The Philosophy of Desire in The Buddhist Pali Canon
... the desire to stop all desiring and states simply that those who desire to stop all desiring will never be successful.4 The piece from which I take this quote, and the set of articles in the subsequent issue of Philosophy East & West that replied to it, were the starting point for my initial thought ...
... the desire to stop all desiring and states simply that those who desire to stop all desiring will never be successful.4 The piece from which I take this quote, and the set of articles in the subsequent issue of Philosophy East & West that replied to it, were the starting point for my initial thought ...
View - OhioLINK Electronic Theses and Dissertations Center
... in common with its traditional meaning. Instead, Nietzsche asserts that “freedom” is unmediated action which is expressed naturally and involuntarily from one’s underlying inherited traits. For the higher types, such “freedom” is expressed in acts of strength, ...
... in common with its traditional meaning. Instead, Nietzsche asserts that “freedom” is unmediated action which is expressed naturally and involuntarily from one’s underlying inherited traits. For the higher types, such “freedom” is expressed in acts of strength, ...
Tekstiä esitelmän 1
... 1) My work brings the hermeneutic tradition into the recent historical discussion on the philosophical methods of the twentieth century. This perspective on hermeneutics has not been investigated before. My research focuses on Ricœur‘s interdisciplinary method in relation to the other philosophical ...
... 1) My work brings the hermeneutic tradition into the recent historical discussion on the philosophical methods of the twentieth century. This perspective on hermeneutics has not been investigated before. My research focuses on Ricœur‘s interdisciplinary method in relation to the other philosophical ...
... and the glory of thy people Israel” [Luke, 2:32]); and openness to those who were previously considered “sinners” (“I came not to call the righteous, but sinners to repentance” [Luke, 5:32] — as long as their sin is not intolerance itself). The Gospel contains messages that are paradoxical, which is ...
... and the glory of thy people Israel” [Luke, 2:32]); and openness to those who were previously considered “sinners” (“I came not to call the righteous, but sinners to repentance” [Luke, 5:32] — as long as their sin is not intolerance itself). The Gospel contains messages that are paradoxical, which is ...
The Oxford Handbook of Ethical Theory
... drug use, family responsibilities, and professional ethics. Can war be just? Is euthanasia ever justifiable? This volume focuses, however, on questions that are more abstract than these. For example, what kinds of actions are right or wrong? These questions may seem far removed from concrete issues o ...
... drug use, family responsibilities, and professional ethics. Can war be just? Is euthanasia ever justifiable? This volume focuses, however, on questions that are more abstract than these. For example, what kinds of actions are right or wrong? These questions may seem far removed from concrete issues o ...
Walker Percy and the Magic of Naming
... Walker Percy wanted to find a cohesive and decisive explanatory theory for humans. He observed that our culture is riddled with conflicting and competing theories resonating through our social fabric and our confused and divided American consciousness – both individual and group. We no longer have a ...
... Walker Percy wanted to find a cohesive and decisive explanatory theory for humans. He observed that our culture is riddled with conflicting and competing theories resonating through our social fabric and our confused and divided American consciousness – both individual and group. We no longer have a ...
Willful Ignorance and Self-Deception
... only believed but did not know that p, then he was, strictly speaking, ignorant that p. However, believing truly that p is so close a condition to knowing that p that we would surely balk at describing Speer as having been ignorant of p, if he had the true belief that p (see Peels 2010, p. 60). Thus ...
... only believed but did not know that p, then he was, strictly speaking, ignorant that p. However, believing truly that p is so close a condition to knowing that p that we would surely balk at describing Speer as having been ignorant of p, if he had the true belief that p (see Peels 2010, p. 60). Thus ...
new Nietzsche
... Nietzsche's biography is uninspiring, to say the least. Nonetheless, this subject appears to have been the principal source of inspiration for the tiresome array of books that has followed him. The situation changed, however, with the publication of Heidegger's two-volume study, in which Nietzsche f ...
... Nietzsche's biography is uninspiring, to say the least. Nonetheless, this subject appears to have been the principal source of inspiration for the tiresome array of books that has followed him. The situation changed, however, with the publication of Heidegger's two-volume study, in which Nietzsche f ...
Meditations by Marcus Aurelius
... after the interests of friends, and to tolerate ignorant persons, and those who form opinions without consideration: he had the power of readily accommodating himself to all, so that intercourse with him was more agreeable than any flattery; and at the same time he was most highly venerated by those ...
