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COMMUNITY HEALTH AND EPIDEMIOLOGY EPID 828-­‐ INFECTIOUS DISEASES Beatriz Eugenia Alvarado Department of Community Health and Epidemiology Caruthers Hall, Office No 205 Phone: 613 533 6000 ext 79540 PREREQUISITES •
Having approved the basic biostatistics and/or epidemiology courses RATIONALE OF THIS COURSE •
Infectious diseases produce a high burden of disease in the globe. Students need to be familiar with the main global/Canadian infectious diseases problems Public health practitioners (epidemiologist) should have a good understanding of how host-­‐agent biology interacts with environment to produce diseases. Infectious conditions are a unique example of human, agent and environment interactions. Public health practitioners will be in charge of studying outbreaks and in designing and implementing simple surveillance systems. Students will be introduced to some concrete cases and local cases to deep their knowledge. While working with communities, public health practitioners (epidemiologist) may encounter populations with elevated burden of infectious diseases. Therefore is necessary to know what factors may account for such burden, and what strategies could be more effective in reducing transmission of contagious diseases. OUTPUTS: What we will expect from you in this course •
You will provide enough contributions to online discussion material You will attend every class prepare to discuss the assigned material and participate in the discussion You will prepare conscientiously to present two study cases over the course LEARNING GOAL(S): What we hope you will develop through this course •
To recognize and understand the basic concepts related to infectious diseases: immunity, infection, latency, resistance, transmission, virulence among others. To identify main biological aspects of most common infectious diseases: acute respiratory illness, diarrheal diseases, tuberculosis, HIV and other sexual transmitted diseases, viral hepatitis etc. To be able to design a simple surveillance system, a rapid response to an outbreak and an emergency response initiative To be aware of methodological, analytical and diagnostic tools related to the study of infectious diseases. •
To be able to describe an infectious disease problem and illustrate how multiple causes/factors interact to explain the dynamic of transmission and perpetuation. To articulate biology, host and environment knowledge to explain the dynamic of transmission and possible prevention of an ID problem. To be able to recognize advantages and limitations of different public health interventions addressing infectious disease prevention and control. To incorporate ethical aspects in their appraisal of an infectious disease related problem. HOW THE COURSE IS ORGANIZED The course has two components: 1) Web (moodle based) material and 2) in-­‐Class material and lecturing. The web material will consist of: •
Quizzes: will introduce you to the general principles and basic biological concepts related to any infectious disease. It includes a series of power-­‐point lectures that will help you to answer the questions; Forums of discussion. Each student will be assigned one or two weeks in which they have to contribute with an update of a recent discussion on an infectious disease related event. Student should summarize some news or recent paper and provide feedback. Glossary: students will contribute to the glossary of terms new for them. This will help others to understand and learn new concepts. The in-­‐class section of the course will be directed to learn about: •
Methods, analysis and laboratory tools to study ID; Main determinants of exposure, transmission, infection, and disease vulnerability; and Prevention and control of ID. It includes field trips by groups and discussion around readings assigned to students. ASSESSMENT 10% glossary contributions (at least three in the term, not the same week) 20% Forums of discussion (one per student) 10% quizzes (5 quizzes due end of term) 30%. Case presentation no 1. Students will be assign to a case on a determinant of an ID. They have to come to class prepare to present orally the case and provide discussion on a specific topic. 30%. Field trip and presentations. Students will be assigne to a local organization that works on responding to ID prevention or control. Students should present the field trip and prepare a discussion on a major topic. COURSE CALENDAR DATE Class 1 CONTENT Syllabus presentation/ Introduction to ID burden globally and in Canada Class 2 Basic concepts of ID: natural history, transmission, dynamics of risk, socioecological model Surveillance of infectious diseases, local examples. Invite Kieran Moore Outbreak investigation: basic concepts and analysis Laboratory tools for ID/ screening for ID. Anna Majury Study week Class 3 Class 4 Class 5 Class 6 Class 9 Disease ecology (I) Introduction (individual and social factors): Case No 2 and No 3: Poverty, gender and HIV and TB Disease ecology II (Climate change, urbanization, travel, wars): Case No 4 and No 5. Dengue, malaria Lyme diseases Ethics and ID: Case no 6 and 7: Vaccines and self-­‐testing? Infection in institutions and its control: field trips to KGH and Prisons Class 10 Community based interventions: field trip to HARS and Street health Class 11 Control of ID at public health units: field trip to KFLA Class 7 Class 8