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MULTIPLE CHOICE. Choose the one alternative that best completes the statement or answers the question.
1) All of the following are synthesized along various sites of the endoplasmic reticulum except
one. Identify the exception.
A) proteins
B) fatty acids
D) phospholipids
E) steroids
2) If an animal cell lacked centrioles, it would not be able to
A) produce DNA.
B) undergo nuclear division.
C) synthesize proteins.
D) metabolize sugars.
E) maintain its balance.
3) Epithelia are connected to underlying connective tissues by
A) protein filaments embedded in glycoprotein.
B) a basement membrane.
C) a basal lamina.
D) A and B
E) A, B, and C
4) Which type of tissue below has minimal extracellular matrix?
A) muscle
B) connective
C) epithelial
D) neural
E) A, C, and D
5) The type of junction protein important in growth and development are
A) claudins.
B) CAMs.
C) occludins.
D) integrins.
E) connexins.
6) The term secretion refers to
A) the process by which a cell releases a substance into the extracellular space.
B) storage of a material, until it is time for it to leave the cell.
C) synthesis of a protein for export from the cell.
D) the manufacture and assembly of a material.
E) None of the above describe secretion.
7) Microtubules
A) form cilia that aid in cell movement.
B) are the largest cytoplasmic fibers.
C) are composed of tubulin.
D) are hollow, filamentous structures.
E) all of the above
8) Which of the following is NOT a membrane lipid?
A) sphingolipids
C) cholesterol
B) phospholipids
D) All of the above are membrane lipids.
9) Arrange the following events in protein secretion in the proper sequence.
1. The polypeptide chain enters the lumen of the endoplasmic reticulum.
2. A secretory vesicle is formed.
3. A transport vesicle is formed.
4. The polypeptide chain enters the lumen of the Golgi complex.
A) 3, 1, 4, 2
B) 4, 3, 1, 2
C) 1, 3, 2, 4
D) 1, 2, 3, 4
E) 1, 3, 4, 2
10) The proteins synthesized in the rough endoplasmic reticulum are then sent to
A) the smooth endoplasmic reticulum for storage.
B) the Golgi complex for packaging.
C) the cell membrane for secretion.
D) the nucleus for cellular use.
E) the lysosome for modification.
11) Plasma is to blood as __________ is to cytoplasm.
A) cytosol
B) serum
C) organelle
D) inclusion
E) protein
12) Microvilli are found
A) mostly in muscle cells.
B) on the inside of cell membranes.
C) in large numbers on cells that secrete hormones.
D) only on cells lining the reproductive tract.
E) in cells that are actively engaged in absorption.
13) Mature nerve and muscle cells are expected to lack which organelle?
A) ribosomes
B) nucleus
C) endoplasmic reticulum
D) centrioles
E) Golgi bodies
14) The heaviest organ in the body is the
A) stomach.
B) brain.
C) liver.
D) skin.
E) urinary bladder.
15) Renewal or modification of the cell membrane is a function of the
A) Golgi complex.
B) microtubules.
C) ribosomes.
D) mitochondria.
E) rough endoplasmic reticulum.
16) The watery medium that surrounds a cell is known as
A) plasma.
B) cytosol.
C) extracellular fluid.
D) protoplasm.
E) cytoplasm.
17) Cells that store fat are called
A) adipocytes.
B) fibroblasts.
C) mast cells.
D) melanocytes.
E) liposomes.
18) The control center for cellular operations is the
A) ribosomes.
B) endoplasmic reticulum.
C) mitochondria.
D) Golgi complex.
E) nucleus.
19) Epithelial cells that are adapted for membrane transport of materials, such as ions and
nutrients, usually have __________ on their apical surface.
A) junctional complexes
B) mitochondria
C) cilia or flagella
D) microvilli
E) vesicles
20) A layer of glycoproteins and a network of fine protein filaments that prevents the movement of
proteins and other large molecules from the connective tissue to epithelium describes
A) endothelium.
B) the basal lamina.
C) interfacial canals.
D) areolar tissue.
E) the reticular lamina.
SHORT ANSWER. Write the word or phrase that best completes each statement or answers the question.
