well defined velocity and position at each point along a
continuous trajectory – while of course this no longer holds for the quantum object. And both in
electrodynamics and in quantum mechanics we deal with stable particles, while ElectronQED can
appear and disappear, accompanied by a new object, its antiparticle. It is only in the sense of
„controlled approximation“ as discussed in section 2 that we can put all these objects into some
relation to each other.
Now, up to certain non-definiteness each of these concepts is effective and justified in well defined
physical situations. Moreover we can tune the physical situations such as to continuously change
between the manifestations as ElectronQED, ElectronQM and ElectronED - as put into evidence, e.g.,
in a Wilson or buble chamber. Of course, ElectronQED is the overriding concept, it has a richer
structure and it also ensures the continuity condition as described in section 2. Hence one may be
tempted to choose ElectronQED for the „true“ concept and consider the other two as approximations
for two different, limited physical situations. But there is no guaranty that ElectronQED is not itself
only an approximation, an „effective concept“, in fact there is any reason to expect that in the frame
of a higher, „grand unified theory“ this will be replaced by an ElectronGUT or some other, still
richer concept.
One could consider these facts as a suggestion that all we do is to construct objects in one or other
objectification frame – theory. We should not forget, however, that we do not speak of abstract
exercises but of very precise physical situations and that these theories are not just happy thoughts,
but they are themselves results of our endeavour: They are coherent conceptual systems with
empirical basis, constructed such as to include the objects we are speaking of in a consistent
symbolic network, and they are constructed in an evolving process. The interesting observation then
is that these ElectronTM appear as marks on a path which seems „to be there“ at least for a while,
and which we shall simply call Electron. The "track" Electron represents a directed path, in the
sense in which one theory overrides the other. Clearly the symbol Electron is of a different and
much more ambiguous character than ElectronED, ElectronQM or ElectronQED (since it correlates to
all of the latter in an un-precise way, and in fact suggests that there may appear further concepts to
which it may correlate some day). Nevertheless it shows a "necessity“ which in some sense
transcends that of ElectronED, ElectronQM or ElectronQED because it seems to hold beyond the
binding in a particular symbolic network: a conceptual path such as Electron seems more directly
related to the „alien element" which we need to deal with when we proceed in our symbolic
construction and which transpires in the empirical moment. On the one hand it is this element
which forces us to evolve our theories and concepts and which stays behind this track, and on the
other hand there are the marks we put in this construction which makes us recognize that there is a
Hence the reference relation appears well defined but conditional for each of these ElectronTM,
while it is unconditional but undefined for the Electron. Of course it is understandable that we can
see different „frames“ of reality depending on the „scale“ we look at, and that we may consistently
define the physical conditions which support these frames. So is, for instance, a stone a most „real“
object, typically used in illustrations to enforce the intuition of reality. But if we look at it through
an electronic microscope we shall see shadows of atoms and indeed we shall find those things we
describe as atoms in quantum mechanics by „looking“ through refined „instruments“, such as
diffraction of electrons or -ray experiments. And if we go at still smaller scales we shall find (in
the above sense) the things and interactions taken care of by the conceptual structure of the
standard model. We can accept the „conditional reality“ of each such frame – its reality as
constrained at a given scale. The point is, however, that these frames, beyond their „superficial“
reality seem to define a directed conceptual flow pointing at a „deeper“ reality, one which must be
there, since otherwise there would be no necessity relation between these frames. This „deeper
reality“ may be that of a „final theory“, something like Electron = ElectronFT, with, may be, FT =
GUT, and physics ending there. But it may also be that a final theory does not exist, or that it
cannot consistently associate a metaphysics but only provide a way to relate different,
complementary theoretical frames. Thus, beyond accepting the conditional reality of each of these
frames it is interesting also to ask about the status of that „deeper reality“, which is only indicated
by the fact that it drives the flow recognized by the marks set in each frame of the hierarchy:
ElectronED, ElectronQM, ElectronQED, ElectronGUT.
These frames are not just arbitrary choices: the physical situations bring them forth and the closure
of the corresponding theoretical schemes define them self consistently. When we speak of
consistently defining them we mean that we can try to understand how they emerge – mostly a
posteriori, using more steps of the theoretical development. So, for instance, in quantum field
theory we know that particles can only be produced if the available energies are larger than their
masses. This means that we shall not expect quantum field theoretical effects below some energy
scale, and thus we can stay in the frame of quantum mechanics if also all velocities are low. On the
other hand, classical, non-quantum physics can be approached from the frame of quantum
mechanics within the so called decoherence program11, again in well circumscribed physical
conditions. In this way we can define the „conditionality“ of the quantum mechanics frame,
between classical mechanics and quantum field theory.