... after the interests of friends, and to tolerate ignorant persons, and those who form opinions without consideration: he had the power of readily accommodating himself to all, so that intercourse with him was more agreeable than any flattery; and at the same time he was most highly venerated by those ...
Philosophy of the Buddha: An Introduction
... we will be studying the heart of all Buddhist traditions. Of course, these traditions have interpreted and developed the Buddha’s teaching in strikingly different ways. For example, as we move from Sri Lanka to Tibet to Japan, the practice of Buddhism varies significantly. A full understanding of Bud ...
... we will be studying the heart of all Buddhist traditions. Of course, these traditions have interpreted and developed the Buddha’s teaching in strikingly different ways. For example, as we move from Sri Lanka to Tibet to Japan, the practice of Buddhism varies significantly. A full understanding of Bud ...
Philosophy of the Buddha
... we will be studying the heart of all Buddhist traditions. Of course, these traditions have interpreted and developed the Buddha’s teaching in strikingly different ways. For example, as we move from Sri Lanka to Tibet to Japan, the practice of Buddhism varies significantly. A full understanding of Bud ...
... we will be studying the heart of all Buddhist traditions. Of course, these traditions have interpreted and developed the Buddha’s teaching in strikingly different ways. For example, as we move from Sri Lanka to Tibet to Japan, the practice of Buddhism varies significantly. A full understanding of Bud ...
Durham e-Theses - Durham University
... Buddhist thought in believing that one has to break down the "metaphysical truths" in order for mankind to mature and grow. Although it is primarily intended for comparison with Nietzsche, this background information is necessary for the Nietzschean scholar to understand the basics of Buddhist philo ...
... Buddhist thought in believing that one has to break down the "metaphysical truths" in order for mankind to mature and grow. Although it is primarily intended for comparison with Nietzsche, this background information is necessary for the Nietzschean scholar to understand the basics of Buddhist philo ...
Kant`s Deconstruction of the Principle of Sufficient Reason
... preferable to speak of determining rather than sufficient reason.' But is it so clear that the Wolffian definition is circular? It is so only if the same thing is meant by 'reason' (in: "reason is that from which it is possible to understand," ratio est, unde intelligi potest ) and by 'why' ("why s ...
... preferable to speak of determining rather than sufficient reason.' But is it so clear that the Wolffian definition is circular? It is so only if the same thing is meant by 'reason' (in: "reason is that from which it is possible to understand," ratio est, unde intelligi potest ) and by 'why' ("why s ...
CLEMENS, JUSTIN Title - Minerva Access
... produces no truths (small t, plural) of its own. For Badiou, there are only four discourses capable of such a production; they are poetry, love, mathematics, and politics, and are, and will eternally remain, philosophy's sole conditions Each of these generic conditions is an exercise of thought, but ...
... produces no truths (small t, plural) of its own. For Badiou, there are only four discourses capable of such a production; they are poetry, love, mathematics, and politics, and are, and will eternally remain, philosophy's sole conditions Each of these generic conditions is an exercise of thought, but ...
Platonic Meditations: The Work of Alain Badiou
... - given that both Deleuze and Badiou are attempting to think "affirmatively" - but with a double proviso: I) for Badiou, philosophy itse/fis not involved in the invention and production of such possibilities (this is the realm of its four generic conditions); 2) the modal categories of logic are rec ...
... - given that both Deleuze and Badiou are attempting to think "affirmatively" - but with a double proviso: I) for Badiou, philosophy itse/fis not involved in the invention and production of such possibilities (this is the realm of its four generic conditions); 2) the modal categories of logic are rec ...
Hegel, Nietzsche and the Beyond Within Life by Michael Harry
... transcendent dualism marks the same starting-point for the constructive philosophies of both Hegel and Nietzsche: both are attempts to find meaning for humanity from a beyond which is within life. The ...
... transcendent dualism marks the same starting-point for the constructive philosophies of both Hegel and Nietzsche: both are attempts to find meaning for humanity from a beyond which is within life. The ...
Was Pyrrho the Founder of Skepticism?
... 4.32, LS 68E2). This description shows Arcesilaus to be neither an idealist like Plato, nor a serious ethical skeptic like Pyrrho, but a dialectician using skeptical arguments in the battle against the Stoics. Arcesilaus had serious reasons to remain silent concerning the inspiration he drew from Py ...
... 4.32, LS 68E2). This description shows Arcesilaus to be neither an idealist like Plato, nor a serious ethical skeptic like Pyrrho, but a dialectician using skeptical arguments in the battle against the Stoics. Arcesilaus had serious reasons to remain silent concerning the inspiration he drew from Py ...