Match the type of cell junction with the best description. Answers may be used once, more than once, or not at all.
A. gap junction
B. tight junction
C. anchoring junction
21) simplest cell-cell junction
22) Communication between the nucleus and cytosol occurs through __________.
The five functional types of epithelia are listed below. Match each type with its location and/or description.
23) This tissue is composed of cells with membrane extensions that beat in a coordinated
fashion to move fluid and particles across the tissue.
24) Cells are transformed into specialized units during __________.
25) Cancer is not one disease but a group of related diseases, caused by abnormal genes,
environmental factors, and/or viral infections. Describe the basic common
characteristics of cancers, including the role of anchoring junctions and proteases. What
is a tumor? What is metastasis? Is cancer usually considered to be contagious? Explain.
26) Structures composed of epithelial cells that produce secretions are called __________.
27) The study of tissue structure and function is called __________.
28) __________ proteins attach loosely to other membrane proteins or polar regions of
The five functional types of epithelia are listed below. Match each type with its location and/or description.
29) Found in the epidermis, esophagus, and mouth, these stacked layers of cells prevent
exchange, while they resist chemicals, bacteria, and other destructive forces.
30) Sketch a short series of simple columnar epithelial cells. Label each of the three
different borders. Briefly explain the different kinds of activities that may go on at each
border, and tell how their structures and junctions support these functions.
ESSAY. Write your answer in the space provided or on a separate sheet of paper.
31) Describe the progression of a fertilized egg, from totipotent cell through pluripotent and multipotent stem
cells. How might stem cells be of therapeutic value? What is plasticity?
32) Define, compare, and contrast each term listed and explain how the terms are related to each other: rough
endoplasmic reticulum, smooth endoplasmic reticulum, ribosomes, and Golgi body.
33) Describe the structure of the cytoskeleton, and list its functions.
34) Describe the composition and function of the extracellular matrix.
35) What type of epithelium would one expect to compose the alveoli (air sacs) in the lungs? Defend your
Answer Key
Testname: CHAPTER3
1) C
2) B
3) E
4) E
5) B
6) A
7) E
8) D
9) E
10) B
11) A
12) E
13) D
14) D
15) A
16) C
17) A
18) E
19) D
20) B
21) A
22) nuclear pores
23) C
24) differentiation
25) Cancer results when cells
begin to divide and grow and
do not respond to normal
controls that would limit their
growth. Anchoring junctions
eventually fail to keep the
cancer cells together, allowing
them to spread to other organs
where they continue to grow
uncontrolled. Some cancer cells
secrete proteases that improve
their ability to spread or
metastasize. A tumor is a lump
of cancerous cells. Cancer is
usually not contagious, being
caused instead by genetic
mutations in an individual or
exposure to environmental
factors by that individual;
exceptions are cancers caused
by viruses, which are believed
to be the minority.
26) glands
27) histology
28) Peripheral
29) D
30) This is discussed in the
"Tissues of the Body" section of
the chapter.
31) This is discussed in the "Tissue
Remodeling" section of the
32) All are structures involved in
synthesis of biomolecules. All
but ribosomes are
membranous structures.
Ribosomes may be free or
attached to ER, making it
rough. See Fig. 3-12 in the
33) The cytoskeleton consists of
actin microfilaments,
intermediate filaments, and
microtubules and forms a
scaffolding throughout the
cytoplasm. An interesting
feature is that some of the
proteins are relatively fixed in
position, whereas others can
be rapidly assembled or
disassembled as necessary.
The functions include
providing mechanical strength
and shape, stabilizing position
of organelles, intracellular
transport system, functional
linkage to other cells and to
extracellular space, and
cell-generated movements.
34) In any tissue, the extracellular
matrix consists of two basic
and insoluble proteins. The
matrix plays an important role
in processes ranging from
growth and development to
cell death. The matrix aids in
cell communication with its
environment by attaching to
the cell membrane or
35) Since gases must diffuse across
the alveoli and associated
capillaries you would expect to
find exchange epithelia,
composed of very thin cells
(simple squamous epithelium).
Thicker types of epithelial cells
would slow the process of gas
diffusion to and from the