The reality status itself evolves in going from frame to frame: so, for instance, to arrive at the
quantum mechanical concept of system we had to combine in a nontrivial way the concepts of
particle and wave. However, quantum mechanics is not only this combination but a much reacher
structure and it is the quantum object which has a claim of reality. This object is not only very
different from the classical one, but even its status and therefore the status of the „reality“ described
by quantum mechanics is different from that of the classical physics: we cannot distinguish, for
instance, identical particles by following their paths, we have no continuous causal space-time
chains, etc. Now quantum mechanics itself is not the final theory. We do not know even whether
there is a „final theory“ object, therefore the status question for the FT-frame may be more drastic
than for quantum mechanics.
This example shows therefore that not only do concepts evolve, but so do also the associated
objectification rules and the „reality“ status. The necessity implied in this association, likewise the
corresponding objectification cannot be based on an immovable scheme but can only be understood
As we have seen the analysis of physical concepts does not allow to promote an absolute necessity
claim in the association of symbols to things (at least not before having reached the asymptotic
limit of a final theory!). But this does not mean renouncing the requirement for necessity on the
way; on the contrary, it seems to be an important stabilizing factor in a process based on „proposing
and testing hypotheses“, since it forces us to be more restrictive than mere „adequacy“ would
require. Also the observed development of science seems to support some concept of necessity in
choosing theories and producing hierarchies. The „conditional reality“ of the physical concepts
discussed in the last section corresponds to a „conditional necessity“ of their association to things.
We should be aware that the relations implied by this "necessities" cannot be simple and
immovable. They have to be understood in an evolutive process of knowledge building in which
the objects are defined in a theoretical frame and found in the corresponding physical situation: it is
the concordance of theoretical definition and empirical embedding, the unambiguous and
reproducible physical situation and its identification in the theory, which stays behind this
conditional necessity.
A similar observation concerns the notion of truth. A philosophical pragmatist may claim to be
„suspicious about the distinction between justification and truth, for that distinction makes no
difference to my decision about what to do.“12. A physicist would be inclined to think that surely
this distinction makes no difference to him in deciding an action but may make a great deal of
difference to what happens to him after performing the decided action. If physical theories are
justification systems we should notice that:
- the anticipation of possible unexpected reactions from the environment is the motivation for
research programs;
e.g., E. Joos et al., 2003.
Rorty, 1998, p. 19.
- the research improves our knowledge, in that previously unexpected reactions are accommodated
in new justifications;
- research programs lead in the long run to ordered justification structures (the previous level is
either replaced or incorporated -- e.g., recognized as an approximation with a well-defined domain
of validity); and that
- competition situations are solved in the long run in an „objective" way, in that the alternative with
the best development capacities tends to take over.
In particular this is the reason why one continues to test the predictions of even established
theories: the present „justification network“, as solid as it may appear, can still be defective or it
can miss further connections (see, for instance, the important, present day field of quantum
mechanics tests).
The expectation of a possible discrepancy between our predictions (based on justifications) and the
actual happenings is therefore pragmatically relevant (it makes us eager to learn), and this
expectation itself hides in it an „additional norm" besides justification, since we do not expect that
whatever was behind the previous discrepancy depends on our improved justification but the other
way around. Under the „postulate“ of the intelligibility of the world the motor of scientific progress
lies in the expectation of something not yet justifiable but in principle intelligible, and this implies
in fact a notion of truth. But this, again, cannot be understood in an absolute sense, otherwise we
would not be able to set up any theories. Indeed we are led each time by tracing an element of truth
and we can construct on this basis a consistent theory. But, as long as we did not reach the final
theory, this procedure is bound to a certain development level and physical frame and therefore
there must be a „truth“ which is effective at this frame and which is in this sense also conditional,
bound to this frame. Truth, as well as reference are therefore dynamical concepts. They are,
however, robust – well defined and related to reproducible physical situations -- and pragmatically
Physical understanding, while always bound to the necessity and universality criteria and to the aim
of reducing observations to basic principles, must, just because of this, evolve its own rules of proceeding, and of defining and achieving knowledge about the physical world. Thereby we can, on
the one hand, identify and describe the kind of continuity of the scientific process, and rely on it to
define scientific progress. On the other hand the accompanying epistemological process may seem
more discontinuous. This may be due to the fact that usually philosophical systems are seen as alternative perspectives and one is not inclined to accept a notion of progress like the one active in
the physical knowledge process. None of these systems, however, can provide a unique scheme for
accompanying the process of physics in all its adventures. Even so they can via agreements and
contradictions likewise help characterize physical understanding.