Rationalism, Sentimentalism, and Ralph Cudworth
... which do not inform us of things independent of our own minds. As I shall show in section three, Cudworth argued in TEIM that reason is that which informs us of propositions that we fully understand, that are necessarily true, that are selfcontradictory to deny. If, in contrast, a mental item (e.g., ...
... which do not inform us of things independent of our own minds. As I shall show in section three, Cudworth argued in TEIM that reason is that which informs us of propositions that we fully understand, that are necessarily true, that are selfcontradictory to deny. If, in contrast, a mental item (e.g., ...
Schopenhauer`s Theory of Justice
... undoubtedly suffered from maternal deprivation and from the inconsistency between his mother's public and private personalities. One oft-recounted incident in Schopenhauer's life well illustrates his relationship with his mother. At the age of nineteen, Schopenhauer resumed his academic career, six ...
... undoubtedly suffered from maternal deprivation and from the inconsistency between his mother's public and private personalities. One oft-recounted incident in Schopenhauer's life well illustrates his relationship with his mother. At the age of nineteen, Schopenhauer resumed his academic career, six ...
this PDF file
... forms throughout his writings, that 'man is a citizen of two worlds.' For Rosenzweig, this claim must be qualified. Indeed, through our birth as distinct and unique individuals we form meaningful relationships with greater entities that give our lives meaning, for example, as citizens belonging to a ...
... forms throughout his writings, that 'man is a citizen of two worlds.' For Rosenzweig, this claim must be qualified. Indeed, through our birth as distinct and unique individuals we form meaningful relationships with greater entities that give our lives meaning, for example, as citizens belonging to a ...
- James Tartaglia
... is using ‘epistemology’ to mean ‘foundationalist epistemology’, so that he can subsequently disclaim epistemological commitment, and thereby reinforce his call for an end to systematic epistemological research, which he considered socially useless (c.f. Rorty 1979: 315). As I shall be trying to sho ...
... is using ‘epistemology’ to mean ‘foundationalist epistemology’, so that he can subsequently disclaim epistemological commitment, and thereby reinforce his call for an end to systematic epistemological research, which he considered socially useless (c.f. Rorty 1979: 315). As I shall be trying to sho ...
Summer 2007 - Interpretation: A Journal of Political Philosophy
... Shakespeare attempts to show the “age and body of the time” to itself, in what would be a kind of communal or political self-knowing. The purpose of drama in all times, according to Hamlet, includes what Harry Jaffa identifies as the Shakespearean project of a history of Western civilization (1981, ...
... Shakespeare attempts to show the “age and body of the time” to itself, in what would be a kind of communal or political self-knowing. The purpose of drama in all times, according to Hamlet, includes what Harry Jaffa identifies as the Shakespearean project of a history of Western civilization (1981, ...
thackeray the satirist - Rice Scholarship Home
... out of the room murmuring, “Thank heaven, that is over”; and then George got killed and poor Amelia worshiped his canonized memory, and all the time Colonel Dobbin, who had always loved her, was hovering about her, trying to make her a little happier, and Amelia was piously inhibiting the idea of ha ...
... out of the room murmuring, “Thank heaven, that is over”; and then George got killed and poor Amelia worshiped his canonized memory, and all the time Colonel Dobbin, who had always loved her, was hovering about her, trying to make her a little happier, and Amelia was piously inhibiting the idea of ha ...
John Searle - sikkim university library
... about epistemology. Searle has discussed these topics throughout his career although as yet he has not devoted full length works to them. It is interesting to note that his realist stance in ontology fits hand in glove with many of his early works. A speech act telling us that the car over there is ...
... about epistemology. Searle has discussed these topics throughout his career although as yet he has not devoted full length works to them. It is interesting to note that his realist stance in ontology fits hand in glove with many of his early works. A speech act telling us that the car over there is ...
A Time for Silence? - UK National Commission for UNESCO
... and of communication. But what is the role of silence, solitude, and of contemplation? In contemporary western society, and indeed globally, we are experiencing a tidal wave of sound and speech, together with relentless pressure for personal expression. However, much of this is noise rather than gen ...
... and of communication. But what is the role of silence, solitude, and of contemplation? In contemporary western society, and indeed globally, we are experiencing a tidal wave of sound and speech, together with relentless pressure for personal expression. However, much of this is noise rather than gen ...