Physicists typically do not feel very much bound to philosophical accuracy. This pragmatic attitude
starts already at the realist/idealist alternative:
„In natural science the opposing world views of Realism and Idealism designate non-contradictory
methodological principles.... We construct [in natural science] an objective world in which
simultaneously two principles must hold: A`realistic' principle [which, following Helmholtz, could
be described as follows] -- `a difference in the perceptions reaching us is always due to a difference
of the real conditions.'... [ further], an `idealistic' principle -- `the objective picture of the world
should allow no differences which could not show up in perception; an existence which by
principle is closed to perception is not accepted.' "13
der Naturwissenschaft bezeichnen die weltanschaulichen Gegensätze von Realismus und Idealismus
einander nicht widersprechende methodische Prinzipien.... Wir konstruieren in ihr eine objektive Welt, in der
These methodological principles do not determine, however, the character of the theoretical
construction. What understanding of the knowledge process of physics is achieved in one or the
other perspectives? What a naive idealism cannot show, is why our knowledge works – why can we
describe reality and not just ourselves. What naive realism cannot show is, why it may fail – why
explanations may be wrong and why we need to evolve our concepts. And what empiricism and
constructivism cannot show, is why there is a progressing scientific process and not just a
collection of ad hoc explanations.
The „symbolic stance“ mentioned in section 1 has been at the basis of our discussion. We have
tried to describe a number of features characteristic to the process of developing physical
knowledge: a certain kind of directed continuity, what we have called conditional necessity and
reality connected to the reference of our concepts to things, a „dynamical“ notion of truth. What is
the significance of these features from the point of view of critical philosophy?
The Kantian program allows us to raise the questions of objectification and of the construction of
concepts. We can in this way at any given moment try to disentangle settings from findings and this
is essential for understanding the evolution of physical concepts and theories and uncover the
associated dynamics. We have tried to follow these questions in our discussion. But the Kantian
program itself is not compatible with the view of this dynamics which we have advanced here since
it is based on a static scheme separating knowledge and conditions of knowledge. Therefore we
also cannot take over its solution to Hume's problem.
Certainty cannot be ensured in the way proposed by Kant, since, e.g. a priori forms of intuition
as conditions of objectification do themselves evolve and are subject to the same rules of the
game as are effective for physical knowledge generally. And of course certainty cannot be
secured empirically, simply because at no given moment do we have complete information. But
do we really need certainty? Popper14, for example, renounces certainty while retaining necessity
as an operational aspect in hypothesis building: we claim necessity in order to be able to test and
judge upon hypotheses.
It is suggestive that certainty must have the same status as the causality principle on which it
eventually depends. Then, under an intelligibility postulate, the conditional reality and necessity
we have described, and the progress of the scientific process, would suffice to justify the use of
an effective notion of certainty, going therefore beyond Popper's operational ansatz.
We started this discussion in the frame up of the critical philosophy and we found out that its
ansatz allowed us a differentiate analysis. But we also found out that we must renonce the rigid
scheme of the Kantian program and its one directional implication. We find out that we put into
our knowledge a priori parts which come from ourselves and that this procedure works. But in
detail this does not work always. In fact, we are a result of evolution and there should be a
zugleich zwei Prinzipien gelten müssen: Ein `realistisches' Prinzip, [das man mit Helmholtz so darstellen kann]:
`Eine Verschiedenheit der sich uns aufdrängenden Wahrnehmungen ist stets in einer Verschiedenheit der reellen
Bedingungen fundiert.'... [Ferner] ein `idealistisches' Prinzip: `das objektive Weltbild darf keine Verschiedenheiten
zulassen, die nicht in Verschiedenheiten der Wahrnehmung sich kundgeben können; ein prinzipiell der
Wahrnehmung unzugängliches Sein wird nicht zugestanden.' " (Weyl, 1976, p. 84.) Of course perception here is
meant in a generalized sense: computer registered events in CERN detectors are perceptions, just as well as WMAP
data. Even so we do not hesitate some times to introduce concepts which appear necessary to make the theoretical
construction consistent, but – at least at a certain level – have no directly observable effects, such as the potentials
in QED and gauge theories. One can argue that they have an indirect reality, as components of a successful theory,
but this is surely in need of further discussion.
14K. Popper, 1972.
compatibility between the way nature works and the way our mind works. But this does not
mean we are fully aware of either one. This also concerns the analytic part: not only must we
choose between various mathematical structures, but every chosen structure seems to close too
early – before reaching the definitive truth: when mathematically closed our theories are not yet
physically achieved. Hence we must admit for the a priori part the same rules of the game and
the same evolutive character as for the a posteriori part. When they work they have catch in
some way some of the structure of the world, lying behind and showing up in the phenomena.
Part of this is cast in the foundation of our concepts – and this is what we may call a priori – and
part of it enters the content of these concepts. The former is the direct reflection of that
interaction between the world and living things which we call thinking. It determines the latter
(the content of the concepts) but its evolution itself is dependent on its realization as the latter:
we would not have changed the rules for organizing events, for instance, if we would not have
made observations and written down theories in space and time, and test them. This intertwined
evolution appears specific to the process of physics.
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